30 Before 30 Bucket List Ideas: Things to Do by Your 30th Birthday (2024)

Perhaps your 30th birthday is approaching, or you just started your 20s and are wondering, ‘What should I add to my 30 before 30 bucket list?‘ You have come to the right place! In this article, we list examples of the best 30 things to do before turning 30.

While one issupposed to look forward to their birthday, reaching the life milestone of becoming 30 years old is something many people in their 20s dread, especially when they are in their late 20s.

You could fear turning 30 because you worry that your youth is over and the best years of your life are behind you. You may alsofeel like you are running out of timeto have your life figured out and think that society will judge you for not meeting its expectations of people at 30.

But even though turning 30 can be scary, there are ways you can prepare for it and get the most out of your 20s. Instead of dreading your 30s, you can look forward to the end of your 20s, celebrate this milestone, and begin the third decade of your life with an optimistic attitude.

Here are ideas to add to your 30 before 30 bucket list to help you welcome the third floor with happiness andno regrets.

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30 Things to Do Before 30 Bucket List Ideas

  1. Figure out what you want

What is your purpose in life? What are your passions, values,likes and dislikes? By the time you hit 30, you should have figured out what you want in life.

Use your 20s to experiment with different things in your personal and professional life toknow what makes you happyand fulfilled. Also, reflect and ask yourself questions to understand yourself better.

Before making any decisions, think them through to avoid getting stuck with things you only wanted temporarily.

Remember that what you want in life should be personal, not dictated by other people’s expectations or trends.

READ ALSO:Finding Your Purpose: 10 Ways to Figure Out What You Want in Life

  1. Set your priorities straight

Most people in their 20s feel like they have all the time in the world to achieve their goals. They, therefore, waste a lot of time doing nothing or on activities that don’t add value to their life.

While there is nothing wrong with having fun or being idlesometimes, you may derail your life if youwaste too much timeon unimportant things. Add setting your priorities straight to your 30 before 30 bucket list.

Now that you know what you want in life, identify the main areas of your life to set goals and prioritize the things that matter most to you. Create an action plan and ensure that the things you spend most ofyour timeon help you grow and make you happy.

  1. Accept and love yourself as you are

It would be unfortunate to still be struggling with self-acceptance and self-love in your 30s. So, one of the best things to do before turning 30 is toembrace your authentic self, flaws and all.

Find ways to resolve any internal conflict, build self-confidence, recognize your worth, love yourself as you are, anddevelop a better relationship with yourself before you hit 30.

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle

Living healthily in your 20s is one of thethings your future self will thank you for.

Some healthy habits to add to your 30 before 30 bucket list include eating healthy foods, exercising to get in shape, maintaining personal hygiene, avoiding drugs and alcohol, getting enough sleep, applying sunscreen, and taking care of your mental health.

Continue these habits even after turning 30 to stay healthy andlive longer.

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  1. Get higher education

Though more people are questioning its value today, a college education is still a goodinvestment in oneself, and one of the best things to do before 30. You can go for an undergraduate degree only or proceed to postgraduate study.

Our brains learn new things better when we are younger. Additionally, pursuing a higher education makes it easier for you to secure a good job or start your own business.

The college experience also influences your way of thinkingand enables you to meet people from all walks of life. These can be some of the best years of your life.

  1. Get a good job

You shouldn’t still be job hopping or unemployed in your 30s.Get your life togetherby the time your 20s are over.

On your 30 before 30 bucket list, include getting a good job. One that is not only well-paying and stable but also fulfilling and in a non-toxic workplace.

You could get employed or create your own job by starting a business.

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  1. Build and maintain healthy relationships

Your relationships with others play a key role in your happiness and sense of fulfillment in life. So, include building and maintaining healthy relationships to your 30 before 30 bucket list.

Strengthen your personal relationships, e.g., relationships with yourfamily, romantic partner, or friends, and improve your professional relationships with colleagues, clients, and even competitors.

These people are your support system. Depending on the kind of relationship you have with them, they can offerdifferent types of social supportyou may need in life.

  1. Get your finances in order

You are in your 20s, and this is probably the first time you are earning your own money. You may be tempted to spend it all on the things you wantright nowand think it’s too early to start planning for the future and retirement. That would be a mistake.

Developing good money habitsis one of the best things to do before you turn 30. Set financial goals and start saving for retirement, emergencies, and other important things you need, spend your money wisely, invest, diversify your income streams, pay off debt, and avoid borrowing money.

Get your finances in order and stay on top of your financial situation going forward. With good money habits, you may evenachieve financial freedom before 30.

  1. Travel

Traveling the world is one of the things nearly everyone wants to do before they die. It should be on your 30 before 30 bucket list as well.

Traveling while young, like in your 20s, is easier for most people because they have fewer responsibilities, more friends, and more money to spend on fun activities. It has many benefits, including having incredible experiences, making great memories, meeting new people, discovering new places, and learning more about the world and yourself.

While most people prefer traveling with friends and family, traveling solo can bea life-changing experience. Try it as well. Even if you only travel domestically, solo trips will still be great experiences to have before you turn 30.

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  1. Learn new skills

Imagine a 30-year-old who can’t take care of themselves or do the simplest tasks. Don’t be this person.

On your 30 before 30 bucket list, include learning new skills such as housekeeping, needlework, communication, writing, self-defense, playing a musical instrument, pottery, dancing, coding, public speaking, data analysis, carpentry, and more.

You could take classes, become an apprentice, watch tutorials, or practice by yourself until you perfect the new skills. While some are good ashobbies, other skills can help you advance your career and be more self-sufficient.

  1. Get involved in your community

In a world where people are becomingmore self-absorbed and selfish, be the odd one out and care for others by doing acts of kindness.

One of the best things to do before 30 is to get involved in your community by attending and participating in meetings, organizing projects, volunteering in care homes, donating to charities, voting, and helping the elderly, disabled, or others in need. These acts of kindness willmake your life extraordinary.

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  1. Get rid of bad habits

Unfortunately, many people develop bad habits in their 20s due to the increased freedom caused by being far from their parents, peer pressure, and earning their own money. However, these behaviors can hold you back in life.

Getting rid of your bad habits must be on your 30 before 30 bucket list. From drug and alcohol abuse to procrastination, nail-biting, overeating, being disorganized, gossiping, andworrying about what other people think, all your bad habits must go before you turn 30. Replace them with better habits.

  1. Cut off toxic people

Perhaps you havetoxic friendsor family; the kinds of people who affect your life negatively. The good thing is thatyou are now an adultand don’t have to keep people around unlessyou wantthem in your life.

Cutting toxic people off is one of the best things to do before turning 30. It has numerous benefits, including helping you save time and money, improving your overall health, and increasing your safety.

You will have peace of mind and have better chances of success with these people out of your life. Additionally,cutting toxic people offwill give you a chance to form better relationships with others.

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  1. Get comfortable with being on your own

If you usually need the company of others and feel weird about doing things alone, getting comfortable with being on your own is one of the best 30 before 30 bucket list ideas. Having torely on other people for happinessand needing their company all the time can limit you.

Start doing things alone more often and be okay with it. For instance, tryliving aloneor doing fun activities like solo traveling, going to the movies or concerts by yourself, picnicking, hiking, or going to restaurants onsolo dates.

You will have a lot of fun, gain self-confidence, become self-sufficient, and learn a lot about yourself when you get comfortable doing things alone.

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  1. Go for regular medical checkups

Don’t go to the doctor only when anyone can easily tell you are sick. Many illnesses are not outwardly visible. You may only realize they exist when symptoms start manifesting, for example, pain, swelling, or damage to your skin.

Among the 30 things to do before 30, one of the most important to have on your bucket list is regular medical checkups. Getting health checks often can enable you to identify early signs ofhealth issuesso you can take the necessary actions to cure or manage them as soon as possible.

  1. Take risks

Before your 30th birthday, make it your goal to overcome at least one of your fears. Challenging yourself by doing things that scare you can enable you to gain new life experiences, become more self-confident, create good memories,make your life exciting and interesting, and unlock your potential.

Get out of your comfort zone and take risks. However, ensure that the things you choose to add to your 30 before 30 bucket list won’t endanger your life, harm anyone else, orget you arrested.

Examples of risks to take in your 20s include starting a business, sharing your feelings with someone you like, going skinny dipping, getting married, moving to a new country, trying an extreme sport, quitting your job, andsaying yesto new opportunities.

  1. Limit screen time

We live in the digital age, where many of us spend most of our time staring at screens. If we are not looking at our phones, we are probably using computers, watching television, or playing video games. It is time toreclaim your life from your gadgets.

Limiting screen time is one of the best 30 before 30 bucket list ideas. It will enable you to have real-life experiences. You will be more present, have better mental health, and have more free time to focus on other productive andfun activities.

  1. Experience failure and disappointments

Your younger years, especially your 20s, are a good time for experimenting and discovering yourself. During this period, you maymake mistakesand fail in things.

But that’s okay. Setbacks are a part of life, and having them before you turn 30 is a good thing. You have a better chance and more time toturn your life aroundwhen you are young.

Experiencing failure and disappointments, evenhitting rock bottom, will help you grow as you rebuild your life. You will learn from your mistakes, gain self-confidence, realize what you are capable of, and develop resilience, all of which will help you in future endeavors.

  1. Let go of the past

The things you are holding on to from your past could be what is holding you back in life. They keep youstuck in the past, hindering your personal growth. It could be things like grudges, traumatic experiences, stuff belonging to people who are no longer in your life, or past glories.

Don’t bring your issues from when you were younger to this new decade. Before you turn 30, one of the best things to do is to let go of the past in order to start this new chapter of your life on a clean slate.

Your past already happened, and there’s nothing you can do to change it now. Constantly thinking about it doesn’t do you any good. If you can’t move on from the past by yourself, consulting a therapist can be helpful.

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  1. Organize your life

Being disorganized can make you feel overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious. To make your life easier, get organized by creating routines, following schedules, and makingto-do lists. Also, declutter your home and ensure all your belongings have designated spaces.

Becoming more organized is one of the best things to do before turning 30. It helps reduce clutter in your brain and physical space, relieve stress, increase productivity, and improve your memory.

  1. Cultivate a reading habit

You can never learn everything there is to learn. Whether you do it for knowledge or pleasure, cultivating a reading habit is one of the best things to do before 30.

Reading helps you learn new things, expand your vocabulary, develop empathy, gain a new perspective, experience a fictional world, and use your free time wisely. It also alleviates feelings of loneliness.

If you don’t have a TBR list or favorite genres and authors, add reading classic novels to your 30 before 30 bucket list.

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  1. Get new experiences

What are some things you want to experience before your 30th birthday?

On your 30 before 30 bucket list, you could include activities you have never done before but have been wanting to try. They don’t have to be risky, just new.

Some new experiences that may be on your list of 30 things to do before 30 include,attending a favorite musician’s concert, flying first class, trying cuisines from different countries, going to a museum, sky diving, surfing, fasting, climbing a big mountain, owning a pet, seeing the aurora borealis, getting a tattoo, attending a particular festival, or bungee jumping.

Falling in love, getting married, and having kids are other good new experiences to have before 30.

  1. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude

Many of us overlook the good things happening in our lives. One may not realize how lucky they are when things are going well in their life. Alternatively, you may not notice or appreciate the good things in your life when going through a difficult time.

Instead of recognizing what a privilege it is to get the chance to grow older, you are probably even feeling afraid and hating that you are turning 30 years old because you are notokay with aging. Remember that many people don’t live to see their 30th birthday.

Becoming a grateful person is one of the best things to do before turning 30. It makes you happier, attractsabundance, and makes you more optimistic. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude by always looking forthings to be thankful foreach day, no matter how small they may be.

  1. Take responsibility for your life

It is easy to blame others for your misfortunes in life. However, at a certain age,playing the victimno longer works.

Sure, you may have come from a rough background, but you are now old enough to make decisions regarding your own life to improve it.

Before turning 30, one of the best things to do is to take responsibility for your own life and stop playing the blame game. Stop blaming others and making excuses. It is up to you to create the life you want.

  1. Live in the moment

All work and no play makes you a dull person. Even as you set goals to achieve before turning 30, ensure you have fun and live life to the fullest in your 20s.

Do the activities you enjoy while you still have the energy, free time, and fewer responsibilities. Also, stop worrying about the future and just live in the moment. Nobody knows if they will still be here tomorrow or if they will be healthy enough to do what they want to do in the future.

While time may seem to be moving slowly when you are young and having fun, your youth passes by quickly. Have fun while you are still young and create great memories to cherish as you get older.

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  1. Give yourself a makeover

Perhaps you don’t want to start your 30s with the same style you had in your 20s. Maybe with this upcoming milestone, you are finally accepting that you are an adult and you want to do things that make you look mature.

One of the best things to do before your 30th birthday is to give yourself a makeover. You could try anew hairstyle, do a wardrobe overhaul, try a new makeup routine, get a haircut, begin a new skincare regimen,get your nails done, or buy new jewelry and accessories.

Also,work on your postureand body language.

When giving yourself a makeover, do things that make you feel good and look good.

  1. Start a family

WHETHER and WHEN to get married and have kidsare personal decisions. If you want to, starting a family in your 20s, especially in your late 20s, is one of the best things to do before 30.

You will raise your kids while still young and energetic, likely have more than one income, lead a healthier lifestyle, become more caring, and have a close support system.

However, you should ensure that you are getting married and having kids for the right reasons. Don’t do it just to tick off one of the items on your 30 before 30 checklist. Start a family when you are ready.

  1. Buy/build a house

You got a good job and are earning well. Perhaps you have also started a family. The next thing to do before you turn 30 is tobuy or build a house. It is a good long-term investment and a source of pride.

Having a place to call your own will give you a sense of stability. You will also have more privacy and freedom to customize your space.

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  1. Create your 30s bucket list

As the decade of your 20s ends, a new one of your 30s begins.

One of the best things to do before you turn 30 is to create your 30s bucket list. Set goals for the things you want to achieve before turning 40, and remember to include those you didn’t accomplish from your 30 before 30 bucket list.

The goals you set for your 30s will direct your actions for the next decade. As the years go by and your desires change, it is okay to change or add more items to your 40 before 40 bucket list.

  1. Plan your 30th birthday

Your 30th birthday is a big deal. You have to plan for it meticulously.

Some of the best things to do before you turn 30 include planning for your 30th birthday party, buying yourself a gift, going for a photoshoot, buying a cake, creating a playlist, and outlining the activities to do on your birthday.

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Wrapping Up

There you have it. A list of 30 things to do before you turn 30. Note that since we are all different and each has our own goals in life, your best 30 before 30 bucket list ideas could be different from the ones above.

There are probably many other things you want to do before your 30th birthday that are not on this list. Whatever it is you want to do in your 20s to prepare for the third decade of your life, go for it.

Ensure that the things you do before turning 30 years old help you have fun, stay healthy, learn, gain experience, grow, andlive a fulfilling life.

Note that even though it’s good to do these things before your 30th birthday, life doesn’t end at 30. If you haven’t done some of the things on this 30 before 30 bucket list by the time your birthday comes around, you can still do them in your 30s and beyond. It’s never too late to create your ideal life.

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30 Before 30 Bucket List Ideas: Things to Do by Your 30th Birthday (2024)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.