CPRS Technical Databook_Scientige - [PDF Document] (2024)

CPRS Technical Databook_Scientige - [PDF Document] (1)

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CPRS Technical Databook_Scientige - [PDF Document] (2)


Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

Table of Contents SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ... .................................................................................................................... ...5

PATENTED PRODUCTS .................................................................................................................................... .5

OPERATION FEATURES ................................................................................................................................. ...8

OPERATION PRINCIPLE ................................................................................................................................. ...8

TOOL TYPES ... ................................................................................................................................................ .8

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION........................................................................................................................... ..9

Downhole Tools... .....................................................................................................................................9

Surface Tools ... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..9

TYPICAL APPLICATIONS ................................................................................................................................. .9

PERFORMANCE COMPARISON BEFORE AND AFTER INSTALLATION ... ...................................................... ...10

SCALE AND CORROSION PREVENTION AND REMOVAL ... ................................................... ..11

NATURE OF WATER... ................................................................................................................................. ...11

PERFORMANCE AND ADVANTAGES ... ........................................................................................................ ...13

COMMON TYPES OF SCALE ... .................................................................................................................... ...14



WHY CPRS ACTS AS A CATALYST ... ........................................................................................................ ...16

RELATIVE ELECTRO-NEGATIVITIES OF CPRS AND THE WATER SOLUTION ... .......................................... ..17


THE ELECTROMOTIVE SERIES ... ................................................................................................................. ...17


HOW RUST AND CORROSION ARE INHIBITED AND DISSOLVED ... ............................................................... ...19

CLEANING PERIOD ....................................................................................................................................... .20

SUMMARY ... ........................................................................................................................................................ ..21

PARAFFIN PREVENTION AND REMOVAL ... ............................................................................... ...22

NATURE OF CRUDE OIL ... .......................................................................................................................... ...22

HOW PARAFFIN BUILDS UP ........................................................................................................................... .22

HOW CPRS PREVENT THE PARAFFIN BUILDUP ......................................................................................... ...22

SUMMARY ... ........................................................................................................................................................ ..22

SURFACE UNIT ....................................................................................................................................... .24

STRUCTURE AND OPERATION ... ................................................................................................................. ...24

TECHNICAL DATA SHEET ........................................................................................................................... ...24

UNIT INSTALLATION... ................................................................................................................................. ..25

How to Install the Unit ... ........................................................................................................................... ...25

Installation Dimension .............................................................................................................................. ...25

Scientige Sdn. Bhd, Suite 8-11, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA 2, No.21, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-2161 8696 Fax: +603-2161 5696 www.scientige.com

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

TYPICAL APPLICATION AND INSTALLATIONS ... ........................................................................................ ...27

Cooling Tower ..................................................................................................................................................... .27

Boilers .......................................................................................................................................................... .27

Injection Well ... .......................................................................................................................................... ..28

Production Lines ... .................................................................................................................................... ...28

Oil Transfer Station .................................................................................................................................... ..29

Production Battery .................................................................................................................................... ...30

DOWNHOLE UNIT................................................................................................................................. ..31

DESCRIPTION... ............................................................................................................................................. .31

CONVENTIONAL DOWNHOLE UNIT STRUCTURE AND DIMENSIONS ... .......................................................... .31

TECHNICAL DATA ... .................................................................................................................................... ..31

OPERATION BENEFITS ................................................................................................................................. ..32

HOW IT WORKS... .......................................................................................................................................... .32

APPLICATION IN OIL PRODUCTION ... ........................................................................................................... .33

APPLICATION IN HEAVY OIL ........................................................................................................................ .33

INSTALLATION OF DOWNHOLE UNIT ... ........................................................................................................ .33

Installation with Subsaver ... ........................................................................................................................ .33

Installation with CPRS Joint ... ................................................................................................................. ...33

APPLICATION AND INSTALLATIONS IN OIL WELLS ... ................................................................................... .34

Pumping Well ... .......................................................................................................................................... ..34

Flowing Well ... .......................................................................................................................................... ...34

Gaslifting Well ..................................................................................................................................................... .35

ESP Well ... ........................................................................................................................................................... .35

MAINTENANCE AND SERVICES ..................................................................................................... ...36

SURFACE UNITS ... ....................................................................................................................................... ..36

DOWNHOLE UNITS ... .................................................................................................................................... .36

NOTICE.......................................................................................................................................................... .36

OPERATION LIFE SPAN ... ................................................................................................................. ...37

CASE STUDIES ... .................................................................................................................................... ..38

PARAFFIN PREVENTION AND REMOVAL ..................................................................................................... ..38

Changqing Oilfield/PetroChina ... .............................................................................................................. .38

Hook -State Well #1 / Touchstone Resources ... ......................................................................................40

East Texas /Exxonmobil Oil Company ..................................................................................................... ...40

Shell IMO River-59T, High Paraffin Wells ... ............................................................................................ ..41

HP Gas and Condensate Oil Wells / Austral Oil Company... ................................................................... ..41

Scale and Paraffin Oil Wells / Armstrong and Associates ......................................................................... ..42

Paraffin and Corrosion Wells / Austral Oil Company................................................................................ .42

SCALE PREVENTION AND REMOVAL... ........................................................................................................ ..43

Reverse Osmosis Membrane Test / Roswell Test Facility ... ...................................................................... .43

Salt Water Injection Well application / East Texas ... ............................................................................... ..43

Cooling Towers and Ice Machine / Reddy Ice Plant, Houston, Texas... .................................................... .44

Cooling Towers /Cagle’s/Keystone Poultry ... ............................................................................................ .44

Scientige Sdn. Bhd, Suite 8-11, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA 2, No.21, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-2161 8696 Fax: +603-2161 5696 www.scientige.com

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

CORROSION PREVENTION AND REMOVAL ... ............................................................................................... ..45

Iron-Sulfide problems / Hugoton Gas Field ............................................................................................... .45

Sulfate Reducing Bacteria Problems in Waterflood Operation ................................................................. ..45

Main Water Line / Aramark Linen, Tyler, Texas ... ................................................................................... ...46

OTHER APPLICATIONS ... ............................................................................................................................. ..46

Peanut Farm / LaMesa, Texas..................................................................................................................... .46

CUSTOMER LIST ... ................................................................................................................................ .47

INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMERS ... ................................................................................................................. ..47

CHINA CUSTOMERS .................................................................................................................................... ...49

Scientige Sdn. Bhd, Suite 8-11, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA 2, No.21, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-2161 8696 Fax: +603-2161 5696 www.scientige.com

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems


The Corrosion Prevention and Removal System (CPRS) is a complete series

of the tools comprised of dissimilar metals in a patented process for the

prevention and removal of scale, paraffin, asphaltene deposits and rust in oil

and gas production and any heat water systems.

Patented Products

The system design, material composition and metallurgical processing have been patented in

USA, Canada, Mexico and some other countries. The USA patents include: 4,789,031US,

D446,797 S, and US 473,925.

Scientige Sdn. Bhd, Suite 8-11, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA 2, No.21, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-2161 8696 Fax: +603-2161 5696 www.scientige.com

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

Scientige Sdn. Bhd, Suite 8-11, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA 2, No.21, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-2161 8696 Fax: +603-2161 5696 www.scientige.com

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

Scientige Sdn. Bhd, Suite 8-11, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA 2, No.21, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-2161 8696 Fax: +603-2161 5696 www.scientige.com

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

Operation Features

• Prevention and removal of the buildup of paraffin, Scale and Corrosion

• Non-magnetic, non-electric, and no chemical required, environmental friendly

• A wide range of applications

• Reduced downtime

• Reduced chemicals cost

• Reduced hot oil treatments

• Reduced bottom sludge setting in tank batteries

• Increased equipment efficiency and life

• Easy installation and almost maintenance free

Operation Principle

CPRS is comprised of nine dissimilar metals as Copper, Zinc and Nickel, etc., which can form a

special catalyst to enable a change in electrostatic potential, and also polarize the liquid

molecular or minerals, therefore the following performance can be achieved:

• Prevention of new paraffin, scale and rust buildup;

• Removal of existing paraffin, scale and rust on the surface of the equipment and


• Removal of algae, CO2, H2S gas and improvement of liquid quality.

Tool types

Bar Style Tubing Joint Style Low Pressure High Pressure

Downhole Unit Downhole Unit Surface Unit Surface Unit

Scientige Sdn. Bhd, Suite 8-11, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA 2, No.21, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-2161 8696 Fax: +603-2161 5696 www.scientige.com

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

Technical Specification

Downhole Tools







Surface Tools

Bar Style Downhole Unit

1.66”(OD) X 20.0” (L)X 1.00”


10.0”(L)X0 .75” (OD)

90 GPM (20M3/hour)

Nipples, adaptors or threads

Tubing Joint Style Downhole Unit

2-3/8” 2-7/8”

Bar Style Downhole Tool Bar Style Downhole Tool

90 GPM (20M3/hour) 90 GPM (20M3/hour)

Standard Tubing Threads, Box Up and Pin Down

Type Low Pressure Surface Unit High Pressure Surface Unit

Size 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8”

Plate Nos. 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6

Flow Capacity

Pressure Drop factors

Working Pressure 1.5 - 2.5 MPa 10 MPa, 20 MPa, 35 MPa


Typical Applications

Standard Flange Connections

Downhole Application

• Flowing Wells

• Pumping Wells

• Gaslifting Wells

Surface Application

• Boiler/Any heat water facilities

• Cooling Towers

• Heat Water Systems

• Production Facilities

• Water Injection Wells

• Petrochemical Plants

• Oilfield Pipelines


Scientige Sdn. Bhd, Suite 8-11, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA 2, No.21, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-2161 8696 Fax: +603-2161 5696 www.scientige.com

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

Performance Comparison Before and After Installation

BEFORE the CPR system was installed, 30 days AFTER the installation of CPR

filters were changed every 6 days and system, filters were changed for the first

chemicals were used everyday time. No chemicals are being used

Scientige Sdn. Bhd, Suite 8-11, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA 2, No.21, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-2161 8696 Fax: +603-2161 5696 www.scientige.com

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems


The CPRS consists of a special alloy that acts as a catalyst and effects colloidal dispersions

in water. It is used to treat water for service in homes, buildings, air conditioning, and refrigeration

units, boilers, and heat exchangers, to name a few. Since this treatment is catalytic in action, it is

economical for continuous treatment. Nothing is added to the water and, other that a degassing

effect, nothing is removed from the water. The most important commercial application of

CPRS is that problems due to scale formation in various water systems are either eliminated or

dramatically decreased.

A catalyst, by definition, is an agent that allows an action, either chemical or physical, change, to

occur at a high and practical rate and without the agent being consumed in the process. Such

catalyzed reactions thus can be achieved advantageously at reasonable condition (temperature, etc.)

whereas these reactions might not occur to even a detectable extent under non-catalyzed but

otherwise extreme conditions.

A colloid is an aggregate of ions or molecules that is small enough to pass through a filter paper and

is easily kept as a suspension of usually undetectable particles. Colloidal suspensions may be stable

for quite some time and unless they are modified, typically do not form larger aggregates or


Nature of Water

In order to understand how a catalyst affects such a stabilized colloidal suspension in water, one

must understand what ingredients are present in normal water and how those ingredients might be


Water normally picks up certain salts and gases as it percolates through the earth, the exact

content of which varies with exposure to local and regional soils, rocks, etc. Rain is close to the

makeup of distilled water but has a small amount of impurities, like fine airborne dirt, etc., which

are acquired on passage through the atmosphere and particularly when it contacts some

collection system. Even distilled water or de-ionized water has traces of impurities that arise

from their process, piping, and containers. For research purposes water can be purified through

approximately a five-step process but may also cost up to $50 per gallon. However, water for

consumption has to have some minerals, as these are vital to life processes. Water treatment for

public use may involve chlorination for bacterial control, flocculation and filtration of

objectionable sediments.

Hereinafter are several technical criteria of water:

Total solids (TS) is a measure of the entire gamut of things in water ranging from suspended dirt to

dissolved salts. To determine TS, the liquid is simple evaporated and the residue weighed.

Turbidity (TURB) is the cloudiness or muddy character of a solution. Turbidity indicates the

true dispersed or suspended solids, including non-filterable colloids, but gives no value for the

Scientige Sdn. Bhd, Suite 8-11, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA 2, No.21, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-2161 8696 Fax: +603-2161 5696 www.scientige.com

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

truly dissolved salts. Turbidity tests are made and compared to standard cloudy solutions, usually

stabilized colloids that have an opaque character.

Conductivity (COND) is an electrical measurement of a solution. The greater the dissolved salt

content, the greater the conductivity. In clear water, COND is proportional to TS. High

conductivity water has a salt or saline hazard to soil and crops.

Total Hardness(TM) is the amount of certain cations, Ca++

plus Mg++

and others such as iron.

Hard water has a high scale-forming tendency, requires more soap to just counteract these hard

cations (by forming soap curds), and does not taste good. High iron content not only causes

unsightly staining of surfaces but also acts as a promoter for the formation of other scales.

Alkalinity (ALK) & pH are terms that five information as to the amount of reactible base or

acid. In normal water, these terms relate to the amounts of carbonate and bicarbonate ions.

Bacteria (BACT) typically measured in drinking water as a check on its suitability. However,

industrial concern is usually for an iron bacterium, which feeds upon sulfate ions in water and

converts them to sulfide ions. The sulfide ions attack metallic iron directly where the bacteria are

attached which physically damages the surface and results in more iron ions in the water.

Reverse osmosis water conditioners remove most of the calcium and magnesium from water and

replace them with sodium, which does not have hardness properties. This type of softener

requires periodic recharging with sodium salts as they are consumed in the process. While

chemically softened water is excellent for washing purposes, it is not good for drinking or

irrigation. Softened water requires very little soap to make the initial suds, as in the “green-soap

hardness test”.

The CPRS is not a water softener as described above. It removes absolutely no minerals from the

water, so hard water will still have exactly the same hardness elements as before treatment with

the CPRS. Therefore, CPRS treated water requires exactly the same amount of soap to form the

initial suds as does raw water. However, CPRS treated water is physically different. Its

suspending qualities are modified by catalytic action so that a weak suds solution performs like a

strong suds solution. The increased efficiency of dirt removal lowers the total soap consumption

to the point where chemical softening is often found unnecessary. Furthermore, CPRS treated

water provides superb rinses, and often prevents curds, scales, and scum from sticking to any

other object.

A simple demonstration of dispersed clay may be performed:

Partially fill two containers with water, one with raw water and one with CPRS treated water

Add a handful of clay dirt to each, stir briefly, and let stand for about 20 minutes. Pour off the

excess water and then literally feel the difference between the two muds with your hand. Note the

dispersed or disintegrated condition of the mud in the CPRS treated water and the smooth slippery

feeling. The clay platelets are easily dispersed into colloidal sizes.

Pitting is by far the most common variety of corrosion in hot water pipes, bailer tubes, condenser

tubes, and other heated surfaces. The major cause of pitting is entrained corrosive gases. For

example: water containing millions of molecules of dissolved oxygen gas will deposit these as

globules at several favored spots on a metal surface when heated. The oxygen naturally oxidizes

Scientige Sdn. Bhd, Suite 8-11, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA 2, No.21, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-2161 8696 Fax: +603-2161 5696 www.scientige.com

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

the metal at these selective points until good size craters are formed, eventually resulting in

pinhole leaks. Carbon Dioxide similarly forms at certain points due to the breakdown of the

naturally occurring bicarbonates, which are also present in much higher amounts than oxygen.

Globules of carbon dioxide react locally with water forming carbonic acid, which can quickly eat

through an unprotected metal.

Performance and Advantages

The CPRS does the following:

• Inhibits scale by retarding mechanical adhesion and subsequent collection of line


• Softens and removes old scale.

• Softens old growths of algae and prevents new attachments.

Removes entrained gases.

• Prevents corrosion.

• Change taste, color, and other subtle solution factors.

Since it is catalytic in action, potentially large savings are possible as most consumed chemical

costs are avoided.

CPRS uses an exclusive metal alloy that acts as a catalyst, which effects colloidal dispersion

thereby enhancing the physical properties of the water. Nothing is added to or extracted from the

water other than a degassing effect to improve its quality. This is extremely helpful since

entrained gasses are the chief cause of pitting on metal surfaces. Because the effect is catalytic in

action, scaling, corrosion, and pitting are prevented without the use of chemicals, electricity or

magnets. CPRS is practically maintenance free. There are no messy filters to clean or replace.

CPRS is completely self-contained and installs directly in your existing line. Many different

models are available to satisfy your specific line size and gallon per minute requirements. Due to our

unique in-line design, convenient installation may be performed virtually anywhere.

CPRS is the non-chemical answer to problems of scale and corrosion in your commercial water

system. It has applications for the following situations:

• Automotive Cooling Systems

• Bottling Plants

• Car Washes

• Cooling Towers

• Boilers

• Dairies

Scientige Sdn. Bhd, Suite 8-11, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA 2, No.21, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-2161 8696 Fax: +603-2161 5696 www.scientige.com

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

• Factories

• Garden Ponds

• Green Houses

• Hospitals

• Hotels

• Ice Machine/Plants

• Laundries

• Municipalities

• Offshore Drilling Rings

• Photo Labs

• Power Plants

• Reverse Osmosis Plants

• Solar Heating Units

• Sprinklers & Irrigation

• Swimming Pools

• Universities

• Water Heaters

• Water Works

Common Types Of Scale

The two most common forms of scale consist of:

• Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and magnesium carbonate (MgCO3 ) (with binders). This

forms in oil well rods and tubing and surface equipment.

• Rust (in galvanized pipes) or corrosion (in/on copper, brass, aluminum, or chrome).

In order to understand the process by which CPRS inhibits scale buildup (commonly called

“lime” or “rust”) and the way in which it breaks down and eliminates existing scale, it is

necessary to understand the nature of scale and how it is formed.

Nature Of CaCo3 And MgCo3 Scale (With Binders)

Calcium carbonate, CaCO3, exists in nature as limestone and marble; Silica (SiO2), alumni

(Al2O3) and calcium sulfate (CaSO4) are principal impurities in limestone and function as binders

(cementing agents). Large deposits of magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) exist in nature with

Scientige Sdn. Bhd, Suite 8-11, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA 2, No.21, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-2161 8696 Fax: +603-2161 5696 www.scientige.com

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

calcium carbonate in the form of dolomite, CaCO3•MgCO3, or as magnesium (MgCO3).

Limestone layers even in high mountainous regions such as the Grand Canyon in Arizona, which has

a depth of over one mile, were each formed over millions of years from remains of sea

creatures precipitated to the bottom of the ocean where the CaCO3 contained in these remains

combined with silica(SiO2), alumni(Al2O3) and/or clay(SiO2.Al2O3.12H2O)which serve as

binders. In addition, limestone usually includes some MgCO3. In the case of the Grand Canyon in

Arizona, scientists have identified at least seven different limestone layers, each containing shells

of marine animals, indicating that the region has been covered by at least seven different oceans in

its geological history.

CaCO3 is only very slightly soluble in water, yet large amounts of calcium become dissolved in

most water supplies by the action of rainwater on limestone. Rainwater is somewhat acidic

because as it falls through the atmosphere, it encounter carbon dioxide (CO2) with which it reacts to

form carbonic acid (H2CO3) as follows:

H2O + CO2 � H2CO3

When rainwater contacts limestone in the earth, limestone material is dissolved and goes into

solution as calcium bicarbonate as follow:

CaCO3 + 2H2CO3 � Ca2+

+ 2HCO3- + 2H2O + CO2

The carbonic acid ionized slightly:

H2CO3 � H

+ + HCO3-

Since the ionization constant of HCO3- is very small:

K1= _ÒH+_Ó*_ÒCO32-_Ó


The addition of H+ ions from the carbonic acid reduces the concentration of CO32- (ions that go into

solution in the water from the CaCO3 solid) because the H+ ion and the CO32- ion combine to form the

slightly ionized bicarbonate ion, HCO3-. The reduction of the concentration of CO32- ion in the

solution causes more CaCO3 to dissolve in the form of Ca2+

+ 2HCO3- in an attempt to saturate

the solution and produce product of the concentrations of Ca2+

and CO32- ions that equals the

solubility product:

Surface waters also dissolve carbon dioxide from soils where it is produced by the slow

oxidization and decay of organic materials. As these waters contact limestone, the limestone

gradually dissolves. Examples of this action are limestone caves and hard water from wells.

The Ca2+

and 2HCO3- that dissolved in water very readily converts into CaCO3 when water is

heated. The amount of Ca2+

and 2HCO3- ions that remain in solution decreases with increases in

temperatures and precipitation as CaCO3 occurs as follows:

Scientige Sdn. Bhd, Suite 8-11, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA 2, No.21, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-2161 8696 Fax: +603-2161 5696 www.scientige.com

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

This is the basis reaction that forms the bulk of the “lime” in water heaters and boilers. This

reaction also occurs when water containing Ca(HCO3)2 evaporates and leaves a CaCO3 residue.

The above-mentioned reactions also apply magnesium and its bicarbonates and carbonates.

For example:

However MgCO3 is appreciably more soluble than CaCO3:

Scientists and engineers who have investigated scale formation various industrial systems have

determined that although MgCO3 and CaCO3 form most of the mass in lime type scale, they

require silica (SiO2), alumna (Al2O3), or calcium sulfate (CaSO4) to act as a binder to hold them in

place just as they do in nature.

CaSO4 exists in ionized for when dissolved in water as the ions Ca2+

and SO4 2- The solubility of

CaSO4 increases with temperature up to about 100°F and then decreases with increasing

temperature. Hence precipitation of CaSO4 also occurs in water heaters and boilers.

SiO2 and Al2O3 are not ions but are relatively neutral colloidal residues that are slightly soluble in

water. SiO2 is found in fresh water in a range of 1-100mg/L. At high concentrations (over 50

mg/L), chemical precipitation appears to occur.

Colloids, including SiO2 , Al2O3 and clay(SiO2 .Al2O3 .12H2O)when suspended in water usually

carry a negative charge. If these negative charges (extra electrons) are neutralized (extra electron

removed), the colloids COAGULATE, PRECIPITATE, AND COMBINE WITH (i.e., become

absorbed by) CaCO3, MgCO3 and CaSO4 to form typical lime scale. The density and hardness of the

scale increases with increase concentration of SiO2, Al2O3, and/or CaSO4.

Approximately 87% of the earth’s solid crust consists of silicon compounds. Silica is one of the

most abundant compounds of silicon. Aluminum is the most abundant metal and the third most

abundant element. The most important one of aluminum is bauxite, a mixture of hydrated

aluminum oxide, Al2O3•3H2O, and iron oxide. Calcium is fifth in abundance of the metals in the

earth’s crust, of which it forms more than 3 %.

How To Prevent Lime Scale Formation And To Dissolve Existing Scale

CPRS alloy consists of many precious and semiprecious metals that form a special

electrochemical catalyst. In addition, the tool is configured to prevent flow restriction while

providing a high degree of turbulence and increased physical contact between the ions and

molecules in the water and the tool itself, in order to maximize catalytic efficiency.

Why CPRS Acts As a Catalyst

All metals give up electrons in their outer atomic shells easily. For this reason, metals are

excellent electrical conductors. Of all non-radioactive metals, cesium is the least acquisitive; it

Scientige Sdn. Bhd, Suite 8-11, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA 2, No.21, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-2161 8696 Fax: +603-2161 5696 www.scientige.com

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

has an Electro negativity of 0.7 on the Electro negativity Scale of the Elements. Gold is the most

electron acquisitive of the metals and has an Electro negativity of 2.4 on the Electro negativity

Scale. The higher the electro-negativity the more acquisitive the element (atom) is concerning

electron for its outer shell to satisfy its own valance.

Relative Electro-negativities of CPRS and The Water Solution

The electro negativity of the core alloy is less than the overall electro negativity of the water

solution. Therefore, the core loses (gives up) more electrons than it acquires to elements such as

hydrogen (H+) ions, which have an electro-negativity of 2.1 and to ionic compounds (radicals) such

as SO42- and CO3

2-, which have higher electro negativities than the core alloy.

The relatively large distances between the nucleus and the electrons of atoms have been

described as follows: If an atom were as large as a house, its nucleus (which is positively charged)

would be smaller than specks of dust that float in the air. When bonded with another atom(s), the outer

orbital shell is pulled out into an egg shape even beyond the boundaries of the walls of the house

because of the attraction of other atom(s).

When water is in the form of ice, the molecules and ions in it are in a relatively rigid pattern. But

in the liquid state, this structure becomes a dynamic, whirling, chaotic dance in which groups of

molecules and ions in the solution take turns whirling around one another, breaking their bonds,

and finding new groups to find partners with. When water rushes through the catalytic alloy

conditioner, the pattern becomes even more frenetic, and electron orbits and associated bonding

undergo increased perturbations and stresses, and additional electrons from the core into the

water solution.

Verifiability of the relative electro-negativities of CPRS and the water


The loss of electrons by CPRS catalytic alloy to the water solution is easily verifiable by: (1)

adapting a catalytic alloy conditioner to a garden hose, (2) turning on the hose faucet, (3)

connecting the positive lead of a multimeter to the conditioner core, (4) inserting the negative

lead probe into the water stream and (5) observing a voltage drop (i.e. the core goes positive with

respect to the water). The fact that the conditioner goes positive with respect to the outer water

stream indicates that electrons are being removed from the catalytic alloy conditioner by the

water solution as it flows through the core.

Electromotive Series

Earlier, the electro negativities of various elements were listed to indicate their relative potentials or

dispositions regarding electron acquisitiveness. Electron acquisitiveness can be regarded as

“reduction potential”. Reduction of an element occurs when its valence becomes more negative (or

less positive); for example in the reaction

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

e- + Cl20 + H2O � HOCl

- + Cl

- + H


One atom of Cl0 is reduced to Cl

- oxidation, which is the opposite of reduction, occurs to an

element when its valence become more positive (or less negative) for example, in the equation

2Cl- �Cl2

0 +2e


2Cl- is oxidized to Cl2

0 to provide chlorine gas plus two electrons, which are available (or can be

made available) for reduction of another substance in the solution or circuit

The Electromotive series is a listing of elements and compound rank ordered according to their

oxidation potentials or dispositions regarding electron relinquishment (or their tendency to lose

electrons). The higher (i.e. the more positive) the oxidation potential of an element is, the better the

element is as a reducing agent.

The Electromotive series and Electro negativity listing provide fundamental frames of reference

and some insight into (1) the many ways in which the elements can interact with each other, (2)

why they interact as they do, (3) under what conditions changes or reactions will occur or will

not occur, and (4) the reasons that metals can function as catalytic as catalytic water conditioning


The Addition of Electrons to Water Solution and Effects on Scale

Electrons are drawn into the water solution the water because the solution contains ions that are

more electronegative than catalytic alloy conditioners core is. Or in terms of the electron series,

catalytic alloy conditioner core contains elements, which have higher oxidation potentials than in

the water solution, As the water flows through the catalytic alloy conditioner, some of the

electrons drawn into the solution displace some already captured ion such as CO32-, HCO3-, SO4


and OCl- during the turbulent orbiting of the various electrons. This allows the “displaced”

electrons to become “free electrons” in the solution and these “free electrons” can be captured by

ions or colloids with lesser electron negativities such as Ca2+

, Mg2+

, SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3. This

allows Ca2+

and Mg2+

to free themselves of CO32- , SO4

2- and HCO3-, and assume their

assume their atomic structures (Ca0 and Mg

0)and break away from their ionic bonds while in

solution or from lattice scale bonds in cases where they are in solid precipitated or scales form.

The increased electron count in the water also inhibitors the breakdown of the bicarbonate ion

into H+ and CO3

2-, when heated water in water heaters and boilers or when alkalinity reaches

levels above pH 8.4.

By acquiring or reacquiring a negative charge, colloidal substances such as silica, alumni, and rust

particles remain in suspension instead of becoming absorbed onto calcium, magnesium and iron

ions; the acquisition of the negative charge also causes these colloidal substances to be repelled

from these ions in the flowing water or they were already onto them. This separation inhibits the

hardness effects of these three ions; hardness in water is always due to the presence of Ca2+

, Mg2+

and Fe2+


The silica and alumna are also able to escape from existing scale lattices to which they have been

absorbed and for which they have been functioning as binders, Thus, the scale lattices are

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gradually broken down and eliminated by the escaping Ca0 and Mg

0 elements and negatively

charged SiO2(-) and Al2O3(-) colloids.

The inhibiting effects of the catalytic alloy conditioner on scale formation can be summarized as


(1) Ca2+

+ 2e- � Ca

(2) Mg2+

+ 2e- �Mg

(3) xSiO2 + xe- � xSiO2(-)

(4) xAl2O3 + xe- � xAl2O3(-)

(5) xFe2O3 + xe- � xFe2O3(-)


(6) HCO3- + xe-

� HCO3- + xe- (inhibition of the CO3

2- , H2O , CO2)

The inhibiting effects in equipment can be summarized as follows:


(7) Ca0+ 2HCO3- � Ca

0 + H2O + 2CO2


(8) 2CO32- � 2CO2 + O2 + 4e-


(9) 2HCO3- + xe- � 2HCO3- + xe

- ( inhibitor of breakdown to CO3

2- , H2O, CO2)

How Rust and Corrosion are Inhibited and Dissolved

Rust is a type of corrosion involving the special case of iron. Rust formation requires three

electrochemical steps:

Loss of metal occurs in an anodic area (anode) of the surface. In the case of iron, iron (Fe0) is lost to

the water solution and becomes oxidized to Fe2+


As a result of the formation of Fe2+

, two electrons are released from the Fe atom and flow

through to a cathodic area (cathode).

Oxygen (O2) in the water solution moves to the cathode and completes the electric circuit by

using the two electrons that moved to the cathode to form hydroxyl ions (OH-) at the cathode

area. The reaction is as follow:

Anodic reaction: Fe0 �Fe

2+ + 2e


Cathodic reaction: 1/2 O2 + H2O + 2e

- �2(HO


Or e- + H+ �H

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If oxygen is absent, hydrogen ions (H+) participate in the reaction (equation (3)) at the cathode

instead of oxygen and complete the electrical circuit. The Fe2+

and OH- ions combine to form

ferrous hydroxide as follows: Fe

2+ + 2OH

- � Fe(OH)2

Rust is termed when Fe(OH)2 is oxidized:

2Fe(OH)2 + 1/2 O2 � Fe2O3 � 2H2O

Corrosion is inhibited if the iron is made more negative compared to its surroundings, forcing the

anode areas to act as cathodes. This is accomplished by the attraction of some of the extra

electron in the water solution (supplied by CPRS) onto the anodic areas, thereby preventing the

ionization of the Fe atoms. The additional electrons also dissolve rust by breaking it into fine

colloidal particles. In a similar manner, corrosion is also inhibited and dissolved for metal other

than iron such as brass and aluminum. It is interesting to note that the addition of electrons to

anodic areas in order to prevent corrosion has been accomplished by other means in the industry;

this method has been called “cathodic protection”. Zinc plating is one example of this method of

cathodic protection since zinc has a higher oxidation potential than iron and forces electron onto

the iron. Cathodic protection has also been obtained by driving stakes of magnesium or zinc into

the ground and connecting them to pipelines or stand pipes to be protected. Water scientists have

found that in addition to rust formed simply by corrosion, rust can be formed and deposited by

iron depositing bacteria in the water such as Sphaerotilus and Gallionella. Iron depositing

bacteria prefer water high in ferrous iron, which then convert to insoluble ferric hydroxide,

Fe(OH)3, which becomes part of the mucilaginous sheath around the cell. These deposits on

galvanized steel pipes and accelerate corrosion rates, which produces additional soluble iron,

further increasing the population of iron, further increasing the population of iron depositing

bacteria in the system. The cycle sometimes continues until the whole system is plugged with

oxidized iron deposits or until a pipe becomes rusted all the way through its walls. The

cathodizing function of the catalytic alloy conditioner also cause the Fe(OH)3 to break up into

fine colloidal particles and go into suspension.

Cleaning Period

For some period of time after a CPRS is installed, especially in older systems, its action of

loosening scale, sediment, and dirt may be limited. During this time the water will be overloaded

with particles loosened from mostly the parts closest to CPRS. This over suspended

concentration of particles may interfere with mechanical action at functional points in the system.

Traps and screens may need to be checked and cleaned very often until the system is cleaned.

After the system is cleaned, CPRS will accomplish the desired results for the entire system.

Be advised that if the condition of the piping system is badly corroded and held together by hard

scale, when CPRS removes scale, leaks may develop, and thus repairs may be anticipated.

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In accordance with electro-negativities of chemical elements and the oxidation potentials of the

elements listed in the Electro-negativity scale and the electromotive series, respectively. CPRS

catalytic alloy provides electrons to the water solution in a catalytic manner or reduce electron

deficiencies in the water. This enables electrochemical changes to occur that

• Inhibit scale and corrosion formation

• Dissolve existing scale and corrosion

• Break down and leach away excessive salts from soil

• Inhibit algae fungus and mildew growth. Because of the bipolar mature of all formed

metals. The conditioner also removes electrons from some negative ions. However the

conditioner provides for a significant net increase of electrons for the ions and colloids

in the water solution, resulting in

• Inhibition of undesirable oxidation reaction

• And increase of beneficial reduction reaction, and

• Keeping/putting of scale binding particles and rust/corrosion particles in colloidal

suspension by providing them with negative charges.

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems


Nature of Crude Oil

Petroleum crude oil consists of four factions, namely oil constituents, resin, asphaltene and

preasphaltene (i.e. carbene and carboid). The chemical and physical properties of crude oils

depend significantly on the relative amounts of each faction and their properties. The asphaltenes

usually contain more condensed aromatic compounds than do the resin and oil factions. The

resins contain aromatic or naphthenic hydrocarbons and components of oil factions may have

napthenic or paraffin structures. Asphaltenes and preasphaltenes in their natural state exist in

micelle form, peptized with resin molecules.

How Paraffin builds up

The center of this micelle can be metal, clay, or water. The essential feature is that the polar

groups (such as S-“negative” and/or N-“negative” and/or O- “negative” containing groups) are

concentrated towards the center. This often is termed oil external-water internal or water-in-oil

emulsion. When crude oils flow into a wellbore, its pressure and temperature decreases. Paraffin and

water then would be released from the water-in-oil emulsion, with the paraffin solidifying at the

reduced temperature condition.

How CPRS Prevent the Paraffin Buildup

As stated above, crude oils are made up of factions, which contain paraffin and water. When

crude oil flows into a wellbore, pressure and temperature are reduced. As the oil/water solution

cools, the paraffin changes to a solid form. The paraffin deposits obstruct the flow of crude oil and

water particles problems.

CPRS can provides an electrochemical change, which stabilizes the water-in-oil emulsion

structure and prevents paraffin being released from the micelle structure and forming solid states.

This allows the solution to move smoothly and cleanly through the pipe without causing deposit



The alloy composition of CPRS provides electrons to the crude in catalytic manner to reduce

electron deficiencies in the crude. This enables electrochemical changes to occur that:

• inhibit scale and corrosion formation

• dissolve existing scale and corrosion

• increase the specific gravity of the crude

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• decrease gaseous content

• Breakdown and leach away excessive waxes.

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Structure and Operation

As shown on the left picture, the surface unit consists of an inlet and

an outlet completed with standard flanges, an outer barrel and an

inner tube, a bevel plate with a center hole, cartridge and a drain

hole with a threaded plug.

The cartridge consists of 4-6 perforated plates (5 plates as

standard design). The perforated plates has been arranged axially

with a threaded bar and is inserted into the inner tube during the


The surface unit

and plates hole

pattern design

will assure the

fluid entering the tool will have a full contact

with the surface of the perforated plates,

resulting a polarization effect on the fluids and

minerals and changes of the characteristics to

prevent the buildup of paraffin, scale and

corrosion on the surface of the flowline and

downstream equipment.

Technical Data Sheet

Unit Sizes 2” 3” 4” 6” 8”

Inlet & Outlet ID 50.8 76.2 101.6 152.4

Inner Tube ID 50.8 76.2 101.6 152.4

Outer Tube ID 114 168 205 273

Cartridge OD 50.8 76.2 101.6 152.4

Plate Nos. 5 5 5 5

Pressure Drop

Connections Flange Flange Flange Flange Flange

• The dimension units are in millimeters

• Five (5) plates as standard, it can be added or reduced per the working condition

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Unit Installation

How to Install the Unit

The installation of the surface unit is very simply. As shown in the following schematic, the unit can

be installed on the flowline through the flange connections. The only thing to be assured is that the

Red Arrow on the unit should be in the same direction of flow direction (as shown in Green


Installation Dimension

The installation dimension of the surface unit is shown in the following table and schematic


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Q_G_ _

Sizes A H D D1 d d1 n

2” 420 280 ¶110 ¶140 ¶50 ¶18 4

3” 500 350 ¶150 ¶185 ¶80 ¶18 4

4” 550 370 ¶170 ¶210 ¶100 ¶18 4

6” 650 493 ¶225 ¶257 ¶150 ¶18 8


• The dimension units are in millimeters

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

Typical Application and Installations

Cooling Tower

Make Up

MHD Cooling

Multimedia Tower


Pump Blowdown





Surface Tool

Surface Tool



Y Strainer









Blowdown Surface Tool Pump

Cooling water


De-aerator Tank

(210 deg F)

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

Injection Well

Injection Well

High Pressure

Pump Water tank

Surface Unit Production Lines

When surface units are used on surface flow line applications, how many units need to be

installed and how far it is between every two units will depend on the working condition. Pemex in

Mexico are using a surface unit at each well. A flow line extending five (5) kilometers

Producing Well Production


Surface Unit

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between wells is standard. This is working very nicely for Pemex with a two (2) inch flow line.

For large size flowlines like six (6) and eight (8) inch lines, the distance between the units should be

much shorter. It is recommended the distance

between units can vary from five (5) kilometers to

ten (10) kilometers depending on the size of the

flow line and the viscosity of the fluid.

Pipelines with a large pressure flow may need to be

closer because the principle of the tool

depends on contact time with the fluids.

Any Surface unit that is used should take into

consideration that fluid contact is important and

the units should be placed in such a manner to

best eliminate the paraffin or scale problems. If at all

possible the flow line should be cleaned prior to

installation of the surface unit. After being

cleaned and the surface units installed the

paraffin or scale should not adhere to pipeline

line again. The fluid will flow and the pressures

should maintain at a constant rate.

If high-pressure surface units are to be installed

on flowline, it is recommended that a bypass line with all control valves installed as shown in

above picture.

Oil Transfer Station

Oil Storage Surface unit tank

Transfer Pump

Water Oil

Tank Tank

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Production Battery

If there is problem with high bottoms in oil production tanks, a surface unit may be installed

downstream from the oil dump of the production separator.




Oil Water

tank tank

Surface Unit

Oil dump line

Water dump line

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems



CPRS downhole unit is an innovative tool specially designed and developed for solution to the

paraffin, scale and corrosion problems in oil wells. It can be used during the oil and natural gas

production to prevent the buildup of paraffin, scale, rust and asphaltene deposits, and also to

remove the existing deposits on the surface of the equipment or flowlines. When installed in a

producing oil or gas well, current treatment methods such as wireline scraping, chemical and hot oil

circulation, will be eliminated, resulting in reduced operating costs and stabilized production.

Conventional Downhole Unit Structure and dimensions





508 mm

If the tool will be attached to the downhole pump directly, the connection threads can be

machined to meet the pump specification.

Technical Data

• Size:1.66”

• Flow Capacity: 90 GPM (20 cubic meters/hour)

• Applicable tubing size: 2-3/8”, 2-7/8” and 3”

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

Operation Benefits

• One time installation, requiring no maintenance or external power supply, in pumping or

flowing wells.

• Clean wellbore / reservoir interface

• No monthly hot oiling, wireline chemical treatment costs.

Increases pump life and efficiency.

• No rod or pump failures due to scale, wax or asphaltene build up.

• No lost production time (stabilized production).

How it works

When the well is flowing or

the pump is operating,

crude oil is sucked up

through the open lower

end of the downhole unit

by pressure into the inner

tube causing a

multiplicity of steams or

jets of crude oil to issue

from the radically board holes in the wall of the tube to bombard

the copper nickel walls of the annular chamber and the center

insert. Electrons freed from the copper in the walls of the chamber

combined with molecules of the crude oil itself as well as with

molecules of the paraffin’s and other minerals entrained in the

crude oil and produced water, if any and, of the other entrained

minerals which otherwise clog the tubing and impede the upward

flow of the crude.

The crude oil and its entrained minerals treated in the units as

described above pass through the string of tubing to the surface.

The treated crude oil not only has the paraffin’s and other waxes

which tend to clog the tubing in suspension but the unit breaks up the

long chain hydrocarbon molecules making the oil “slicker”. On

high paraffin low gravity crude’s, the treatment increases the

American Petroleum Institute (API) specific gravity of the

resulting crude by at least two or three points thus Increasing the

marketability of the treated crude. These same results occur with

Scientige Sdn. Bhd, Suite 8-11, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA 2, No.21, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

the surface units with the crude being pumped through the cartridge inserts.

Application in Oil Production

CPRS works in virtually any well that experiences deposition, including dual completions,

directional, horizontal, water source and water injection wells. CPRS downhole unit works with any

pumping system, including Electrical Submersible Pumps. Each application is designed for the

specific well depending upon tubing size and fluid volume. Typically, CPRS will be run either

below the pump intake or above the pump discharge, or as a tail joint at the end of the tubing

string. Simple to install, CPRS requires no external power source, maintenance or servicing

and has no internal restrictions.

CPRS downhole unit can also be installed in a flowing well without pulling the tubing. It can be set

in a tubing string in a nipple using the appropriate setting tool using wireline.

Application in Heavy Oil

Most heavy oil wells have problems with production because of low viscosity of the oil in the

tubing. With CPRS, you get increased flow rates, less torque pressures and less stress on pumps

due to changes in viscosity. Once again, cleaner, smoother running well is more efficient and

easier on your equipment.

Installation of Downhole Unit

Installation with Subsaver

• Select a proper size subsaver per downhole string size and threads

• The top of the subsaver will be attached to the pump or tubing


• The bottom of the subsaver will be connected to the tubing joint

externally and CPR tool internally

Installation with CPRS Joint

• Short tubing joint style CPRS is available from


• It can be used for any type of downhole operations

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Application and Installations in Oil Wells

Pumping Well





Flowing Well




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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

Gaslifting Well

Gas lifting

Mandrel CPRS



Downhole Gas lifting Mandrel

Packer Packer

ESP Well






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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems


Surface Units

• Unscrew the bolt of top blind flange and take off the flange.

• Take out the plate insert out of the inner tube, flush the plates with clean water or clean

them with other materials.

• Unscrew the bottom plug from the drain hole, flush inside of the unit with clean water.

• Put back the inserts and the drain hole plug. Bolt the top flange on.

The interval between maintenances will depend on the working condition of unit. It is

recommended to check it on monthly bases.

• Maintenance must be performed to ensure proper function of the surface units

• Vent the pressure before open the top flange when the pressure is trapped.

Downhole Units

Downhole units are almost maintenance free. Flush it with clean water when the tool is pulled out

of the hole while downhole pumps is pulled out for inspection or maintenance.


Once installed, CPRS my cause old scale and corrosion particles to separate from inside of the pipe

and equipment, which can cause leaks and accumulation of old scale particles, especially in older

systems. Cautions should be taken by the users.

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems


The CPRS can last for a very long time. It acts only as a catalyst during the whole function process

to change the property of the fluids and the minerals entrained in the fluids through

electrochemical ways and polarization. The process is a non-sacrificing process, and it will not

change the characteristics of the unit itself.

CPRS, including surface units and downhole units, has no moving parts, and has no wearing

problems. However, how long the units can last still depend on the working conditions. During the

working process, the abrasive solids in the fluids may cause wearing or damage to the units

because the solids will pass through the unit at high speed and certain pressure.

Depending on the working conditions and the property of the fluids, it can be estimated that from our

tool history that CPRS can run for 5 to 10 years without any problem. The first few tools are still in

good condition after being used for more than six years.

A leach test was run at the same test facility in Roswell of New Mexico from July 20, 1988 to

January 13, 1989. Well water was used for the test having a TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) of

about 111.000 ppm (parts per million). A flow meter was installed after the surface unit plate to

measure the amount of water through the plate. The plate was removed, cleaned with a 2% citric

acid, dried and weighed. Then the plate was reinstalled in line. This was performed once a week for

the first month, then once again after two months and the last time three months later. The initial

weight of the plate (after 75,143 gallons had flowed through the stabilizer) was 76.3834 grams. The

final weight of the plate was 71.5665 grams. The plate lost 4.8169 grams. This is an average of

0.0009 ppm total plate material added to the water. (One part per million corresponds to one minute

in two years or a single penny in $10.000)

The abrasive solids in high-speed flow may cause premature wear or damage to the units, as

shown in the following pictures. However the damage will not influence the working

performance of the unit.

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems


Paraffin Prevention and Removal

Changqing Oilfield/PetroChina

• Well H16-7, Wangnan Operation Base

• Serious paraffin problems, one hot oil treatment every month.

• A downhole tool was installed In July 2003.

• September 15, 2002: No hot oil treatment was done and no pump repair job. The

maximum rod load and maximum current of the motor were obviously dropped than

before the installation

• July 2004: One-year downhole operation without any problems, no hot oil treatment, no

chemicals and no pump repair.

The following is the date sheet, which shows there are no workover jobs, no pump repair and no hot

oil treatment after the installation. Well H16-7 STATISTICS

Well Production Date Installation Depth Installation Date

Nov. 02, 2000 993.73m July 5, 2003

Before the Installation

Date Well Daily Daily Oil Water Dynamic Horsepower Max Min Up Down Notes

Production Fluid Rate (t) ratio Fluid schematic Rod Rod stroke stroke

Days Rate (%) Level analysis Load load Max Max

(m3) (m) (KN) (KN) Amps Amps

(A) (A)

2002.8.6 31 12.16 2.19 80.1 547/441 OK _ _ _ _ W/O

2002.9.8 29.9 11.60 2.07 78.7 420/568 OK _ _ _ _ H/O

2002.10.14 30.7 11.99 2.12 79.1 402/586 OK _ _ _ _ W/O

2002.11.16 29.8 11.74 2.32 76.6 518/470 OK _ _ _ _ H/O

2002.12.10 31 10.77 2.35 74.3 532/456 OK _ _ _ _ H/O

2003.1.17 31 10.75 1.9 79 523/465 OK _ _ _ _ H/O

2003.2 28 10.93 1.86 79.7 498/490 OK _ _ _ _ _ 2003.3.5 31 11.12 1.84 80.3 440/524 OK _ _ _ _ H/O

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems 2003.4.17 29.7 11.43 2.02 79.0 389/575 OK _ _ _ _ H/O

2003.5.22 31 11.34 1.94 79.7 470/494 OK _ _ _ _ H/O

2003.6 30 11.33 1.57 83.5 488/476 OK _ _ _ _ _ 2003.7.18 30.7 10.54 2.57 71.0 505/458 OK 26.29 7.91 17 14 W/O

Paraffin Severity Average Pumps Repairing interval: 237 days; Average Hot oil treatment Interval: 30 days_

After the Installation

Date Well Daily Fluid Daily Water Dynamic Horsepower Max Min Up Down Notes

Production Rate (m3) Oil ratio Fluid schematic Rod Rod stroke stroke

Days Rate (%) Level analysis Load load Max Max

(t) (m) (KN) (KN) Amps Amps

(A) (A)

2003.8.12 _ 10.38 2.08 76.2 480/483 OK 28.30 10.49 14 13 _

2003.8.25 _ 10.25 2.14 75.1 451/512 OK 28.16 10.12 13 12 _

2003.9.2 _ 13.94 3.10 73.5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2003.9.3 _ 12.54 1.99 81.1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2003.9.12 _ 10.54 2.23 74.8 455/508 OK 27.45 10.21 13 11 _

2003.9.13 _ 10.54 2.57 71.0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2003.9.19 _ 11.66 2.78 71.6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2003.9.22 _ 14.33 2.77 77.0 424/539 OK 27.07 9.51 14 12 _

2003.9.23 _ 14.79 3.27 73.7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2003.9.25 _ 12.86 2.84 73.7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2003.9.28 _ 12.80 2.61 75.7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2003.9.29 _ 12.26 1.43 86.1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2003.10.3 _ 12.54 1.71 83.8 416/547 OK 26.52 9.22 14 13 _

2003.10.9 _ 12.54 1.58 85.0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2003.10.12 _ 12.06 1.52 85.0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2003.10.13 _ 12.06 1.30 87.2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2003.10.18 _ 12.06 1.21 88.1 447/516 OK 29.12 12.86 13 9 _

2003.10.25 _ 11.66 1.95 80.1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2003.10.3 _ 9.45 1.21 84.8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2003.11.3 _ 9.45 1.11 86.0 464/499 OK 28.46 10.04 13 10 _

2003.11.8 _ 9.45 1.20 84.9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2003.11.12 _ 11.37 1.44 84.9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2003.11.15 _ 13.13 1.31 88.1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2003.11.18 _ 13.13 1.62 85.3 _ _ 28.46 11.04 13 11 _

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems 2003.12.4 _ 10.67 1.67 81.4 462/501 OK 28.96 9.57 _ _ _ 2003.12.8 _ 10.67 1.85 79.4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2003.12.13 _ 11.35 1.81 81.0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2003.12.18 _ 11.35 1.44 84.9 466/497 OK 27.00 10.79 18 15 _ 2004.1.8 _ 11.42 1.46 84.8 419/553 OK _ _ 17 15 _ 2004.1.9 _ 11.18 1.43 84.8 _ _ 28.60 11.04 _ _ _ 2004.1.10 _ 11.26 1.44 84.8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2004.1.12 _ 11.61 2.24 77.0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2004.1.18 _ 11.61 1.59 83.7 _ _ 28.81 11.12 _ _ _ 2004.1.23 _ 11.61 1.41 85.5 438/534 OK _ _ _ _ _ 2004.1.25 _ 11.55 1.41 85.5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2004.1.28 _ 11.55 1.43 85.3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2004.2.4 _ _ _ _ 394/578 OK _ _ _ _ _ 2004.2.12 _ 11.4 1.22 87.3 27.11 10.76 _ _ _ 2004.2.19 _ _ _ _ 378/594 _ 26.95 8.87 _ _ _

Note: W/O: workover job; H/O: hot oil treatment

Hook -State Well #1 / Touchstone Resources

Touchstone Resources installed a CPRS downhole unit in Hooks-State Well #1 in Jefferson

County, Texas in June of 2002. The tool was hung off in an "X" nipple below a 2" Otis "X" Lock

mandrel at a depth of 10,090 feet.

Prior to installing the downhole tool, the Hooks-State Well #1 was producing at 5000 psig

flowing tubing pressure at a rate of approximately 200 barrels of condensate per day with a

paraffin content of 13.5%. Due to paraffin buildup in the 2-3/8" tubing string, it was requested to cut

paraffin each month at a cost of approximately $1500. In addition, downtime for cutting the

paraffin was causing loss of production revenue amounting to approximately $2000 per month.

After installing the tool, no more paraffin cutting was needed for the next year, which has

resulted in a savings to Touchstone Resources of approximately $42,000.00.

In addition, the well recently began producing a large quantity of sand, which resulted in the

tubing plugging with sand and the necessity of performing a coiled tubing cleanout of the well.

After cleaning out the tubing string, the downhole unit was easily removed with a slickline and

showed no effects from either erosion or corrosion.

East Texas /Exxonmobil Oil Company

• Operator: Exxonmobil Oil Company

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

• Location: East Texas Oilfield, 2 worst paraffin producing wells

• Installation time: 2001

• Before installation, the wells were being hot oiled (tubing and flowline) in the winter

months on a weekly basis.

• Two years after installation, the wells have not required hot oiling since

Shell IMO River-59T, High Paraffin Wells

Before the installation

• The well was put into production since 1999

• The potential production rate: 4000 BOPD

• Serious paraffin problems and the production rate was less than1000BOPD

• The well has not produced for more than 2 months at single stretch

A number of remedial actions were not successful

• Traditional chemical treatment required a pump at wellhead and brought up disposal

and environmental challenges.

After the installation

• De-waxing efficacy was proved a few days after

• The production rate increased to 3800BOPD without any other treatment

• The well produced for 90 days non-stop.

• Over 50% in cost savings in comparison with traditional treatments

• 15 systems were to installed after the success

• Senior Production Technologist Mr.Chiji Onwuzurike call it “a significant breakthrough

in de-waxing operations in our wells”

HP Gas and Condensate Oil Wells / Austral Oil Company

Operator: Austral Oil Company

• Location: Gooch #2 and #3,Vermillion Parish,


• Installation Date: May, 2001

• Installation Depth: 3000 ft

Prior to installation:

• Cut paraffin every 30 days at a cost of US$10,500 for each well.

• Paraffin content in the condensate was 14.7%.

• High pressure with flowing tubing pressure of 8,000 psi

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

After installation:

• No need to cut paraffin.

• Within two years, approximately US$120,000 was saved for each well

• No loss of production in either well

Scale and Paraffin Oil Wells / Armstrong and Associates

Operator: Armstrong and Associates

• Location: Kilgore, Texas

• Two of the leases with the worst scale and paraffin problems

• Before CPRS units was installed, hot oiling on flow lines and downhole every thirty

• days.

• Running heater treaters at 135 degrees, rolling tanks just before the hauls and selling

oil at a BS &W count of 2. That is the maximum number allowed for Scurlock to pick

up the oil. Paraffin and scale existed throughout the entire system.

• May 1, 2000: installed surface units on two different leases south of Kilgore. These

wells produce from the Travis Peak and Pettit formations, 7300 to 7500 feet.

• June 1,2000: Surface equipment had cleaned up. The separators could be put back

into service. Prior to this time the separators had to be bypassed because of paraffin.

Flow lines were clean. The BS&W fell to 0.50 and sometimes to as low of 0.10. No hot

oil treatments. No rolling the tanks to sell the oil.

• By June 15: all shakeouts were showing no paraffin, only corrosion. The corrosion was

from the inside of the walls of the lank battery …… further proof that the unit was

removing old scale.

• July 7,2000: Company man came to location to see for himself. The flow lines were

cleaned up. All surface equipment was clean. Noted that the site glass on the separators

was clean… had never been able to read it before.

• July 28,2000- Had to hot oil one lease to pull the pump. A downhole unit was installed

• on both leases.

• No tank bottoms have developed in either battery since June1.

• No chemicals have been used at all on either of the above leases.

Paraffin and Corrosion Wells / Austral Oil Company

Operator: Austral Oil Company

Location: Danielle-Quinn, Jefferson County, Texas

Installation Date: Dec. 2001, downhole unit

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

Prior to installation:

• Have to pull this well every 3 months for corrosion and paraffin problems

• Had to hot oil and change out the pump

From installation to Jan. 2003

• Never pull the well.

• No hot oil treatment had been done because the rods were paraffin free.

• No pump change out because there was no pump corrosion and the only thing did was

to change the ball and seat.

• Savings from replacing pumps and rods, hot oil treatment, workover time totaled at

approximately US$29,540.20

Scale Prevention and Removal

Reverse Osmosis Membrane Test / Roswell Test Facility

Starting from August 10, 1987, a reverse osmosis membrane test with a CPRS surface unit was

made by Roswell Test Facility in Roswell, New Mexico.

This test involves using a surface unit, in place of an antiscalant being pumped into the feed

water, to prevent scaling up of the reverse osmosis membrane. This test is running on water with

total dissolved solids of 10,400 mg/L at 50% recovery. This can be compared to the water from the

City of Roswell that has total dissolved solids of 840 mg/L. This means there are more than ten

times the dissolved solids in the test water than the water from the City of Roswell. The water used

for this test has a total hardness of 166 grains/ gallon.

The test membrane with the surface unit in the feed line was run for 2,193 hours with an only

slight decrease on the percentage rejection and percentage recovery during this period of time. It is

not unusual for an untreated feed on the same membranes to plug the membrane in 100 hours or

less. The membrane did not show any signs of scaling up. The only pre-treatment of the water used

in the test was to run it through and A.G. and Magnesium green sand filters to remove iron.

When the product flow dropped to this unit it was flushed for 30 minutes with City water. This was

done 3 times and it brought the product flow back up.

It can be inferred from the data that the surface unit is keeping the reverse osmosis membrane

from scaling up.

Salt Water Injection Well application / East Texas

• Location: East Texas, Salt Water - Abney #3 Injection Well, Christian Pit - Gladewater,


• One 8” surface unit with five 8” plates

• Installation Date: March 5, 2001

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

• Before installation: Severe Calcium Carbonate scale, using 4 gallons of BAKER

SCW0026R chemical treatment per day. Injection pressure was 425 psi with injecting

rate of 22,000 bbls/day

• 71 days after installation on May 15, 2001 (no chemicals had been used), the system

inspection indicated that:

• Pressure at injection well has maintained at 400psi, down from 425-430 psi prior to


• Transfer line pressure dropped from 70 psi to 55 psi

• Side wall of Clear Tank began to clear up

• Suction cap on Gardner Denver injection pump had no additional scale buildup

• Only maintenance was a one time cleaning of the interior plates

Cooling Towers and Ice Machine / Reddy Ice Plant, Houston, Texas

Location: Reddy Ice Plant, Houston, Texas

Prior to installation:

• Spend US$20,000.00 to US$25,000.00 for chemicals to treat scale

• Repaint equipment twice each year due to chemical leakage from towers

• Enormous expenses to dispose of chemical laden water into city sewer system

• Even with use of chemicals, scale still formed on towers

After installation:

• No chemicals were used for scale treatment

• Scale was almost non-existent in the towers

• Permission was obtained from the city to dispose water at no extra expense

• After the cooling tower application, a stainless steel 4” unit was installed on the ice

machines. Within 2 weeks, the lines had to be shut down because the old scale had

broken loose and clogged up the lines. After going back on lines, all salt was eliminated,

the efficiency increased 2%, producing 6 to 9 more tons of ice a day.

Cooling Towers /Cagle’s/Keystone Poultry

• Location: Cagle’s/Keystone Poultry, Albany, Kentucky

• Installed a surface unit on one of four cooling towers in April, 2000

• Four weeks after installation, all of the towers had to be cleaned manually because of

swarm of ants, it was noticed that the old scale on the tower with the surface unit

Scientige Sdn. Bhd, Suite 8-11, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA 2, No.21, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

literally fell off whereas the scale on the other towers has to be forcibly removed by


Corrosion Prevention and Removal

Iron-Sulfide problems / Hugoton Gas Field

Operator: T. M. Hopkins Operating Company

The Stratford #1 is located in the Texas Panhandle (Hugoton Field) and produces from the

Brown Dolomite Formation at approximately 3200’. The. Majority of these Dolomite wells have

extremely low bottomhole pressures and have to rod pumped in order to produce the gas. Very

small amounts of formation water (1/4 - 1 BBL) will load these wells up. There is a serious

Iron-Sulfide problem that exists with the production of the Dolomite gas. The Iron-Sulfide

precipitates out of solution as the gas and small amounts of water are produced. The Iron-Sulfide

can and will over time plug the perforations and corrode the downhole pumps. As previously

mentioned these wells pump about _ -1BBL/water/day and produce from 10 - 100 MCF/Day.

These wells normally pump using a time clock due to the small amounts of water production.

With Iron-Sulfide problems, as time goes on the downhole pump efficiency decreases due the

sulfide problems therefore it is necessary to lengthen pump time. To increase pump time the

more wear and tear is encountered on the pump thus reducing the length between pulling the well

and doing the necessary repairs. It is known that the longer run times without costly workovers

the more profitable the well.

Since installing the CPRS tool on the bottom of the downhole pump in November 2000, not any

problems have happened with pump efficiency and the amount of on time has not been increased.

This accounts for less wear and tear and obviously without having to increase the on time. Pump

efficiency was excellent, which saved the on time by at least 50% in comparison to the time

before the installation of CPRS. The well pumps 15 minutes out of every 3 hours and produces 46

MCF/Day and 0.5 BBL Water. Without the CPRS tool the pumping time will approximately be

1HR on and 2HR off.

In conclusion, CPRS tool has eliminated the majority of the Iron-Sulfide problems experienced in

the Hugoton Field.

Sulfate Reducing Bacteria Problems in Waterflood Operation

Operator: Newbourne Oil Company

• Location: Lea County, New Mexico

• CPRS was installed in a waterflood unit with a total daily injection of 2,900 barrels

made up of 75% produced water and 25% purchased potable water. A surface unit was

installed to reduce precipitations of sulfate reducing bacteria. The surface unit was

located between parallel booster pumps and sock-type filter canisters prior to injection

pumps. Typical filter changes were occurring on ten-day intervals. Normal operating

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

booster pump pressure is 88 psig. Filters were being changed when pressure

downstream of the filters reached approximately 10 psig due to filter plugging.

• After installing the stabilizer, two failures occurred in the PVC basket due to

the seal-support ring breaking. This problem has been resolved. Run times,

disregarding failure periods when flow could bypass the stabilizer plates and oil

upsets allowing oil carryover into the injection system, have ranged from 17 to 30

days. Recent filter changes have been made prior to the downstream pressure

reaching 20 psig.

• Considering all data, including basket failures and oil in the system, CPRS surface

unit resulted in extending filter changes by a factor of two or better.

• No Chemicals were used after the installation.

Main Water Line / Aramark Linen, Tyler, Texas

Prior to the installation of the surface unit, the water was cloudy, and made coffee taste

bad. A 3” surface unit was installed on main water line at Aramark Linen, Tyler, Texas The

surface unit cleaned up rust and corrosion inside the water lines, and reduced the

chemical use by 30%. Much improved water quality and coffee taste was reported after the


Other Applications

Peanut Farm / LaMesa, Texas

A 8” surface unit was installed in later watering season, but had enough time to see that less

water was used, leaves were greener and the peanut had filled their shells quicker.

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems


International Customers

• Armstrong & Associates / Kilgore, Texas

• Aramark Linen / Tyler, Texas

• Austral Oil & Gas / Sulphur, Louisiana

• Advanced Oil Tools / Scott, Louisiana

• Bailey Petroleum / Crosby, Texas

• Bolivar Sanclemente/Geoproduction Oil and Gas Company of Columbia

• Buffco Operating / Longview, Texas

• Byrd Operating Co. / Midland,Texas

• Brower Oil / Tulsa, Oklahoma

• BPR Energy / Lafayette, Louisiana

• Chevron Texaco / New Orleans, Louisiana

• CNS / Kilgore, Texas

• Cordell Energy / Como, Texas

• Christensen Roder / Brazil

• Cagle-Keystone Poultry Plant / Albany, Kentucky

• Carrizo Springs ISD / Carrizo Springs, Texas

• Caprock Exploration / Odessa, Texas

• Exxon Mobil / Kilgore, Texas (Kilgore Field Office)

• East Texas Salt Water Disposal / Kilgore, Texas

• Ecopetrol / Equador

• Geoproduction Oil and Gas Company / Brazil

• Choctaw Resources / Houston, Texas

• Glenn Stephens / Kilgore, Texas

• Hilcorp Energy/ Jeanerette, Louisiana

• Henry Oil and Gas / Midland, Texas

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Tel: +603-2161 8696 Fax: +603-2161 5696 www.scientige.com

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

• Inland Resources / Denver, Colorado

• ISA International / Broussard, Louisiana

• J.M. Huber Company / Houston, Texas

• J Tech Energy Corp / Houston, Texas

• J.I.L. Oil Corporation / Laporte, Louisiana

• Jim Marzoula / Venezuela

• KOR / Kazakhstan

• Kerr McGee / Big Springs, Texas

• King Resources / Midland, Texas

• Laredo Housing Authority / Laredo, Texas

• Mewbourne Oil Company / Tyler, Texas

• Mark Carpenter Plumbing / Clovis, New Mexico __North Tower Systems / California

• PDVSA / Venezuela

• Petro Alliance / Houston, Texas

• Products Plus / Florida

• Phillips Service Company / Houston, Texas

• Pappas Restaurant / Houston, Texas

• Ross - Rippy Company / Tyler, Texas

• Ray Oil Tools / Lafayette, Louisiana

• Reddy Ice / Houston, Texas

• Shell / Nigeria

• Scott Hart / Canada

• T.M. Hopkins Operating / Kilgore, Texas

• Texas Petroleum Corp. / Midland, Texas

• TRJ Refrigeration / California

• Touchstone Resources / Houston, Texas

• Tema Oil and Gas / Houston, Texas

• United Independent School District / Laredo, Texas

• Walter Exploration / Dallas, Texas

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Tel: +603-2161 8696 Fax: +603-2161 5696 www.scientige.com

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Best Solution to Paraffin, Scale and Corrosion Problems

China Customers

• Changqing Oilfield, CNPC

• Dagang Oilfield, CNPC/PetroChina

• Daqing Oilfield, CNPC/ PetroChina

• Liaohe Oilfield, CNPC/PetroChina

• Zhongyuan Oilfield, Sinopec

• Sichuan Oilfield, CNPC/PetroChina

• Shengli Oilfield, Sinopec

• Tuha Oilfield, CNPC/PetroChina

• Beijing Zuoweida Sci-tech Company

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Tel: +603-2161 8696 Fax: +603-2161 5696 www.scientige.com

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