Part 5 He’s A Lot Like Me; Not VoodooBut Destiny - jawnslulluby21 (2024)

Chapter Text

….’Innocent love
You need my innocent love
My innocent love tonight
You can't get enough
You can stay by my side
An' give me everything
Innocent boy
You need me, innocent boy
My innocent boy tonight
You can't get enough
You can stay by my side
An' show me everything…’

The house was so quiet in the early morning. These were moments that Danny cherished. Not that he did not love and adore his family and the routine of school/work/out the door you go, but there was just something about a cup of hot tea, with vanilla soy milk, and the silence that surrounded Danny like a warm mitten.

Tikaani and Pickles were finished with their morning duties and Poe was on her mat waiting for her pellets. The sun was not even close to rising and the skies were silvery grey with just the first rays of light peeking through.

“It’s Friday guys which means pizza night and the final plans for Addy’s party tomorrow. You guys will have to stay here because the place we are going does not allow dogs but I think you’ll be just fine.” Danny scratched Tikaani’s head and did the same to Pickles. “He’s 5, my baby boy. Where did the years go?”

“Addy is your mini me.”

Danny jumped because he was just so lost in his thoughts that he did not hear his big ninja who had crept down stairs in stealth mode.

“You!” Danny teased. “What are ya doing? Up early aren’t you?”

“I am. And for a very good reason. This,” Steve gave Danny an envelope. “Is for you.”

“For me? What is it?” Danny frowned as he looked over the business sized envelope.

“It’s a tuba, Danny. Come on just open it.” Steve perched on the stool at the island and petted Poe who had hopped over to see him.

“Alright ok… hang on.” Danny carefully peeled the top and took out the piece of folded paper inside. He looked up at Steve who just looked so cute, as he was dressed in his sleep shorts and tee and his hair was all sleep messy. “You’re adorable.”

“Danny…” Steve warned. “Just read it!”

With a great flourish, Danny shook open the paper and began to read it.
“This letter is to inform you that you, Danny Williams McGarrett, will be accompanying Steve McGarrett, your stud lover and mate for life….” Danny snickered and glanced at Steve. “Really?”

“Come on!!! Read it!” Steve urged.

Danny found his place again on the printed sheet. “Stud lover and mate for life to New Orleans for a week long getaway redeemable after New Year’s! Your trip includes a stay at the Hotel Royal at the center of the historic French Quarter. Each room has a beautiful balcony that looks out on the street below. Exposed brick on the walls and wooden beams on the ceiling make this hotel a testament to the days when it flourished as a destination for kings and royalty! Oh my gosh Steve!!!! Steve!!!!! We are going to New Orleans???? You and me??? Wait what about the —-“

“Burke, Milly and Kono are going to be staying here to take care of kids and menagerie. It’s just you and me, kid.”

“Oh Steve! I never dreamed….” Danny threw himself into Steve’s arms and tried not to cry happy tears but there they were. “Thank you!!! Thank you so much!!!”

“We never took that real honeymoon. This is just my way of saying how much I love you and want to treat you to something nice.”

“I can’t believe it! Truly!!! This is so … unexpected.” Danny wrapped his arms around Steve’s neck and hugged him, at the same time as he pressed his face against Steve’s chest. “Thank you.”

“I love you, my brave resolute boy.” They had a long moment just enjoying each other.

Finally though, Danny glanced at his watch. “Oh hey I gotta get those boys up or you’ll be taking them to school.”

“I don’t mind. Cancel the van. My leg is feeling better every day. I’ll pick us up breakies and bring it back.”

“You’re a good man, Steven,” Danny said as he went to rouse Addy and Lark, and he was still smiling as he thought about going to New Orleans.
Steve was feeling good as he dropped off the boys at the door of their school, straight into the arms of Malia who was waiting for them. She waved and Steve returned the greeting then slowly pulled out onto the road. He always enjoyed spending time with their boys; they had very distinct personalities but that’s what complimented their love and respect for each other.

He turned on the radio and drummed his fingers along with the beat of Toto’s ‘Africa.’ He decided on Panera for him and Danny, knowing how much Danny loved their cinnamon rolls.

At least there wasn’t any spillover from the whole sea monster thing. The boys seemed to have pushed away any lingering stress from their experiences and Danny had stopped bringing it up. Steve’s leg was essentially on the mend and in another week he’d go back to work. He was, however, determined to spend the time with Danny and his extended family which included a large sea lion living the good life in his own shed.

Steve parked Danny’s JEEP and limped into the eatery. He put in his order on the new machines that electronically displayed each person’s order for the servers. He was about to sit at a table and wait until his number was called when he saw an older woman looking at the food being made and then at the inside of her purse. Another customer came to queue and got angry because she was not using the board. Before that man could berate her, Steve walked over and loudly said “oh there you are Auntie! Did you order yet?” To the impatient man behind her, Steve said “wow it’s too bad my Auntie hasn’t decided what she wants to eat and is taking a wee bit of time.”

The man mumbled an apology and stood quietly as Steve whispered in the woman’s ear to order whatever she wanted because he would pay for it. The woman brightened, made her selection and walked back to the table with him.

“Thank you, dear boy. I seem to have forgotten my wallet.”

“No worries, Glad I could help.” Steve extended his hand. “Steve.”

“Merry. That’s spelled with 2 R’s and an e. Nice to meet you, Steve.” She smiled and he was intrigued by her dimples and the light in her dark eyes.

“Do you work around here?” Steve asked thinking she was associated with a medical profession or perhaps the boss of the cosmetics retail complex.

“Oh no. No I don’t work around here. I’m actually from A place quite far away. But you are alone. Where is your mate?”

“My uh my mate,” Steve faltered wondering how she knew that.

”Your ring is quite handsome as are you. I assume you are hitched to someone.”

“Yes I am,” Steve laughed out of relief more than anything. “My mate Danny,” Steve showed her a photo on his phone. “Our boys, Addy and Lark.”

“Such fine young ones! What a nice family!”

“You bet they are!” Steve couldn’t help smiling but suddenly, they called his number and then hers right in succession. “I’ll get yours. Wait here.” He got up and paid for his meal and hers and brought them back in the carry out bags but she was gone. He frowned and thought she might have gone to the restroom so he waited about ten minutes and even walked through the restaurant looking for her. “Huh.” Steve was genuinely bewildered. He looked in her bag which was heavier than he realized and saw that the exact same order of his was also what was contained in her bag. And on top of the items was a piece of paper with his name on it.

Steve slid into the booth and took the paper out to read it. It was fine linen milled paper and he felt all clumsy thumbs as he held it.

Your kindness is a gift but I would expect nothing less from you.
You have been BLESSED and that extends to your family.
Keep being originally brave and loving.

Steve looked around as if he was caught with contraband. Quickly, he placed the note in the bag and stood up. Off he went to bring home the breakies and show Danny the note.

“People just don’t disappear. She must have gone out another exit,” Danny said as he looked at the note. “This is nice though. Did you see her write it?”

“No and here’s the thing…. She just ordered a bagel and coffee not… not our order!” Steve explained.

“Maybe Panera got mixed up?” Danny asked.


“ OK Babe I can see this is bothering you. What do you think? Come on. I’m not going to judge.”

Steve hesitated then took a bite of his egg and bacon bagel. “I think she was… like magic.. “

“Magic.” Danny nodded. “Well ok. Maybe so. That makes the note all the more special.”

“You don’t think that’s weird?”

“No. Look, Steve, if we can have a monster squid thing threatening the waterways we can have a bit of luck deflected our way. I think it’s special. You’re a good man for stepping up.”

“You are incredibly understanding. And cute. And pretty. And I’m happy you’re mine.”

“Just eat. Geez.” But Danny blushed and was happy to hear those words.

They lay on the couch after they ate, idly kissing every now and again, enjoying the peace in the house. The dogs were sleeping and Poe was in her castle playing around. Danny had hidden treats in the different rooms so she was busy finding and eating them.

Steve pulled Danny’s shirt up and began to mouth his nipples, eliciting moans and some thrusting from the stimulated blonde.
“Wanna go upstairs?” Steve whispered and Danny did not have to be asked twice.

They took their time and made love, leisurely at first then more desperately. A naked Danny was a feast to Steve’s eyes and ears and he could not help but notice every little groan or sigh or eyelash flutter while he was inside Danny and aching for release. Danny arched his back, legs around Steve’s waist and fisted himself to a frantic org*sm while Steve released deeply inside of Danny.

“So good,” Danny purred, relaxing so his legs just fell back down on the bed. Steve was still inside of him and he loved that feeling.

“I’m squishing you,” Steve finally said and pulled out, then flopped beside Danny. They held hands and caught their breath. After a minute or so, Danny stirred and cuddled half on half off Steve.

“Could we shower together?” He asked.

“That sounds like fun. But first? A nap.” Steve pulled up the sheet and pulled Danny closer. “I love you so very much.”

“Love you too, Steve.”

When the boys arrived home, they ran into the house, dropped their backpacks and asked to go see Andre. This was starting to be their thing, and Danny and Steve encouraged them to visit him. As a family, all four went outside and Danny got the pails of fish for his meal. Andre happily sat still and let the boys pet him then slapped his flippers together indicating he wanted the fish.

Tikaani watched as the sea lion ate and afterwards, touched noses with him. Pickles stayed back, not sure of the big black loud creature. She did though like the duck hut and Quackers and Daisy welcomed her with a flutter of wings.

Chores done, they all returned to the house where Danny had homemade soup and toasty crostini waiting to eat.

“I’m excited about my birthday,” Addy said happily. “Everybody in our class is coming. I hope the animals get some good donations.”

“Everyone loves animals,” Lark said. “You’ll see. It’s ok, Addy.”

“Your Dad and I got you some presents,” Danny said. “You need something special.”

“Yes Mom!” Addy said with a little grin.

“On Sunday, we are going to decorate for Christmas. Some friends are coming over and we are gonna get pizza.” Steve indicated the windows with a sweep of his hand. “I need some help putting lights up.”

“Who’s coming?” Addy asked.

“The usual group of friends. Oh plus Levi and Diego. I promised I’d make them that Buffalo Chicken dip they love so much,” Danny added.

“Yay I can’t wait! First my birthday and then decorating!!” Addy grabbed Lark’s hand and the two giggled as they ran to their room.

“Should we be scared of world domination with those two?” Steve asked. He carried the dirty dishes to the sink and rinsed them before putting them in the dishwasher.

“I’m sure they are just planning to take over the city first. You know, start small.” Danny giggled as Steve hugged him and kissed his neck. The very presence of Steve always made Danny feel a little weak and so he let his mate hold him up as he swooned. “I love you so much, Steve.”

“Mmmmmm, you drive me f*cking crazy!” Steve nipped and kissed at Danny’s exposed neck.

“Don’t get too involved, Romeo. I have to call Kamekona with the final numbers for Addy’s birthday dinner.”

Steve sighed and let Danny go. “There’s always something to interrupt my best laid seduction plans.”

“Good thing or we’d be half naked on the kitchen counters. Please take out the trash and remember to fasten the lids on the bins or the raccoons will have their own party. “

“Yes dear.”

Despite some sleet in the morning, Saturday turned into a brilliant day. It was cold but the sun came out and made the best of it, the low level warmth giving the city a nice sheen from its usual drab winter base.

Addy’s party was fun from the beginning to the end of part one, when they were at Heart & Soul: Art As Therapy. Each child and adult had their own mini easel with a canvas at their seat at the table, with choices of water colours, acrylics or pastels to use. The finished product was theirs to take home afterwards.

Everyone had a blast creating an individual art project; following that, each person could make a keychain or a bracelet. There wasn’t one complaint from child or adult.

Afterwards, Steve had hired a bus to take everyone to Kamekona’s off the marina in Seattle. True to Addy’s wishes, there were rice balls, Mac and cheese, sushi, sloppy joes, and an ice cream bar. Only the best complements about the food as everyone went back two or three times and a smiling Kamekona made sure the food was hot or cold and plentiful.

Addy’s impressive haul for the shelter he chose would be delivered on Monday. Levi and Diego were in charge of that. And despite the disclaimer that Addy did not want gifts, he received gift cards, some cool LEGOS, and even a new Monopoly game based on Seattle.

Their day was absolutely perfect and enjoyable and as they pulled into the driveway around 7 pm, Addy asked if he could go visit the Wilds and Andre. Everyone including the dogs went to see their animal friends and just as Steve locked the door on the duck hut, (they had a door akin to a dog door where the ducks and possums could come and go), an unsettling shape lumbered out from the woods.

Addy screamed and threw himself into Danny’s arms while Lark declared that he wanted to go pet it. Steve simply picked Lark up and told Tikaani to herd Pickles back to the house. He tried to walk calmly although the bear was more interested in scavenging through the compost pile than paying attention to them.

Once in the house, after Danny calmed Addy and he ran off to put his cards up on the bureau with Lark’s help, Danny addressed Steve.

“I thought they hibernated!!!”

“Me too. Maybe it’s too busy around here and it can’t find a cave or whatever they use.” Steve was a bit worried too though he tried to remain neutral. “Tell you what? I’ll get in touch with one of those wildlife replocaters on Monday and see if we can move it along.”

“I understand if it hasn’t gone to sleep but I also don’t want to be a meal so thank you.” Danny hugged Steve. “Oh hey we have presents to give our son.”

The bear mostly forgotten now, Addy opened his presents from his parents. Danny got him a skateboard with all the safety equipment (and Lark also got the same thing so they could learn together); Steve chose some classic book sets including Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys, and Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit collection. Lark had saved up money to get his brother a very cool North Face hoodie and hat and gloves. The dogs and Poe gave Addy a gift card to B&N.

“Best birthday ever!!” Addy said in delight. “Thank you!” He hugged Lark first then his parents and last, the dogs and bunny.

They finished up his special day with some cocoa and Steve reading from the Golden Book of Fairy Tales.

“Wow today was just about perfect!” Danny said. “Even all of the adults had fun. Did you enjoy it?” Danny asked as he got into bed. “Steve? Steve?” But Steve was asleep so Danny just cuddled him, the love for family almost overwhelming.

The bear seemingly had disappeared even though the relocaters set traps and spent a couple days just watching for it.

Christmas came barreling in on a Friday.

Danny and Steve hosted a party the night before, throwing a catered buffet that even Kamekona praised. The house was full of love, laughter and friendship. It was, Danny thought, another perfect night and day in a long string of them since the whole monster thing. That seemed like a distant memory, even when Matt returned to stay for a few days, his presence doing nothing to remember the gunmen or the final battle.

During the week between Christmas and New Year’s, the whole family went to Snoqualmie and stayed for two days. They enjoyed skiing, snowboarding and tubing. Steve’s leg was all healed and he loved taking in the more advanced ski trails while Danny and the boys snowboarded.

That Thursday before New Year’s Eve, the four of them went up the Space Needle and spent a day shopping for funky treasures on Capitol Hill. It was there that the fortune teller told Danny to beware of the green dragon.

If was supposed to be just for fun, the whole get your fortune read by the Mysterious Mabelline. Steve pointed it out and teased Danny that he’d pay for it if Danny wanted to do it, and Danny thought it might be fun so he said yes. While he went inside, Steve and the boys got an ice cream at the shop next door.

Now Danny was not stupid. Although part of him had a strong belief in the Spirit Realm (he had after all walked in that realm when he and Steve were fighting Dillon) the other part of him knew it was also meant for entertainment and fun. The ‘fortune’ would be broad and open ended, applying to anyone.

“Hi,” he said to the woman who sat at the other side of the round table. There wasn’t any crystal ball and she was dressed normally, in a casual gold turtleneck and black jeans. She was attractive with flawless caramel colored skin and a high ponytail that kept her dark tresses neat and off her face.

“Hello Danny. Please sit down,” she said and waved her hand at the chair in front of Danny. “And before you ask, I saw your name on the sign in sheet.”

“Very well. Thank you.” Danny took a deep breath and was just about to ask her what she could foretell when she pulled out not cards but a set of big jeweled dice. “What are those? I mean I know what they are but most fortune tellers use crystal balls or tarot cards.”

“Have you never heard of Numerology?” She asked. She stroked the dice then tapped her fingers against one of the cubes. “Take one at first and roll it.”

“Okay,” Danny said and blew on it as though he was playing the craps table in Los Vegas. “Here goes.” He gave the foamy die a toss and it turned to reveal a one. Danny looked up at her but before he could ask, she spoke.

“It is interesting to me that you rolled this to begin. It tells me that you have a great power bubbling under your young surface. May I ask how old you are?”

“I’m 18,” Danny said.

“So young and yet you have walked the miles of someone much older who has had.. extraordinary experiences. A monster both human and created. Both wanted to kill you. You must be careful in the future not to allow your light to penetrate into places it should not go.” She reached across the table and held Danny’s hand. “Now you rolled a one. The beginning. From this comes everything in the universe so it means you have an extraordinary amount of bravery. The clean vertical shape of the number represents a channel between our world, the material world, to the spiritual realm where you have walked before. Am I right?”

Danny could only nod.

“One also means opportunity and exclusivity. Use your future choices wisely. Roll again please.”

Danny did as she asked, but he was impressed by what she had told him so far.

“Three. For you, it is a powerful number. You have 3 loved ones that are close to your heart. Three also indicates a strong spiritual presence, perhaps the strongest of all the numbers. You must believe in yourself and in your own abilities. Never doubt yourself. What is true is true. The three also gives depth, Past, present, and future: birth, life, and death: beginning, middle and end; these are but a few of the “trinities" that make the 3 so important. “

“Is that a good thing?” Danny asked.

“ There are no good or bad things,” she said. “Only what I see in you. And remember, it is not good to take flight when something is hard emotionally. You are a One. Stand and fight. Now back to three. You are also energetic and enjoy being active. Three is a very lively number. Now roll again this time with two dice.”

“Two? Ok. Here goes.” Danny tossed them on to the table. “Six. Is that…. Also…. Uh… good?”

“Danny you are not on trial here but the fact you rolled a six with two three’s is very telling. You are so strong, with that life force of yours. And six? Well six is a loving number. Six is often called "the love number".
It represents home and family: a place of safety where acceptance and trust flow. It is stable, nurturing and safe.
As the most domestic of numbers, the 6 gives an energetic vibration that all homes need if they are to provide true warmth and sanctuary to those who live there. You are comforting, caring, willing to open your house to others.”

“I do like to have people over,” Danny admitted. “And we have a lot of pets. Even a sea lion!”

“A sea lion?” Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. “That’s very unusual. But your compassion for all things extends so even the animals know this.” She paused and frowned. “Do not be scared of the bear. He is but a guardian, sent to watch over your home.”

Danny looked at her wide eyed. He knew she had her tricks but this was amazing.

“With the six I see where you will utilize the number 3.” And smiled. “Such a happy time.”


“Six is also a very sensual number. Keep that in mind with your mate. You will never displease him. Roll again one more time.”

Danny rolled an 11. Mabelline quickly took the die and rubbed them and put them aside. Danny thought he’d done something wrong to upset her but she took his hand again.

“We won’t count that roll. The number 11 is considered unlucky. It represents two 1’s yes but also an eleven heads of error. I will pursue it more before you leave but one more good roll now. Take your time.”

She handed the die back and Danny rolled with some hesitation. However the number 8 came up with four as doubles. Danny waited but she looked happy again.

“The number 8. It is a very strong number characterized by wealth and possessions. It will bring you money when you need it and surround you with good food and opportunities. Travel. Invest. Sponsor.”
“It is no coincidence that turned on its side, the 8 becomes the infinity symbol. In China, 8 is an especially lucky number, so this 8 seems to carry with it a vibration of positivity, abundance and unending prosperity! It is something we can all tap into, but not without the supporting of each other number - a lesson that those with an abundance of the 8 in
their charts would do well to remember! Invest in others and give that control to your mate so both of you can live happy lives.”

Mabelline leaned back and took the die again. She held them to her then laid them down. “May I hold your hand, palm up?”

“Of course.” Danny placed his hand as she’d asked in the middle of the table. She ran a feather over his palm, lightly, not tickling but almost seeking.

“You are taking a trip? Soon. It will be a very good time for you. But…. You must beware the green dragon. Danny! Beware the green dragon!!!” She closed his hand with her hands on either side and looked him directly in the eyes. “Stay away from it.”

“Yes I will,” Danny promised though he had no idea what she meant.

“Good.” She relaxed and the energy in the room returned to normal. He heard the soft music playing and smelled the incense. “So go join your family and have a good time! You are full of complex numbers. Never forget what you can achieve.”

“Thank you so much!” Danny reached into his wallet and found a fifty which he gave her. “Thank you.”

As she put the money away in a little metal strong box, she whispered that the Spirits watch over such a special one.

“Well?” Steve asked, giving Danny a melty looking ice cream sundae. “It’s vegan.”

“Yummy! Thank you!” Danny perched on a bench and the boys flanked him. “It was very cool! I’ll tell you all about it later but just know she thinks we have a wonderful family and I think so too!”

After they arrived home and visited their animal friends, it was time for bed for the boys. They were still talking about the day and not at all ready for sleep so Danny and Steve supervised baths and allowed them to snuggle on the couch with them as they watched some hockey. For Christmas, the boys had received jerseys of their favorite teams as well as tee shirts and some Knick knacks to put in their room.

“I wish we could have days like this all the time!” Lark said.

“If we did, those days would not feel special,” Danny explained. “But we really did have a great day.”

“Are you gonna miss us when you go to New Orleans?” Addy asked.

“Of course we are! Oh my goodness yes!” Danny said quickly.

“You guys will have so much fun you won’t even miss us. I know Burke, Milly and Kono are going to spoil the heck out of you.” Steve checked his watch. “Ok. Time for two boys to be in bed. Come on. Let’s go!” At that, Tikaani stood, stretched and she and Pickles bumped into the boys, herding them towards the stairs.

“I’ll read to them, Danny, if you make us some tea?” Steve asked.

“Yep.” Danny kissed the boys and headed out to the kitchen to get some tea and some snacks around for him and Steve. The boys had had popcorn earlier but Danny and Steve refrained from eating it because Danny had promised Steve some of his salty and sweet Chex concoction, which Danny put into a bowl for them now. When Steve returned, Danny had the tea and snack waiting by the sofa.

“Out like twin flames.” Steve sat down and pulled Danny over to cuddle. “It’s been so nice just being home.”

“I have really enjoyed it too,” Danny said. After a pause he continued. “I’d like to tell you about the session with Mabelline.”

“Yeah please I’d like to hear it!”

So Danny explained what she’d said, and how he’d rolled the dice to get the numbers. Steve listened and when Danny told him about the green dragon, he frowned.
“You know, that’s what they call alligators in Louisiana. Green dragons. I promise you we will NOT be going into the swamp, anywhere near the swamp, walking to the swamp, looking at the swamp or thinking of the swamp. No alligators for us!”

“That’s scary,” Danny said. “At least I know what a green dragon is and how to avoid them. I sure would not want to get within …. A mile of them. They creep me out!”

“I’ll protect you,” Steve said with a smirk, determined to change the subject. He did not want Danny to be scared of the trip he was so looking forward to experiencing.

“Maybe I’ll get a voodoo charm to ward off evil,” Danny teased.

“Not a bad idea. Honestly, people might scoff but it goes along with all the other magic and what not. Voodoo isn’t supposed to be bad but modern movies and books have tainted it. Of course in the wrong hands it certainly is but we will be staying on the right side of taking care of business. That’s a promise.” Steve eyed up the snack mix. “And now for some divine crunching!”

New Year’s Eve was, in the words of Addy, epic. It was true that they all had a great time, eating, talking, laughing, playing board games and video games. Danny and Steve hosted with private catering from Kamekona’s cousin who brought the goods and then some. Because it was unusually warm, they all gathered outside to watch the fireworks across the channel and to light sparklers to bring in the new year.

Because there was alcohol served, Danny insisted that people stay and he and Steve had made provisions with inflatable air mattresses and plenty of blankets. The only people who did not sleep on those were Burke and Milly who slept in the guest room and Chin and Malia, because Malia was pregnant!

Matt made it again for New Year’s and had brought plenty of photos of Easter Island and tee shirts of his expedition company for the family.

And so it was with a New Year beginning and so much to look forward to, that Steve and Danny made love and the Goddess truly blessed them that night.

“Did you remember gum? Is it in your backpack?” Steve asked as they sat in the back seat of the private airport shuttle.

“Yes I have gum and you told me not to bring snacks because our first class tickets include them!” Danny checked his watch. “We’ll be early.”

“That’s ok. It will give us time to hit the lounge and get some breakfast. You did not eat anything!”

“Just not too hungry,” Danny shrugged. “But I could go for a bagel when we get there.”

The driver of the shuttle was chatty so they talked hockey, baseball and football. By the time they reached SeaTAC, Steve knew a generous tip was in order and he did just that. He and Danny made their way to the lounge after skipping the kiosk check in and checked in with a real desk agent. Each of them got a free bag to check and a nominal fee for the second and were asked to go to the lounge until pre boarding.

“Can you believe it? After a very dull January we are going away for Valentine’s Day and you look incredibly cute. Have I told you that today?” Steve kissed Danny’s hand.

And Danny, mouth full of peanut butter bagel, rolled his eyes but he was pleased that his husband was being so attentive. In fact, Danny had even put on a little makeup and dressed in the light blue heather turtleneck that Steve said he loved when Danny wore it. Danny had put his hair up and wore the diamond hoops Steve had given him for Christmas.

“I’ll be right back. Gonna grab a couple magazines for us.” Steve got up because of course he could not sit still when he was on a mission, herding Danny through the airport.

Danny waved for him to go and thought about how Tikaani had cried when they left. It was so hard to hear and he would have given anything to take her but he could not and would not subject her to a kennel. Besides, she was listed as a ‘dangerous canine’ and the airline would not have allowed her to even go. Poe, too, had been awfully clingy while Pickles had just looked sad.
Oh well, it was for a week and then they’d be home. This was their special time together and Danny was set to enjoy it.

Steve browsed the magazine stand and decided to get Carrier Cosmo for Danny and a couple of gossip mags. There was a car mag too that he picked out and a ‘grunge’ music edition of Guitar Player. He lined up and waited to pay but he felt a tap on his shoulder so he turned around.

“I’ll help you over here.”

Steve just stared in surprise. “Merry? Is that you? It’s Merry right?”

“Yes, Steve, it’s me. Come on over and I’ll check you out.” Merry walked over to the other register and waited. Steve straightened his shoulders and walked over too, placing the magazines on the counter.

“Small world isn’t it?” Steve said. “You know, you left Panera before I could tell you goodbye. Or thank you for the food.”

“Oh it was my pleasure. There now that’s 19.10. Cash or card?”

“Oh uh let’s see card. Here you go.” Steve handed her his debit card and she pointed to the machine in front of Steve. “Oh ok I’ll swipe.”

“You and Danny have a safe trip to New Orleans. You need to go to Sylvain’s, because my cousin Jimmy makes the best food you will ever eat! It’s 625 Chartres Street.”

“I’ll do just that,” Steve agreed. She gave him the magazines and his sales slip and smiled. “Thank you! I’ll be sure to tell Jimmy you said hi.”

“That would be nice.”

Steve was at the door and turned to wave but she was not behind the counter. He looked around the bodega and did not see her at all. In fact, where she’d checked him out was where a pile of small boxes now stacked on the counter.

He hurried back to the lounge and Danny, trying to sort things in his head.

“You look vexed,” Danny said pleasantly as Steve laid the magazines on the table and sat down. “You ok, Babe?”

“Uh I saw that lady here. Remember Merry from Panera?” Danny frowned and shrugged. “The lady whose breakfast I bought but she had our breakfast in her bag?”

“Ohhh yeah. So she works here?”

“Uh I guess so. I saw her anyways.” Steve pushed it back in his mind. He was not ready to further examine his experiences with her. “Anyways, guess I’ll get an egg bagel and some juice. Want some more juice?” Danny nodded and squeezed Steve’s hand.

“I love you. Thank you for this.”

“I love you too.” Steve kissed Danny’s cheek and was off to get something more to eat.

Their seats were together on one side of the aisle. The configuration was single seats along the windows and on one side and doubles on the other. The seats were wide and comfy with plenty of room to lean back.

They were given a welcome bag of a gel eye mask, slippers, hand sanitizer, collapsible head phones and an oral hygiene kit. Danny stashed his away for possibly later or to give to the
Boys when they returned.

As they waited for take off,Danny watched some Tik Tok videos while Steve sprawled in his seat and watched the people around them. Their flight time was almost 5 hours—4 hours 44 minutes— and he had arranged for pick up at the airport through one of New Orleans best charter transports. This trip was all about the two of them. He wanted to spend time with Danny, time that did not involve sharing him with kids, dogs or sea lions.

“Steve? You ok? You look far away.”

“Oh yeah I’m fine. Just thinking I’m grateful we could go on this trip.” He held Danny’s hand.

“Me too!” Danny grinned and Steve’s heart just did catapults. God, he was cute! The little krinkles along his eyes, that mouth that was so easy to kiss, those aqua colored eyes..

“I hope our hotel is nice. It’s old. It does not have a lift.”

“I can walk up stairs,” Danny shrugged. “I’m looking forward to beignets and good coffee.”

“Not tea?” Steve asked in surprise.

“Well yes tea too and maybe cocoa. Whatever the mood.”


They were readied for take off so Danny passed out the gum and they held hands as their jet lifted off to head to New Orleans.

Et le dragon vert leva la tête….

Part 5 He’s A Lot Like Me; Not VoodooBut Destiny - jawnslulluby21 (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.