Sonic Together - Chaos and Soul - SongbirdsMelody - Sonic the Hedgehog (2024)

Chapter 1: Water Rising


Sonic, Tails, and Amy are helping Cream and Vanilla move their Chao into safety as rising water levels wash away their Chao Garden, when Eggman attacks. Meanwhile, Knuckles answers a call for help from a mysterious figure from his past.

Chapter Text

EXT. Angel Island - Night
Angel Island in the dead of night. Dark clouds block the night sky. A harsh storm rages. Palm trees whip in Angel Island’s forests. Sand flies into the air in Sandopolis. Lights flicker in Carnival Night. KNUCKLES THE ECHIDNA meditates, sat on the stone ground in front of the Master Emerald. He faces towards it, legs crossed, arms resting upon his knees. A feminine voice echoes out from… somewhere.

Knuckles… Knuckles the Echidna…

KNUCKLES’ eyes snap open. Someone is on his island. His pupils dart from side to side. He can’t see anyone.

Whoever you are, reveal yourself. I am Knuckles the Echidna, guardian of this island. Mess with me, and you shall be punished.

Knuckles… please…

Wait. I know that voice. Who is that?

KNUCKLES stands, looking around, trying to find the voice.

Knuckles… I need your help… help me, Knuckles…

Where are you?

We cut to a wide shot of the Emerald Altar. KNUCKLES is the only person there.



EXT. New West Side Island - Vanilla’s House - Day

Hey, come on, little guy. We’ve gotta get you to safety!

SONIC THE HEDGEHOG, crouching, offers his hand out to a CHAO, splashing around in a pool of water. They stop playing to look at him, inquisitively, a question mark forming above their head. SONIC stands back up, slightly exasperated.

I don’t get it. Why do they enjoy this so much?

Next to SONIC is TAILS THE FOX. They stand behind VANILLA’s house, in what used to be her small Chao Garden. Flowers and fencing float in the water that has now engulfed it, as it laps against her house.

I’m not sure. Records suggest that Chao do enjoy swimming, but to this extent? Seems unusual.

Here, little guy! Come on! We’ve got some fruit for you over here!

The CHAO perks up at this, exclamation mark forming above their head. They paddle into SONIC’s arms. SONIC picks them up, carrying them to the front of the house, TAILS shortly behind. There is AMY, talking to VANILLA.

Really, thank you so much again for coming to help on such short notice.

It’s alright, really! No trouble at all.

It’s just… I didn’t know what to do! I know it’s been raining a lot lately, but the water levels rising this much? That’s never happened before.

Unfortunately it’s not just here. News stories are coming in from all over the globe. Freak storms, coming out of nowhere, raising the water levels. I’ve heard the nation of Soleanna has been completely flooded.

CREAM THE RABBIT appears on the doorstep of the home.

Are the Chao alright, mother?

Of course, dear! Mr. Sonic and Mr. Tails helped them all out of the water.

Oh, thank you ever so much!

Heh. It’s no trouble. Are they gonna have somewhere to sleep?

They may have to stay inside the house for now, but I’m sure we can set up a makeshift bed for them.

They can sleep in my room!

That’d be nice, dear. Why don’t you start setting up for them now?

Yes, mother!

CREAM retreats back into the house. A beep comes from TAILS. He pulls his Miles Electric from his pocket.

Oh- Eggman alert, right nearby!

Then what are we waiting for? Let’s get ‘em! You coming, Ames?

AMY pulls out her hammer, posing for attack.

You know it! We’ll be right back, Vanilla!

Good luck out there!

SONIC, TAILS, and AMY speed into Leaf Forest. VANILLA waves after them.

EXT. Hot Crater - Day
Standing on the rocks of the Hot Crater is a giant mech, piloted by DOCTOR EGGMAN. The mech is sat upon two large wheels, topped with large red fenders. The legs are composed of two large blue spheres each, upon which a large red body rests. Protruding from this body are large, crab-like claws. EGGMAN’s Egg Mobile sits atop the machine. SONIC, TAILS, and AMY jump into the large crater that he is stood in, taking battle stances.

Ah, Sonic! So nice of you to finally show up. And you brought two of your dimwitted friends along. This’ll be fun.

You’re right! Fun for us. Always good to trash one of your machines, Doc.

Design-wise, this looks like one of your poorer attempts. Why the blue? Why the crab motif? If we were on the beach, sure…

Oh, you’ll see soon enough, fox boy. But first, eat lasers!

EGGMAN’s Mech spins around, and one of the claws points at TAILS. It opens, firing an energy blast.


TAILS jumps out of the way, using his tails to propel him further.

Tails, you focus on the body, I’ll distract him. Ames, the legs are all yours.

Got it!

TAILS runs to the left side of the robot, AMY rounding to the right. SONIC stays central, sticking his tongue out.

Hey Eggy! I’m a clear shot! Wanna test your aim?

EGGMAN scoffs.

Hardly. I’m not an idiot, hedgehog.

EGGMAN slams the claws of his mech down, encasing TAILS and AMY as they run towards it. The claws shut, and begin to rise.

Look what you’ve done now, Sonic! I’ve captured your friends! Feeling bad yet?

The claw on the right begins opening, slowly. AMY is pushing the metal apart, creating an opening.

Right… where I… want you!

The claw flies open, AMY dropping from it. Producing her hammer, she swings forward, smashing the right leg of the mech. Both spheres fly onto the floor, strangely, sticking together. The torso of the mech dips, connecting to the wheel, at an angle.

Oh, look. My friend destroyed your robot. Feeling bad yet?

Sonic! Are you gonna stand there and trash talk the whole time, or get in on the action?

Y’know what, Amy? You’re right. Here I go!

SONIC runs around the edge of the crater, circling the mech, increasing speed. Eventually, he leaps, colliding with the wrist of the claw containing TAILS. The claw short-circuits, opening, setting him free. TAILS stays in the air, his tails helping him fly.

Thanks for the assist!

SONIC uncurls from his ball, reaching the peak of his ascent.

You got it, bud! Ready to catch?

On it.

SONIC falls, TAILS diving to catch him, grabbing his hands. They float in front of EGGMAN.

Ooh. You wanna do the move we practised?

Do you even have to ask?

TAILS begins spinning in circles, charging up velocity. He flings SONIC towards EGGMAN, SONIC curling up into a ball. SONIC collides with the robot, sending it tumbling backwards. It hits the back of the crater, collapsing. SONIC lands on the ground, and pats himself down.

Phew. I would say that was a close one, but it really wasn’t. Are you even trying anymore, Egg-For-Brains?

EGGMAN grins, a wicked grin.

Oh, you have no idea.

The engines of the Egg Mobile start, EGGMAN propelling into the air. He pushes a button on his control panel, and suddenly, the body parts of the mech begin moving again. They detach, and other body parts sprout from them. Soon, SONIC, TAILS, and AMY are faced with a swarm of giant badniks- two Motobugs, two Splats, and a large Crabmeat.

I present to you- an innovation in badnik technology! Have fun! I’ve got work to do.

Oh, no, you don’t. Amy, fire me up there?

Are you sure?

Sure that I don’t want him to get away. Will you two be okay handling these guys?

We do this all the time. We’ll be good.

Then fire away!

SONIC crouches on the ground, charging up a spin dash. AMY stands behind him, and swings her hammer straight into him. SONIC goes flying, straight towards the Egg Mobile.

Looks like it’s just you and me.

The five giant Badniks have surrounded AMY and TAILS. They brace for a fight. One of the Motobugs charges towards them, and TAILS dives out of the way. AMY uses her hammer to vault herself on top of the Motobug, and hangs onto it as if it is a rodeo bull. It skids to the side, sending AMY flying off its back, into the side of the crater.

I am never trying that again.

TAILS recovers from his dive, and looks up- the two Splats are staring down at him. They both jump at the same time, aiming for him. Panicked, he freezes. The two Splats collide with each other, their momentum halting as they fall straight down- on top of TAILS. We cut to SONIC, who is hanging from the back of the Egg Mobile.

Heh. Guess your dear friends couldn’t cope, could they?

Tails… Amy… I trust them. They got this. And I got you.

SONIC pulls himself up, jumping into the co*ckpit of the Egg Mobile. EGGMAN is shoved to the side.

Ooh, what do these buttons do?

Don’t press those, you rat!

EGGMAN grabs for SONIC, but he ducks, EGGMAN missing. SONIC comes back up.

I think I’m gonna press… this one!

SONIC presses a large red button.

Emergency Shutdown initiated.

Ooh, lucky me!

As the Egg Mobile begins to descend, a blazing red fireball speeds past them. We cut to AMY, as she sees it fly above her head. It crashes in the distance, causing the entire crater to shake. All of the giant Badniks fall, shaking in the earthquake. AMY pulls herself up, rushing over to TAILS, who is collapsed on the ground.

Tails! Are you alright?

Yeah… ugh, those guys… how’d he make ‘em so strong?

TAILS sits, shaking his head clear. We cut back to the Egg Mobile, that has now landed.

So, you gonna try to run or what?

Hmph. From you? Don’t be co*cky.

Can’t help it. It’s who I am.

SONIC grins. As he does, the sound of helicopter blades descends from above. Looking up, SONIC sees an official G.U.N helicopter, descending on the pair. It hovers a few feet above the ground, the door sliding open as a trio of G.U.N SOLDIERS jump out, a rope ladder descending behind them. One of the SOLDIERS speaks into a hand radio.

G.U.N Officer 23601 reporting, energy interference confirmed as Doctor Ivo Robotnik. Detaining now, over.

The SOLDIERS push past SONIC, two of them grabbing EGGMAN by each arm, as they pull him towards the helicopter, handcuffing him.

Well hello to you too.

Urgh- unhand me, you ruffians!

Doctor Ivo Robotnik, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do will be promptly ignored- we have all the evidence we need to lock you up for a lifetime.

The SOLDIERS lift EGGMAN, shoving him into the helicopter.

Curse you! I will have my revenge, Sonic! Just you wait! My wrath will find you first!

The SOLDIERS climb the ladder, joining EGGMAN in the helicopter. The door shuts and the helicopter takes off, flying into the distance.

Rude. They didn’t even thank me for stopping him!

SONIC gasps, realising he had forgotten something.

Tails and Amy!

SONIC dashes back into the crater. TAILS and AMY are on their feet, the Badniks still on the ground.

Guys! You okay?

I’m fine. Tails might be a little worse for wear, though.

No, no, I’m fine! I promise. A little… or, big, Badnik can’t do anything to me! What happened with you? Where’s Eggman?

On the way to Central City, I’d assume. As soon as I stopped the guy, G.U.N swooped in and took him! Didn’t even give me a medal.

Do they even have jurisdiction outside of the United Federation?

Huh… I don’t know. But whatever. He’s their problem now. Did you guys see that meteor? What in the heck was that?

I’m guessing it’s our next location. The fun never ends for us, does it?

You got that right! Who’s up for some more action?

SONIC mimes a fistfight, punching and ducking towards nobody in particular. TAILS and AMY chuckle, rolling their eyes.

EXT. Angel Island - Night
The storm is still raging on Angel Island. We see KNUCKLES, exploring the island, trying to find the voice calling for him. He passes through the Marble Garden, the Carnival Night, even EGGMAN’s abandoned Launch Base, which has been reclaimed by nature. But nothing. Even the Chao nests are empty.

Please, stranger. I can’t help if we can’t talk. Where are you?

Searching every corner of the island, he finds nothing. KNUCKLES returns to the Master Emerald. He walks up the steps to the Altar.

Knuckles… Please, help me…

There it is again… Please, tell me. Where are you?

I need you, Knuckles. You’re the only one that can help me…

KNUCKLES surveys the area once again. Nobody. He focuses on the Master Emerald. Is it glowing… brighter than usual? He knees in front of it, clasping his hands together.

Master Emerald, I call for your power in my time of need. Grant me your wisdom, so that I may see the one that needs me.

A red light begins shimmering around KNUCKLES. A red orb swirls around him, as he disappears in the light.

INT. Chaos Space
KNUCKLES shimmers into being in a mysterious plane. Not quite corporeal, but not completely spiritual. The floor is coated in clouds, a seemingly endless horizon stretching away. Opening his eyes, he stands, and looks around, before seeing someone nearby. An orange Echidna.


Knuckles! Thank you for heeding my call. Something is wrong… with Chaos.

EXT. G.U.N HQ - Courtyard - Day
SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG, ROUGE THE BAT, and E-123 OMEGA walk through the courtyard of the G.U.N Base in Central City.

I just can’t believe he thought he could try to convince you that he was Sonic. Does he even know who you are?

Heh. I’ve seen my fair share of fakers, but that was by far the worst.

And then I obliterated him. This was a successful use of our time.

A horde of G.U.N SOLDIERS rush into the courtyard as the sound of helicopter blades descend upon them. A G.U.N Helicopter lands, the SOLDIERS swarming around it, completely blocking it from view. The door opens, but SHADOW, ROUGE, and OMEGA cannot see who is leaving.

What the…

ROUGE grabs the attention of one of the SOLDIERS.

So who’s the important arrival?

Sorry Ma’am, that’s classified G.U.N Business.

Excuse me? I’m one of G.U.N’s top agents! Rouge the Bat?

My apologies, ma’am, this is on a need to know basis. And you do not need to know.

How rude!

SHADOW walks past her, trying to push through the crowd.

Let me through. This is important G.U.N Business.

You’re not on a whitelist for this info either, Agent Shadow. Now, I ask all three of you to step back.

Hmph. You work here for years, and this is how you get treated? Disgraceful.

ROUGE holds her head high as the three of them walk away from the crowd.

I suggest we take covert measures to discover the contents of the helicopter.

Oh, don’t you worry. There’s nothing I want more right now.

EXT. Hot Crater - Day
SONIC, TAILS, and AMY rush towards a large, smoking crater, prepared for battle. The collision of the meteor with the ground has left a large skid mark in the dirt.

Water levels rising, Egghead making weirdly powerful Badniks, then actually being arrested… this is the weirdest day we’ve had in a while. So, strange meteor. What have you got?

SONIC takes a few steps forward, waving the smoke out of the way. Inside the crater is not a rock, or any sort of object. Inside, lays a figure. Curled up. A purple cat.



AMY and TAILS join SONIC at the edge of the crater.

Oh my… she looks hurt!

We’ve gotta get her to safety. Vanilla’s house is nearby!

On it.

SONIC climbs into the crater, scooping BLAZE in his arms. She’s unnaturally warm.

Yowch, you’re hot. What happened to you?

Still unconscious, BLAZE seems to weakly shine a rose colour, but only for a moment. It disappears, and her temperature with it.

And back to normal… Tails, can you let Vanilla know we’re on our way?

Calling her now!

TAILS pulls out his Miles Electric, and begins to call VANILLA.

Don’t worry, Blaze. I’m sure there’s some huge danger going on in your dimension right now… with the day we’re having, it’d be weird if there wasn’t. But we’ll sort it out together. I promise.

INT. Chaos Space
KNUCKLES and TIKAL are stood, surrounded by an endless horizon, talking.

Ever since you, Sonic, and your friends helped soothe Chaos’ rage, he and I have been here. Our duties within the world were finished, so we were granted the ability to watch as it flourished. But recently… Chaos has been lashing out.

I see. Is that why Angel Island has been under constant storm?

I believe so. It started with Angel Island, as we have a direct connection to the Master Emerald. However, the rest of the world has begun to experience similar storms. It is deeply troubling.

And where is Chaos now? Is he here?

Until very recently, yes. Just before I began calling out to you, in fact. But…

TIKAL holds her hands to her chest.

I fear that he has descended onto your world once again.

KNUCKLES stares at the floor. Trying to view the world below him. No such luck.

And you want me to stop him?

Yes… you and your friends. If he gathers the Chaos Emeralds again… the destruction he could cause…

Well, don’t worry. I’m on it.

Are you sure?

What kinda guardian would I be if I didn’t grant the wishes of the Master Emerald?

TIKAL tilts her head in confusion. Did he mean… her?

Now. Do you have any idea why Chaos is angry?

I’m afraid not. The last time he was this angry, it was because my father was trying to claim the Chaos Emeralds for his clan- at the cost of the Chao’s lives…

Huh. Everyone loves Chao these days.

Exactly. But I fear we may not be able to solve this problem by watching from above. Knuckles… I urge you, please gather your friends. Try and find what has enraged Chaos.

Of course. As guardian of the Master Emerald, you have my word.

TIKAL bows.

Thank you. I shall send you back to Angel Island now. Good luck.

KNUCKLES bows in return. He shimmers with red light, before disappearing within it.

EXT. Angel Island - Night
KNUCKLES reappears in front of the Master Emerald, still bowing. Rain falls around him. He stands tall.

Chaos is back, huh? At least Angel Island isn’t in the ocean this time.

INT. Vanilla’s House - Evening
BLAZE THE CAT blinks awake. We see from her perspective as she lies in a bed. She looks to the side, and sees a pair of Chao playing on the floor of the room she is in. She tilts her head again, looking straight ahead. A large, black, humanoid robot is stood at the foot of the bed. She jolts awake, scrambling backwards, until her back hits the headboard of the bed. We cut to a third-person shot of the room. BLAZE is in CREAM THE RABBIT’s bedroom. The robot is merely GEMERL. BLAZE breathes a sigh of relief.

Gemerl! It’s only you. You scared me there. So that must have been…

BLAZE looks toward the Chao once again. Both blue, still playing.

No bow tie. So not Cheese. Hm.

BLAZE slips out of bed. She is dressed in a pair of purple pyjamas, Chao patterned onto them. She is also wearing a pair of light purple slippers.

What the… am I dreaming?

BLAZE walks towards CREAM’s bedroom door. Opening it a crack, she sees it is in darkness. Heading out into the hallway, she holds out her palm, a small flame lighting itself within. She uses this light to find her way down to the staircase. As she starts descending, however, she hears voices. BLAZE stops, peering through the bannister, to find VANILLA, AMY, and TAILS sat in VANILLA’s living room.

At least, we believe she’s unharmed. I’d recommend a full medical checkup. She did come crashing out of the sky, after all.

BLAZE’s eyes narrow. Were they talking about her?

Oh, definitely. I’ve put some soup on the stove, and her clothes are drying, so she can at least be comfortable while we find out more about what has happened to her.

Definitely talking about her.

This is really concerning, Vanilla. First the Chao, then Eggman, now this? It’s one thing after another today. I can’t help but feel it’s all connected.

Well, all we can do for now is wait. There’s no point in worrying when we can’t get any answers.

You’re right. Do you mind if I grab my tarot cards? I think a fortune reading might make me feel a little more at ease.

Of course! I think it’d be nice to do one for the Chao as well. They’ve all been working so hard to get accustomed to their new living situation.

That sounds wonderful!

AMY stands, heading to another room.

I just hope Blaze is alright. I do enjoy seeing her again, but it always feels like it’s only when the world’s ending- oh!

AMY, heading around the side of the sofa, sees BLAZE lingering at the top of the staircase. TAILS and VANILLA turn around at AMY’s noise, noticing her as well.

Oh, Blaze! You’re awake! Why don’t you join us?

O-of course. I’m sorry for eavesdropping.

BLAZE heads down the stairs. As she does, the front door opens, and SONIC enters.

There ya go. That’s Cream all tuckered out before bed. And me, too. Phew! That girl can run.

CREAM follows shortly after SONIC.

Ooh, Miss Blaze is awake! Hello, Miss Blaze!

INT. Vanilla’s House - Kitchen - Evening
BLAZE sits, now in her normal clothing, at VANILLA’s kitchen table, a bowl of soup in front of her. Surrounding her are SONIC, TAILS, AMY, and VANILLA. A storm rages outside.

So. You’re a meteor now. That’s cool.

AMY elbows SONIC.

What he means to say is, it’s good to see you again.

Likewise. Although I do wonder… how did I get here?

Everyone at the table exchanges glances.

You mean… you don’t know?

BLAZE wrings her hands nervously.

I should probably tell you what’s been going on in my dimension. And why I have to get back there as soon as possible.

INT. Imperial Palace - Night
We see an exterior shot of BLAZE’s Imperial Palace in the Sol Dimension. Horrible storms lash against the palace walls. Thunder booms. The sky flashes with lightning. We cut inside, to a conference room. Inside is BLAZE, and her personal guard, GARDON THE KOALA. BLAZE paces back and forth.

Ten days. Ten days these storms have been raging, without an end. This is not normal.

But what could be causing it, milady?

BLAZE paces over to a window. She pushes it open.

I’m unsure. The bigger question is… why does it hurt?

BLAZE reaches her gloved hand out of the window. Raindrops start colliding with it, and the fabric starts dissolving into smoke, as if it had been dipped in acid. She pulls back inside, closing the window.

Perhaps we just have to wait it out?

We tried waiting it out. For over a week. It’s not stopping.

At that moment, the large door bursts open. BLAZE and GARDON spin around, expecting someone with important news. Instead, a small group of fire spirits float in. Their body composed entirely of flame, they each possess one eye in the middle of their bodies. The size of Chao, these creatures levitate, floating in a huddle towards BLAZE, shaking with fear. She lays her hand on one, rubbing it.

There, there. It’ll be okay. Gardon, I can’t bear to see the Stella like this. I’m going to do it.

Surely not, milady!

I must. If we’re going to stop these storms, I’m going to have to use the Sol Emeralds’ powers.

…Alright. Just be careful.

Of course. Take care of the Stella for me. Make sure they don’t leave this room.

You’ve got it, milady!

GARDON salutes BLAZE. She begins to leave, but turns around, a small smile on her face.

And for the last time… Call me Blaze.

BLAZE walks out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Yes, Princess Blaze! Blaze. Just Blaze.

GARDON sighs.

This job used to be much easier. Back when we had no killer storms…

GARDON sits on one of the chairs at the large conference table, wiping his brow. The Stella huddle around him, looking for comfort.

Ah… it’ll be alright, little ones. Blaze’ll stop the rain, and everything will be peachy again.

While GARDON comforts the Stella, one particular Stella glances around. They detach from the group, floating toward the door. We cut to BLAZE, storming down a corridor.

If these rains aren’t going to let up, then I’m going to have to do it myself. For my kingdom. For the world.

She turns a corner, coming to a small carpeted staircase. At the top of the staircase is a wooden stand, a glass case on top. The public display stand for the Sol Emeralds. Ascending, she reaches the case, pulling out a key. She inserts the key into a small hole, and removes one of the glass panels. Inside is a wooden box, resting on a purple pillow. The box has a glass top, showing the seven Sol Emeralds embedded within a felt casing. She removes the box from the case, and continues walking.

Sol Emeralds… I ask of you… save us.

As BLAZE walks, a Stella floats up from behind her, levitating at her side. It chirps. BLAZE jumps, nearly dropping the Sol Emeralds. The glass atop the wooden box moves a little.

Ah! What are you doing here? You’re meant to be with Gardon!

The Stella flexes its arms, as if to imply muscle.

No… you can’t help. I have to do this alone.

BLAZE continues moving. The Stella follows her. She stops again.

Please, go back to Gardon. You’ll be safe with him.

The Stella shakes their head, pointing at BLAZE. BLAZE sighs.

Fine. But promise me you’ll wait inside. If you go out, you’ll be seriously hurt.

The Stella nods.

Good. Come on.

BLAZE tucks the box under her arm, and continues walking. Unbeknownst to her, the glass panel has come loose. BLAZE and the Stella walk, coming to a door to the outside. BLAZE opens the door, revealing the entrance to the palace- a grassy oceanside area. BLAZE turns toward the Stella.

Wait for me here, alright?

The Stella nods once again. BLAZE turns, and walks outside as she moves the Sol Emerald box back into both of her hands. As she does this, the glass lifts up, and the Green Sol Emerald falls onto the grass. BLAZE continues, not noticing. The rain begins to hit her fur, causing it to hiss as if it were hit with acid rain.

Sol Emeralds… protect me from this rain.

The Sol Emeralds glow, and a protective aura shines around BLAZE. The rain seems to bounce off of her. BLAZE walks until she is near the ocean- about fifteen metres away from the palace doors. She kneels down, and begins laying the Sol Emeralds down around her. Here, she notices the missing Emerald. She looks back but cannot see it. The Stella sees her panicking, and debates what to do. Flexing again, to calm their woes, they float into the rain. They immediately begin wincing in pain, but persevere. They float down to the Emerald, picking it up, and fly as fast as they can towards BLAZE.

No! What are you doing? Get back inside!

BLAZE tries to usher the Stella back inside, but they persevere. Reaching BLAZE, they drop the Sol Emerald on the ground, before collapsing themself. BLAZE covers her mouth with her hands.


Steeling herself, BLAZE turns back towards the ocean.

I must do this. To honour the Stella that braved this storm.

BLAZE clasps her hands together.

The seven Sol guide us. May we look inside ourselves to find the power of the Sol. To live within the Sol is to know the true power of the Sol.

The Sol Emeralds begin floating around BLAZE.

I use this prayer to call out to the creator of the Sol Emeralds. The watcher of this world. I am Blaze the Cat. The Guardian of the Emeralds. We are in deep turmoil. I beg for your aid, on behalf of all who inhabit this world. Please, Sol… help us.

The Emeralds drop to the ground again. BLAZE’s prayer is met with silence. She opens her eyes. Nothing. Standing, BLAZE looks around.

Did it not work? Why…? I followed every step correctly…

BLAZE looks at the Sol Emeralds on the ground. They’re exactly where they’re supposed to be. As BLAZE does this, the ground begins shaking. Looking around frantically, BLAZE notices the unconscious Stella rising into the air. They keep rising, until they are two stories high. Their body lays still.

What the…

A huge pillar of flame shoots from the Stella’s body, into the sky. They themselves then begin glowing, turning a bright white, before exploding into a ball of flame. Fire shoots from their body, spinning in huge arcs, as they begin to coalesce into a more concrete form. A bulky, elongated body centres the creature, four pairs of arms extending from the torso. Their elbows are bent at almost 90 degrees, ending in three sharp bird-like claws. A thick serpentine tail sets the body on the ground, splitting into two at the end. Their head also resembles a bird, beak opening to expose a set of razor-sharp teeth as they let out a piercing roar. A pair of deer-like antlers tops the creature, ending in pointed spikes. Still completely composed of fire, this hulking monstrosity called only one name to mind.

It’s you… Sol.

SOL, being hit by the rain, begins writhing in pain. They float into the air once again, and start shooting balls of flame from their mouth, directed into the sky.

Sol… what’s going on?

SOL stops, looking down at BLAZE. They shoot a fireball directly at her, as she dives out of the way.

Oh, no. Sol… I called you to help us. I must put a stop to this.

Gathering the Sol Emeralds once again, BLAZE stands, releasing them around her. They float, spinning in a circle around her body as she begins levitating into the air. Her clothes turn red and gold as her skin turns a pale rose. Fire surrounds her form. A flash of white.

INT. Vanilla’s House - Kitchen - Night
BLAZE is once again sat at the table. Everyone around her with wide, terrified eyes.

And that’s all I remember. Sol could be rampaging through my dimension as we speak. I have to get back there.

BLAZE stands.

Blaze, wait. If you’re going, I’m coming with you.

SONIC stands as well.

Neither of you are going anywhere! Blaze, do you even still have the Sol Emeralds?


BLAZE feels on her person, but produces nothing.


Then you’re not getting back to your dimension any time soon.

I am. I just need to find them.

And I’m coming with you.

Sonic! Amy’s right. If you rush out there, you could be scouring the whole world, just to find that the Sol Emeralds are still in Blaze’s dimension. We have to let Blaze recover. Tonight I’ll start working on a Sol Emerald addition to my Chaos Emerald tracker. Then we can get searching, together.

SONIC sits again.

Okay. That sounds reasonable. That alright with you, Blaze?

BLAZE stares at everyone sitting at the table. The care in their eyes. She focuses on VANILLA, and the still untouched soup. When was the last time she had eaten? Reluctantly, she sits.

Yes. I will admit, I do feel tired.

Then it’s settled! A night to relax, and then we head out! At least nothing else can make this day any weirder.

The door to the house slams open. Before anyone can leave the table, KNUCKLES charging into the kitchen, clearly panicked.

Sonic! Tails! Amy! There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!

Knuckles? What’s wrong?

It’s Chaos. He’s back.

SONIC looks at AMY.

Can’t get any weirder, huh?

Two armed SOLDIERS march EGGMAN through G.U.N’s Central City HQ, surrounded by a mob of other G.U.N SOLDIERS. They pass a restricted zone, the mob retreating, leaving EGGMAN with the two SOLDIERS escorting him.

So, where are you taking me? Your highest security cell? I am the world’s most formidable evil, after all.

The SOLDIERS say nothing.

Urgh, you’re no fun. At least Sonic will engage me in witty pre-battle trash talk.

They reach a door, which slides open, revealing a simple cell.

Seriously? That’s it?

Oh, don’t worry. It’s a lot more intricate than you think.

The G.U.N COMMANDER appears, rounding a corner.

Finally, someone to talk to. Go on. Explain your science.

While this cell looks ordinary, it is equipped with every covert defence mechanism you can imagine. When that door closes, nobody is getting in or out. Except me.

Great, great. Vague, too. So tell me, why now? Why, after all these years, do you decide to finally lock me up?

Well now, if I told you that, it’d ruin the surprise! Send him in.

The SOLDIERS shove EGGMAN into his cell, slamming the door behind him.

Perfect. We have him right where we want him. Time to engage phase two.

Chapter 2: Life Changing


With Blaze now in Sonic's dimension, they must find a Chaos and Sol Emerald to help Blaze find her way home. Meanwhile, Team Dark try to find out what the mysterious contents of the helicopter were, much to the Commander's dismay.

Chapter Text

INT. G.U.N HQ - Commander’s Office
Inside of his office, the G.U.N COMMANDER is watching security camera footage of EGGMAN, pacing around his cell, on his computer.

Are you going to tell me why I’m here yet?

All in due time, Doctor.

There is a short knock on his door.

You may enter.

The COMMANDER minimises the tab as the door opens, SHADOW, ROUGE, and OMEGA entering.

Ah. There you are. You’re late.

We do apologise, sir. There was a crowd at the door down the hall. We couldn’t get through.

Until I shoved them out of the way.


That’s… actually what we’d like to discuss with you, sir. We believe we should be made aware of the contents of the room.

Is that so? And why would you think that?


As some of the top agents in the organisation, it’s our priority to be up to date on all sensitive information regarding the safety of our nation. We-

Oh, don’t give me that. That’s the spiel we give civilians to get them to tell us what they’re hiding. The contents of that room are classified, and that’s final.

SHADOW barges past ROUGE, slamming his fist on the desk.

Are you serious? If there’s a world-ending event, we are the ones that can actually do anything to stop it. And the hubbub surrounding that room suggests it could pose a serious threat to the world. You really don’t want us to be prepared for when whatever’s in there inevitably puts you all in danger? Don’t be stupid.


No. This is unreasonable. You hire us to protect you, and you won’t give us any information? It’s a wonder you’ve been the commander of this place for this long.

Agent Shadow! I should be discharging you from the agency with immediate effect for that kind of insubordination.

The COMMANDER waits for a moment, letting the threat linger. He adjusts a few items on his desk.

Lucky for you… I’ve been needing an agent or three to monitor the water levels down in the sewers.

Excuse me?

You heard me. If you want to protect the world like you say, you’ll accept this mission without any backtalk. Head down to the sewers of Central City and take full readings of the change in water levels of all key areas. You got that?

SHADOW glares at the COMMANDER.

…Yes, sir.

He turns, walking out of the office. ROUGE and OMEGA stare in silence, comprehending what just happened.


ROUGE lowers her head. She follows. OMEGA stares at the COMMANDER for another moment, before leaving too.

This is beneath me.

Tell me about it. Someone needs to get that hedgehog’s mouth in check.

The door closes behind them. The COMMANDER waits a moment, before pulling the security camera feed up once more. EGGMAN is staring at the camera.

You forgot to turn the mic off… dimwit.

Do you want me to put you in solitary?

Hmph. So you’re keeping me hidden from Shadow, eh? You must have something big planned, indeed. You know, it’s funny.


Usually I’m the one with a secret ulterior motive. Really makes you appreciate having the upper hand.

The COMMANDER rolls his eyes.



INT. Vanilla’s House - Day
SONIC, TAILS, KNUCKLES, and BLAZE are in VANILLA’s living room, preparing to head outside. It is still raining.

Are you… sure?

Sure that the rain won’t hurt me? Yeah, I’m sure.

SONIC opens the front door, and steps outside, revelling in the weather.

Nothin’ beats a good run through the rain!

Make sure to wait for the rest of us!

TAILS joins SONIC, jumping from VANILLA’s front porch into a puddle. KNUCKLES walks onto the porch, looking out to the right side, across the sea. BLAZE lingers in the doorway. KNUCKLES notices, and turns to her.

You alright?

Yes, I’m… I’m fine.

KNUCKLES shrugs, and walks onto the grass, joining SONIC and TAILS. BLAZE stares at them wide eyed- enjoying the weather. Something she had not had the luxury of doing for a while now. Tentatively, she reaches her arm out, her hand being exposed to the rain. She jerks it back, instinctually- but no damage. Slowly, she reaches out again- lets the rain wet her glove. She steps down the stairs of the porch and onto the muddy grass. She tilts her head up, eyes closed, spreading her arms wide. SONIC tilts his head, quizzically.

Yo, Blaze, you good?

Oh… yes. It’s just… this is the first storm in a while that hasn’t threatened to dissolve me.

BLAZE stares downwards, into a puddle. Her reflection stares back at her- the eyes of someone who looks completely out of their depth. She hadn’t even begun her mission, and was already encountering trouble. A drop of rain hits the puddle, sending her reflection into ripples. She looks back up, and sees that TAILS has pulled out his Miles Electric, equipped with a rain-blocking screen shield.

So after I recalibrated the radar to account for Blaze’s latent Sol Energy, the nearest energy source wasn’t actually that far away! If we’re lucky, we could have a Sol Emerald on our hands by lunch.

Great. The quicker Blaze can get back to her own dimension, the quicker we can stop Chaos.

Hey, you say that as if we aren’t going with her! If the Sol Emeralds alone weren’t enough to stop the acid rain and this Sol guy, then she’s gonna need our help. So which way we headin’, Tails?

Looking at how close we are already, it seems we’re back at the Hot Crater!

Huh. That’s convenient. Last one there’s a rotten Eggman!

SONIC speeds into the forest.

Wh- Hey! Wait up, Sonic!

TAILS chases after him. BLAZE gets ready to run, but notices KNUCKLES, walking at a casual pace.

Aren’t you going to run after them?

KNUCKLES chuckles.

Pfft. Like I need to prove myself to those guys. They already know how great I am. I meant what I said, by the way. I’m not going with you. The fate of my world is just as important as yours.

I agree.

KNUCKLES’ eyes widen, shocked.


From my studies of our dimensions, it seems that Sol and Chaos play similar roles. I do not believe it’s a coincidence that they are both threatening their respective dimensions at the same time, but that also means they are probably of similar power. I would not ask any of you to risk your own world in saving mine.

Oh. Well. Good. We’re on the same page.

It seems so. Now, I would rather not keep those two waiting-

Before BLAZE can finish her sentence, KNUCKLES charges into the forest. BLAZE rolls her eyes, and runs after him.

INT. Central City Sewers
SHADOW, ROUGE, and OMEGA trudge through the sewers of Central City. OMEGA walks next to the running water, one of his fingers dipped in as he does. ROUGE walks next to him, while SHADOW storms ahead.

Water level in this quadrant high compared to average. Compared to previous quadrant- no change.

Well there’s a surprise. Water levels rising globally and the water level is high? Who’d have thought.

I hope that you are being sarcastic, otherwise that is an idiotic claim.

Nothing sneaks past you, big guy.

The trio walk in silence for a moment.

Alright, I’ll bite. Shadow, you wanna talk about what happened with the Commander?


My my, talkative today, aren’t we?

This is once again a foolish observation.

Are you just trying to push my buttons?

I am as proficient a comedian as I am at murder and destruction.

Shouldn’t you be taking water level readings?

They are high. They are all high. This is menial busywork as punishment for rebellious actions.

You’re not wrong. He really doesn’t want us to know what’s in that room. Which is why we have to find out.

When whatever it is backfires on him, I’m not helping.

Now there’s someone who’s had his buttons pushed. What’s with you today, Shad?

I told you, I’m fine. Let’s just get those readings so we can get out of here.

ROUGE shrugs, admitting defeat.

Alright. If you don’t wanna tell me, I won’t push it- woah.

As they walk, ROUGE notices a passageway to their left. What once was part of the brick wall has crumbled away, a bright light emanating, leading into a different environment. Brown stone lines the wall, with giant fans and metallic columns everywhere. Dilapidated minecart tracks line the edges of what appears to be an old mine.

Records indicate an old mine, abandoned as a result of the changing infrastructure of Central City after the industrial revolution. A far more interesting location than the ever-repeating sewer halls that shall now plague my nightmares.

Yeah, I’m with you, big guy. Let’s go in there.

We don’t need to go in there. Stick to the mission.

SHADOW looks back at his team- they have disappeared. Annoyed, he follows them through the passageway into the Aquatic Mine.

EXT. Hot Crater - Day
BLAZE and KNUCKLES emerge from the thinning line of trees, entering the Hot Crater as the grass begins to recede, harsh rock taking its place. Steam rises from all around as rain collides with the ground, cooling down the heated rocks of the area. TAILS waves over to them, jumping up and down to grab their attention.

Over here!

BLAZE and KNUCKLES make their way over to TAILS and SONIC, who are standing next to a crater- the same crater that BLAZE formed when she crashed into the zone the previous day.

Hm. Strange hole. Seems like the perfect place for an emerald.

It’s more than that! This is where Blaze crash landed!

And there was a Sol Emerald here the whole time?

It seems so. Blaze, would you like to do the honours?

BLAZE nods, and jumps into the crater, fire shooting out of the bottom of her shoes to slow her descent. Landing safely at the bottom of the crater, she crouches, looking towards the ground for any sign of a Sol Emerald. Seeing something jutting out of the ground, she brushes the dirt away from it- a gemstone. Pulling it out of the ground, it definitely is a Sol Emerald… but devoid of all colour. BLAZE clutches it to her chest, trying to revitalise some of its power, but to no avail.

Blaze, did you find anything?

I… I found the emerald.

Great. Now we can leave.

KNUCKLES begins to walk away, but SONIC grabs his arm.

Hold fast, knucklehead. Blaze. What’s up?

BLAZE looks away. SONIC releases KNUCKLES’ arm, and holds his palm up to the Echidna’s face.


KNUCKLES’ eyes stare SONIC down with pure anger as he slides into the crater.

Blaze, did you find it? Are you okay?

BLAZE turns, slowly, presenting the emerald to SONIC. Pure black.

I don’t know what happened. I’ve… never seen this before.

Woah. Well lucky for you, I have. Twice.

This has happened to your emeralds?

Oh, yeah. One time, Egghead used ‘em to suck the super right out of me. Had to fix ‘em at some weird temples. But the other time is probably way more relevant right now.

What happened?

We cut to a beige background, textured like a stone tablet. As SONIC tells his story, silhouettes of the events that transpired play out.

When Chaos absorbed all seven Chaos Emeralds, he turned into this giant water monster. He spat the emeralds back out, but they were all dark, like that. Turned out, he’d just used their negative energy. Even when they were all messed up, I was still able to use the positive stuff to turn super and kick his butt.

We return to the regular scene, BLAZE considering SONIC’s tale.

You mean… they could still be usable?

Maybe. Why don’t you give it a try?

Alright. There is an ancient technique passed down by my ancestors… but I have never tried it.

No time like the present!

I suppose you are right.

BLAZE holds the emerald up to her forehead, pressing it against the gemstone embedded within her temple. She closes her eyes.

Sol… Orbit!

In a flash, BLAZE disappears. There is a thud, and SONIC looks up, seeing that she has reappeared at the top of the crater, between TAILS and KNUCKLES. However, she is slumped, on one knee.


TAILS grabs her hand to keep her stable.

INT. Aquatic Mine
ROUGE and OMEGA wander through the ruins of the mine, ROUGE caressing the wall as she walks, feeling for hidden chambers. SHADOW trails behind them.

Hm… who knew this glorious treasure chamber was under the city this entire time?

My records were kept up to date with all Central City blueprints.

And you never told me?

ROUGE scoffs, intentionally over-the-top.

Some friend you are.

Does this really matter? If you don’t want to be down here, then focus on getting the job done. Then we can leave.

Oh, please. We’re in new territory now. This is an adventure! One that could make me quite rich.

ROUGE stops. She has felt an indent in the wall. Examining the wall, she realises that there are many indents, in a pattern. Two small holes next to each other, then another two a little higher and further right. Then two more higher, and to the left. Almost in the same arrangement as footprints.

Oh. I’d know those markings anywhere. If there really is any treasure here, that lousy Echidna has beaten us to it.

OMEGA stares at the markings.

Judging by the rock erosion and dust gathered, these markings are at least two years old.

So we lost out big time.

This day keeps getting worse.

Great. So there’s probably nothing here anyway. Can we leave?

ROUGE storms over to SHADOW.

Look. I get it. I wanna know what’s in that room too. But you have got to let this go. I’m angry at the Commander too, but do you see me taking it out on my teammates? No. So stop being a baby.

SHADOW is floored. They both stand there, in silence, staring each other down. After a moment, SHADOW talks, somewhat more sincerely than before.

It’s not just him.

Oh, so did we do something now? You know I’m on your side about this, right? But right now you’re making it very hard.

No, it’s not… Ugh. Nevermind. Omega, why don’t you take a water reading in here? Just to be safe.

Why do you hate me?

SHADOW rolls his eyes as OMEGA dips his claw into the water, ebbing onto the edge of the floor they are standing upon.

Water levels… high.

There. Now we know it’s the same as the sewers. Let’s get going.

Chemical makeup of water… unusual.


Analysing closer… additional chemical components detected in water. Chemical components… unrecognised.

SHADOW and ROUGE are now on high alert. Something is wrong. At that moment, a blast of water shoots out from the liquid, sending SHADOW flying into the wall behind him.


ROUGE rushes to SHADOW’s aid, helping him up. A solid form begins to rise out of the water, but is… made up of it? The figure completed, the creature blinks its pure green eyes open. It is the form of CHAOS.

What is that thing…?

CHAOS steps forward, slowly, walking on the water.

Aggressor detected. Engaging murder protocols.

OMEGA lifts his arm, the claws retracting. He begins to fire a flurry of bullets into CHAOS. They are absorbed, and drop through his body.

Omega! Your bullets are useless!

SHADOW stands, grunting.

So, what are you? Another alien involved in my creation?

SHADOW charges towards CHAOS, and jumps into the air. He pulls out the green Chaos Emerald in his left hand, and holds his right arm up to his left shoulder.

Chaos Spear!

SHADOW waves his right arm,and three chaos spears shoot from his body. They collide with CHAOS, sending him stumbling backwards. As SHADOW falls towards the ground, CHAOS stretches one of his arms, grabbing SHADOW and pulling him closer. SHADOW struggles, but is restrained.


ROUGE launches herself into the air, flying to the other side of CHAOS. CHAOS, still focused on SHADOW, pulls him in closer. CHAOS’ arm begins pumping, large bubbles of water forming in his arm, trailing from SHADOW towards CHAOS, as if draining him. Eventually, the green Chaos Emerald is caught in one of these bubbles. ROUGE flies towards the back of CHAOS, and adjusts herself at the last moment, leading the dive with the heel of her shoe pointed at his head. ROUGE collides with CHAOS, his head bursting in an explosion of water. ROUGE flies straight through, and tumbles into SHADOW, sending them both falling onto the ground, next to OMEGA.

Thanks for the save.

Don’t mention it.

As they both stand, CHAOS’ head reforms. There is a bright light, and immediately, CHAOS’ right arm is bigger. The green Chaos Emerald is embedded within it, surrounded by some sort of bone structure.

Is that the emerald?

So this thing has the power to harness the Chaos Emeralds?

I will retrieve the emerald.

Omega, no. There’s no way to damage that thing.

I can damage anything.

OMEGA stomps towards CHAOS 1, claws re-emerging into his hand.

You have attacked those which I call friends and stolen the Chaos Emerald. I am going to enjoy decimating you.

OMEGA shoves his hand through CHAOS 1’s watery arm, grabbing onto the Chaos Emerald. CHAOS 1 raises his other arm, shooting a blast of water at OMEGA. He is unfazed.

I am a robot built by Doctor Eggman. While I detest the man for all he has done to me, I will admit that he is smart enough to waterproof his robots. And as long as you possess physical properties, I can attack you.

OMEGA jerks his arm backwards, pulling CHAOS 1 towards him. He stares into CHAOS 1’s head.

My visual analysis reveals that the only two truly solid elements of your being are A. The bone structure in your arm, and B. Your brain. Prepare for annihilation.

OMEGA raises his other arm, claws formed into a fist. He punches the top of CHAOS 1’s head, aiming for his solid pink brain. The fist collides, and CHAOS dissolves, leaving only the green Chaos Emerald in OMEGA’s hand.

Annihilation complete. Have a nice day.

OMEGA turns towards SHADOW and ROUGE.

I am satisfied with the activities we have engaged in today. We may now leave.

INT. G.U.N HQ - Day
SHADOW, ROUGE, and OMEGA walk towards the COMMANDER’s office in the G.U.N HQ. There is once again a hubbub surrounding the door containing EGGMAN, although try as they might, TEAM DARK cannot see inside. SHADOW passes by that door, approaching the door to the COMMANDER’s office. ROUGE runs in front of him, holding her arms out.

Wait. Do we really need to tell the Commander about what we saw?

What do you mean?

Well, he’s not been completely honest with us. So we can’t completely trust him. What if whatever’s in that room has something to do with that… thing we saw?

I recognise that thing from… somewhere. There’s a high chance it could be on the G.U.N database, but even if we do look into it there, they’ll know it was us and suspect something’s up. We don’t have much choice.

Not exactly. Who do we know that has experience dealing with these types of things?

Are you serious?

Look, I have no doubt we can handle this ourselves. But even you aren’t sure what we’re fighting. And there’s a higher than zero chance that he knows exactly what we’re up against.

SHADOW sighs.

Fine. But this was your idea.

SHADOW rounds a corner, beckoning ROUGE and OMEGA to follow. As they do so, he pulls out the green Chaos Emerald. They huddle together.

Chaos Control!

The trio blip out of existence. We pan inside the COMMANDER’s office. It is empty. The computer screen, however, is active, and on it is a live security feed to the inside of EGGMAN’s cell. We pan into the feed, and transition to the COMMANDER and EGGMAN talking.

I’m just saying Doctor, I’m impressed. Those new robots of yours-


Yes. Ahem. Badniks. Are mighty impressive. I must ask…

Oh, about my intricate design philosophies? The brilliant machinations that brew in my marvellously malicious mind?

Not… exactly, although I do admire your… creativity. I was more so referring to the energy that goes into powering these… badniks.

Ah, my power sources! Well, over the years I have used various different methods. The classic- Flickies and the like. Then, I adapted to Eggman Industries’ own power cores!

…And those are what you’re using now?

Ohohoh, heavens, no.

Well then…

Ohohohohohoh! Like I’d tell you. You may be holding me captive, but I still hold onto my personal liberties.

I’m sorry to hear that, Doctor. I suppose we’ll just have to clear out all of your bases and find out for ourself.

HA! Good luck with that. My security systems are far more advanced than anything you can throw at me.

The COMMANDER turns away from EGGMAN, pacing towards the door.

This could’ve been easy, you know. We have a lot of resources you could’ve used.

And a lot of you I’d have had to share them with. Hard pass.

Shame. You would’ve made a wonderful collaborator in our science division. Ah well. At least we’ll still make use of all of your tech.

The COMMANDER leaves, the door slamming behind him. EGGMAN snorts.

Yeah. I bet you will.

INT. Vanilla’s House - Day
SONIC, TAILS, AMY, and KNUCKLES are in VANILLA’s living room, standing around a whiteboard. There are various notes written on it, and TAILS’ Miles Electric is propped up on a table next to the board. BLAZE is lying down on the sofa nearby.

So there are four other Sol energy signatures. That’s four emeralds. What about the others?

I’m not sure. It’s possible that they’re still in Blaze’s dimension. But that leads to a way more interesting problem!

Only you would be excited about a problem.

The thing is, I’m only detecting three Chaos energy signatures! Which would make four sol emeralds, and three chaos emeralds!

That’s seven. You don’t think…

Aside from the emerald that came from the Sol Dimension with Blaze, that would leave seven emeralds in ours, and seven in hers.

Well it’s a good thing we’re goin’ back with Blaze! We’ll find those emeralds in no time.

BLAZE sits up, weakly.

Well… actually… I was going to return alone.

What!? No way. We’re not letting you do this alone, right guys?

She’s right. We have our own problem to deal with.

Knuckles, come on. You heard Tails, there are chaos emeralds in her dimension. We have to go. And if using the sol emeralds in their current state wears Blaze out this much, she’s gonna need the support.

BLAZE rushes to stand up, wobbling as she does so.

I’m fine! Really. I- ourgh…

BLAZE grabs onto the arm of the sofa to stabilise herself. She pulls out the darkened sol emerald, staring into it.

If the emerald is like this… then that must mean that Sol is still using its negative energy, correct?

From what little info we have about that process, yeah. When Chaos was neutralised, the emeralds went back to normal.

So Sol is still rampaging in my dimension…

There is a knock on the door. AMY walks over to it.

Okay, if there’s a giant fire monster on the loose in your dimension, there’s no way I’m not going.

AMY opens the door. Standing on the porch are TEAM DARK.

Well hello there, Amy! Long time no see. May we come in?

There is no way I am fitting through that door. This house was crafted in an inferior fashion to my own design.

EXT. New West Side Island - Vanilla’s House - Day
SONIC, TAILS, AMY, KNUCKLES, BLAZE, ROUGE, SHADOW, and OMEGA stand outside VANILLA’s house as rain pours on them. They are catching each other up on the events that have happened.

So it was Chaos… I knew that thing looked familiar. I should have figured it out sooner. We’d have been able to communicate with him.

I knew it was Chaos. He matched with news reports in my data banks.

Then why didn’t you tell us?

You were being mean to me. I do not share information with those who oppose me.

SHADOW rolls his eyes.

So the emeralds are torn between dimensions? Now that is interesting. These beautiful jewels grow more mysterious every day…

That’s why we need to head to Blaze’s dimension. If Sol is still running rampant there, that’s way more of a priority. Chaos didn’t have any emeralds when you found him, right?

Right. Except…

SHADOW produces the green chaos emerald.

He absorbed this one.

But I destroyed him.

So he’s still Chaos Zero! That’s a great sign. And you already have one of the three chaos emeralds in this dimension!

Which also means we can get back to Blaze’s world.

I’m not going.


There are things I need to keep track of in this dimension. If I leave, bad things will happen. I’m staying.

Me too. If there are sparkly new emeralds to grab, I’m not losing out on that chance to some wet blob.

And if he is still out there, I want to feast on my revenge by annihilating him for good.

Uh… okay. Well, you three can gather the emeralds in this dimension, and we can grab the ones in Blaze’s dimension! Perfect!

Nuh-uh. If the bat girl is going after emeralds, I need to keep a close eye on her.

SONIC is getting annoyed. As they begin to bicker, AMY interjects herself.

Guys. You’re over-complicating this. There are eight of us here. Four of us willing to go to Blaze’s world, and four of us not. It’s as simple as that! Sonic- you, me, Tails, and Blaze will go to the Sol Dimension, and Knuckles, Shadow, Rouge, and Omega will stay here!

That… works. Thanks, Ames.

And these guys are gonna have an even easier job! I have a chaos emerald at my Mystic Ruins workshop!

Good to know. That’s two emeralds already. I bet we’ll have all of ours before you even get one.

Don’t push it, Knucklehead.

While this is going on, BLAZE is stood, separated from the group, sol emerald in hand.

I would begin the ancient prayer… but Sol… I don’t know if you are listening anymore. I just beg of you, please calm down. Your world is not against you. We do not wish to harm you. You have no reason to attack us. I promise, with all of my soul, that we are trying to protect you. To save you, so that you may save us. But I cannot do that without the full power of the emeralds. Bless me with your mercy, Sol.

BLAZE presses the emerald up to her forehead, closing her eyes. It begins to glow. It shines brightly for a moment, before the light dissipates, leaving only the emerald- now red. BLAZE brings it down from her forehead, and looks into it.

Thank you. I shall not let you down.

EXT. New West Side Island - Vanilla’s House - Morning
The eight adventurers stand on the beach of New West Side Island as the sun rises over the horizon. SONIC, TAILS, AMY, and BLAZE stand together, as do KNUCKLES, SHADOW, ROUGE, and OMEGA. VANILLA and CREAM walk towards them, coming from their house.

Okay, you four. Do you have everything you’ll need?

Sol Emerald- check. Miles Electric- check.

Hammer- check.

Adventuring buddies? Triple check.

A small smile forms on BLAZE’s face.

Bye Mr. Sonic! Bye Miss Amy! Bye Mr. Tails!

CREAM hugs each of them as she wishes them goodbye. Finally, she reaches BLAZE.

Goodbye, Miss Blaze. Good luck!

CREAM wraps her arms around BLAZE, tighter than the others. BLAZE lets her hands rest on CREAM’s back. After a moment, CREAM withdraws.

Say goodbye to Sticks for me! And Vanilla? Good luck with the Chao.

Thank you, Amy. And thank you for your help with them the other day.

SONIC turns to BLAZE, speaking to her quietly.

You ready?

I am.

Then let’s do it to it!

BLAZE steps forward, producing the red sol emerald. SHADOW does the same, producing the green chaos emerald.

Do you know what to do?

I’ve never done this before, but… I believe I am prepared.

Alright. Just let the energy flow through you.

SHADOW and BLAZE raise their emeralds, crossing their arms over each other, speaking in unison.

Chaos Control!

Sol Orbit!

Above them, a large circular purple void opens. A portal. SHADOW steps back.

Woah… that’s beautiful.

And it was this easy to travel between dimensions? We’ve been relying on circ*mstance all this time.

Like I said. These gems get more mysterious every day. You four have fun now.

Yeah. Same to you!

Oh, she won’t be having fun if I can help it.

Lighten up, Red. We’re gonna have a blast.

BLAZE turns towards SONIC, TAILS, and AMY.

Now remember. We are going to be faced with scalding acid rain. The sol emerald can protect us, so stick close to me.

You got it.

The trio step forwards, ready to enter the portal. SONIC stares toward the ocean.

Alright… let’s go.

BLAZE jumps into the portal, and TAILS after her. AMY falters, looking toward SONIC.

Sonic… are you okay?

Oh! Yeah. Just… takin’ in the sunrise.

Alright. See you on the other side.

AMY jumps through the portal. SONIC stares, for another moment, before doing the same. The portal closes behind them.

So, now that they’re gone… who’s up for some emerald hunting?

EXT. Imperial Castle grounds - Morning
A large purple portal appears on the coast of the Imperial Castle grounds. BLAZE jumps through, landing on the ground near the ocean. TAILS follows soon after. BLAZE instinctively raises the sol emerald into the air, ready to protect herself, but… the skies are clear.

The rain… it’s gone.

AMY jumps through the portal, landing on the ground.

Sonic won’t be another moment. So when’s this rain coming?

I’m… not sure.

The skies are clear. Is that normal?

BLAZE steps forwards, staring out into the ocean, towards the rising sun. A thud behind her, and footsteps. SONIC’s head appears next to her.

Pretty view, huh?

Oh! Sorry. I just… I haven’t been able to do this for a while.

Nah, I get it. Before I left I took in one last gaze for the road. But dang. The sunrises here are beautiful too.

We move forward, only the ocean, morning sky and sun in view. A peaceful horizon. The calm before the storm.

Chapter 3: Fire Restoring


Now in Blaze's dimension, Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Blaze head for the Sol Dimension's equivalent of Pumpkin Hill to find the first Chaos Emeralds. Meanwhile, in the Chaos dimension, Team Dark & Knuckles head to Chun-Nan, for the annual Festival of Rebirth- and a Sol Emerald.

Chapter Text

INT. Imperial Palace - Day
BLAZE leads SONIC, TAILS, and AMY through the halls of the Palace. SONIC and TAILS follow BLAZE closely, while AMY trails back, looking around in amazement.

Wow, Blaze. This place is beautiful! You live here?

All my life. After a while, these vast halls seem a lot smaller.

I can’t believe I’ve never been to your dimension before. I’ve been missing out on some great sights!

I know, right? I’d never been to the Palace, but some of the islands in this dimension are crazy! There was one full of dinosaurs!

Robot dinosaurs. Created by Eggman.

The gang turn a corner, and BLAZE bumps into GARDON.

Ey, watch where yer goin’! I’m Princess Blaze’s royal guard, y’know! Ah!

GARDON steps back in surprise, waving his hands apologetically.

Princess Blaze! M-my apologies! I didn’t realise it was you!

GARDON breathes heavily, but then rushes forward, embracing BLAZE.

I can’t believe you’re back safe! Crikey, I’ve been worryin’ me head off! Never do that again!

GARDON backs away, once again distressed.

Oh, no! Sorry, Princess- er, Blaze! I didn’t mean to hug you like that. I’m sorry if I made ya uncomfortable! I-

BLAZE cuts GARDON off.

Gardon, it’s alright. You don’t need to apologise. I’m glad to see you too.

GARDON chuckles awkwardly.

Well, thank ya. That’s good to hear. Shall I go tell Clove to get some brekkie started? You must be starvin’!

Ordinarily I would say yes, but we’ve got quite a mission ahead of us. During my absence, the sol emeralds scattered. As did the chaos emeralds. We now must gather them as quickly as possible. Or both our and Sonic’s worlds may be destroyed.

Blimey, that sounds like a lotta stress. How is Sonic doin’ these days, eh? Didja see ‘im?

Eh, I’m okay. Nice to see you though, Gardon!

GARDON jumps back in surprise.

AH! Sonic! And Tails too! I-I do apologise, I didn’t quite see ya there. Me mind’s been racing all day, worryin’ about Blaze.

Heh, it’s alright! Do you have a map room? My Emerald Tracker can find the coordinates of the emeralds, but it’d be nice to know exactly where we’d be headed!

Aw, yeah. Right down this way.

GARDON leads the way, as the others follow.

The four of us, goin’ on a mission! What a day.

Excuse me?

GARDON jumps, turning around.

Wah! Oh, crikey! Didn’t notice ya there. Me name’s Gardon. I don’t believe we’ve met.

(sarcastically) Amy Rose. Charmed.

Say, Miss Amy… how long have you been followin’ us? We’re on professional royal business, y’know!

AMY facepalms.

INT. Imperial Palace - Map Room - Day
GARDON leads BLAZE, SONIC, TAILS, and AMY into the room- a small room, with a large table in the middle- a map of the entire planet laying atop it. TAILS rushes in, excited.

Woah! There it is, all laid out! I’ve never been able to get a good look at the continents before- Marine’s Sea Charts only showed the nearby islands!

TAILS places his Miles Electric on the table, and begins marking spots on the map with pins- he runs around the table to reach the different areas, engrossed in his work.

Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Tails so excited.

Yeah. Whenever he gets into a project, he gets really into it. Even if it’s just… comparing data points. Pretty cool, right?

SONIC leans against the wall, watching TAILS, smiling. AMY inspects the map.

It looks like your world is pretty similar to ours, geographically at least. All these continents are in the same places!

Yes, I have noticed that on my brief visits to your dimension. The smaller islands, however, seem vastly different. Ours are mostly one biome each, while yours seem to be a collection of multiple.

TAILS stops running around the table, and jumps up into the air.

Perfect! All mapped out. So, the nearest energy source to us is Chaos Energy! And it’s right… here!

TAILS points to a pin in the map. It’s on a large continent, in the same location as the United Federation in the Chaos Dimension. SONIC, AMY, and BLAZE lean in to inspect it.

Oh, hey! That’s Pumpkin Hill! Sweet. You can catch some serious air there.

At the mention of heights, BLAZE looks queasy.




EXT. Chun-nan - Day
KNUCKLES and ROUGE climb a mountainside, next to each other, while OMEGA climbs below them. SHADOW is hanging from OMEGA’s back.

Tell me again why we’re not grabbing the chaos emerald in Tails’ lab?

Because, Red, the Chun-nan Festival of Rebirth only happens on one day of the year. And I wouldn’t want to miss it, especially when there’s a sol emerald right outside the village. Why not take a detour here first to see the sights?

Hmph. Well, as long as we’re getting an emerald out of it.

Query: How much further is the climb? I’m tired of giving Shadow the Hedgehog a free ride.

Hey, don’t you go thinking this is comfortable for me, either.

Oh, stop fighting, you two. We’ve arrived.

ROUGE pulls herself over the top of the mountain face, KNUCKLES joining her. She dusts herself off as OMEGA pulls himself up, SHADOW climbing down from his back. They are at the entrance to a small village. It seems decorated for a festival, with red paper hanging from garlands connecting streetlamps and arches, and paper phoenix cutouts plastered across walls. A young human woman notices them from the arch at the village’s entrance, and rushes over to them.

Hello! Welcome to our little village! I see you took the long way up. I hope your journey wasn’t too strenuous!

The long way up?

Yes, most people take the stairs.

HUALIN gestures to a set of stairs nearby, that lead all the way down the mountain. The view down is blocked by a layer of clouds.

Not that your way isn’t impressive! You must all be great climbers.

I know I am. We’re gonna need your help with something. We’re looking for a-

ROUGE butts in, nudging KNUCKLES.

The Festival of Rebirth! We’ve come all this way to celebrate, but we’re first-timers. Would you be able to show us around?

Oh, of course! We don’t get visitors very often, so I’m sure everyone in the village will be more than pleased to see you. The last time someone came to see us was… hm, a blue hedgehog! He looked a lot like you, actually.

HUALIN addresses this comment to SHADOW. SHADOW grunts, indignantly. Always being compared to SONIC.

Come, right this way!

HUALIN leads them into the village. ROUGE leans in to whisper to KNUCKLES.

The first rule of spy work is not to scare them off. She’s gonna tour us around the village, show us all the relevant spots, and if we’re lucky, take us straight to the emerald.

KNUCKLES grunts, and the group follow HUALIN into the village.

EXT. Chun-Nan - Village - Day
Although rather small, the mountaintop village is abuzz with energy- locals crowding the streets, talking with each other and trading supplies to help with preparations, and gifts to celebrate the festival. WANG, standing at the entrance to his emporium, waves to HUALIN.

Hualin! You’ve returned! Did you gather the ingredients for tonight?

HUALIN rolls her eyes.

No, father. I was on my way out of the village, when I found something even better! Some visitors who have come to experience the festival!

WANG rushes over to the group, enthusiastically shaking their hands.

Oh, that’s wonderful! It’s so nice to meet all of you. My name is Wang. I’m Hualin’s father, and I run one of the wonderful shops in town! My daughter here also cooks the most spectacular buns with my wife and her mother. You simply must try them!

ROUGE reciprocates the handshake gracefully, while KNUCKLES is more taken aback. SHADOW offers a stern but firm handshake, and upon reaching OMEGA, WANG reconsiders, bowing instead. OMEGA bows in return, slowly and silently.

Why that sounds just fantastic. We’ll have to try them at the festivities tonight.

That’s great to hear! Now, Hualin, you really must gather the rest of the ingredients- Your grandmother is waiting on you!

HUALIN sighs with contempt.

Of course, father.

HUALIN turns to leave, but ROUGE butts in.

Actually, Mr. Wang, your lovely daughter was just showing us around town. She’s giving us a great first impression.

WANG’s eyes widen.

Oh! Is that so? Well then Hualin, you simply must continue! In fact, I can gather the ingredients in your place! How hard can it be? Just a short trek all the way down the mountain, and then… all the way back up! I’ll be back in no time!

WANG promptly rushes out of the village, leaving HUALIN with the others. She turns to ROUGE, grateful.

Thank you! I do love my father, but he can be so eager to please my grandmother sometimes, that it becomes quite overbearing.

It’s no problem, my dear. You really are giving us a warm welcome.

Her buns are the best, though. They’re a staple of the festivities! They kick off at around nine in the evening- for two hours we eat, exchange gifts with our families, and party- and in the final hour of the day, we travel as a village to the shrine at the mountain’s peak. There, at midnight, the great Phoenix’s egg hatches!

That sounds interesting. This Phoenix protects your people?

So they say. We aren’t really in danger that much, what with being isolated on a mountain and all, but… maybe that’s the Phoenix’s doing! The last time she was unable to protect us, our village was swarmed by that nasty Eggman and his robots…

I deeply apologise for the behaviour of my inferiors. I shall eradicate them as compensation.

That’s okay! That nice blue hedgehog sorted them out for us.

Once again I am denied robot slaughter. Why is this world so cruel?

EXT. Watermelon Bay - Day
In the Sol Dimension, SONIC, BLAZE, TAILS, and AMY run across a rocky clifftop.

Well, I’m seein’ a lotta hill, but not so much pumpkin.

They come to the edge of the cliff, which slopes downwards, leading into a beach, waves lapping against the coast. The beach spreads as far as the eye can see, and multiple rock formations dot the sand, with the shape and patterning of watermelons.


Woah! Those rocks kinda look like watermelons!

SONIC slides down the decline, and the others join him. They begin walking across the bay.

The opposite of pumpkins. Is your whole dimension some sort of reverse of our world, Blaze?

I honestly couldn’t say. I tend to stay within my kingdom, aside from the occasional patrol of the seas with Marine.

Hey, maybe we’ll see her! As long as I don’t have to go in the water, this seems like a pretty sweet vacation spot.

A familiar voice chimes from their right side.

Unfortunately for you, I found it first.

The group jump into battle positions, only to see EGGMAN NEGA, wearing egg-patterned swimming trunks, reclining on a beach chair with a coconut drink in hand- complete with umbrella-topped co*cktail stick.

Eggman Nega! What are you doing here? Explain yourself!

What does it look like I’m doing? I’m relaxing. And if that’s all you want, I’d thank you to leave me alone.

That’s not good enough.

BLAZE ignites a ball of flame in her palm. She begins to move closer to EGGMAN NEGA to intimidate him, but as she does, the flame in her hand explodes outward, forming into a creature the size of EGGMAN NEGA- a large fiery snake. It lunges for BLAZE.

Blaze! Look out!

TAILS shoves BLAZE out of the way, himself now in the creature’s way. Before it can reach him, however, a large blast of water shoots the creature in the face, and it evaporates in a hiss of steam. The group look to the origin of the water, seeing a KAIZOKU GUN badnik next to EGGMAN NEGA, holding a cannon.

A-ha! A badnik, eh? Looks like your relaxation just came to an end. We caught you red-handed!

Oh calm down, needlemouse. This thing is harmless. Only shoots water now. Besides, I need it with me to survive in these conditions.

What conditions?

Did you not just see the eldritch horror that spawned from the Princess’ flames? That’s not just her, you know. That thing can come out of any source of fire, at any time. Nighttime Luaus are a nightmare.

BLAZE picks herself up.

That… wasn’t you?

Pfft, I wish. Using your own flames against you? That would’ve been genius. Alas. No chance for that anymore.

And what’s that supposed to mean?

My my, for a speedster you are remarkably slow. I’m retired! Taking a step back. Enjoying my golden years! Whatever you want to call it. I’m done being evil.

You really expect us to believe that?

It may sound strange, but unlike my unbearable ancestor, I know when the odds are stacked against me. So I’m giving up! No point trying to take over the world for the umpteenth time when some furry teenagers with magic powers just destroy all your robots and get soot and oil in your moustache.

So if we were, say… looking for emeralds… you wouldn’t want any part of that?

Why would I care? I’ve got all I need right here.

EGGMAN NEGA motions behind him, to a conveniently placed tiki bar.

In fact, I’d even help out, and tell you that just a few days ago, there was an earthquake just over in that direction.

EGGMAN NEGA points into the distance- still on the beach.

A new watermelon rock appeared, but I haven’t investigated it yet. And to be honest? I don’t really care to. If that’s all, I’d like to get back to sunbathing. Never know when the next acid rain’s going to strike!

Okay, team huddle!

The group walk away from EGGMAN NEGA, and face in the direction he pointed, and begin whispering to each other.

He’s gotta be lying, right?

He’s an Eggman. That’s like, their thing.

I don’t know. He sounded sincere to me. If a little grumpy. But Blaze, you know him best. What do you think?

…I think we should trust him.

You can’t be serious. This is so obviously a trap!

We don’t have much else to go off.

I guess there’s no way he could’ve been expecting us. We’re not even fighting him this time!

Stranger things have happened. But if Blaze wants to do this, then let’s do it. If it is a trap? We get to fight our way out.

SONIC, TAILS, AMY and BLAZE head in the direction of the watermelon rock. We linger on EGGMAN NEGA.

Finally… I have them right where I want them. Away from me. Now I can get back to enjoying my retirement!

EXT. Watermelon Bay - Watermelon Rock - Day
SONIC, TAILS, AMY, and BLAZE arrive at a large rock in the shape of a watermelon. A face is carved into it like a jack-o-lantern.

Now this screams Pumpkin Hill.

It’s almost too similar. I wonder…

TAILS pulls out his Miles Electric, and taps at the screen.

Just as I thought! The Chaos Energy is definitely coming from in there.

Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go and grab that emerald!

AMY peeks into the hole in the rock, and notices that there is a large hole- the bottom even obscured from view.


What is it, Amy?

BLAZE joins her, and upon seeing the hole, holds her hand up to her mouth.

Y-you want us to go down there?

Woah! That’s huge! Oh, this’ll be fun.

SONIC jumps through the hole in the rock, and stomps as hard as he can. He speeds down the pit, and disappears from view.


Don’t make me do that.

INT. Mesocarp Caverns
AMY’s Piko Piko Hammer is lodged between two walls of the tunnel, sliding slowly downwards. AMY and TAILS are hanging from the handle, while BLAZE is perched atop it in a cat-like fashion, eyes closed, shaking.

Was this really the best way to descend into the tunnel?

I could’ve carried you.

Offering even less support than this? I don’t think so.

They reach the bottom of the tunnel and AMY and TAILS let go of the hammer. BLAZE, however, still stands atop it, eyes closed.

Um, Blaze? We’re at the bottom.

BLAZE opens her eyes, and carefully disembarks the hammer. AMY dislodges it from the wall.

Yes. Well. Thank you.

The three look forward, and see a passage- formed entirely of brown rocks and dirt. Only the immediate area is visible, the rest shrouded in darkness. SONIC appears, running out of the dark passage, covered in dirt.

Can confirm- it’s pretty dark down here! Can’t see a thing.

I guess it’s lucky that we have our very own flame princess!

AMY looks at BLAZE, ready to see a demonstration of her powers. BLAZE holds out her palm, and stares into it with intent. A moment goes by. Nothing.

I… can’t.

Why not?

It’s too risky. If Sol attacks again… there’s not enough space in here. We’ll all be burned to cinders.

That’s chill! We can find our way around. Everyone keep your hand on the left wall. That’s how to win at mazes.


TAILS takes out his Miles Electric, and activates a flashlight on the back. He shines it into the tunnel ahead, illuminating a little bit of the way forward.

It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing!

BLAZE looks at TAILS appreciatively.

Now let’s go spelunking!

EXT. Chun-nan - Village - Evening
Now that night has fallen on the village, the festivities have truly begun- floating lanterns drift across the streets, all of the villagers are dressed up, eating and exchanging gifts. ROUGE is with LIN, HUALIN’s grandmother, eating one of her buns. SHADOW is stood further away, also eating one.

Your granddaughter wasn’t lying- these buns truly are delectable.

Thank you! It’s so nice to see youngsters engaging in our traditions.

ROUGE chuckles.

Well, I wouldn’t go so far as to call myself a youngster, but that’s very kind.

KNUCKLES is sat on a roof, staring up at the mountain peak, OMEGA stood next to him.

This creature that protects them… to throw a festival every year, they must really care for her.

Many regional traditions stem from mythology and fear passed down throughout generations of storytelling.

Sure, I guess… just makes me think. The Master Emerald helps us all, all the time. And I don’t do anything to honour it.

You spend an estimated 78.4% of your time on Angel Island. Your life has been dedicated to the Master Emerald. You must honour something to spend so much time protecting it.

A small smile appears on KNUCKLES’ face. From the back gate of the village, ZONSHEN, the village elder, calls out to the town.

Well, people! That time has come again! Gather yourselves, and we shall begin our grand pilgrimage to the peak of our mountain, and witness the rebirth of our Phoenix!

Is it that time already?

SHADOW steps forward, a co*cky smile on his face.

Now this I’m excited to see.

You, excited? Now there’s a surprise.

SHADOW’s smile disappears.

EXT. Chun-Nan - Mountaintop - Night
The entire village population, along with SHADOW, ROUGE, OMEGA, and KNUCKLES arrive at the mountain peak - A large glade, surrounded by rock, with a few waterfalls running into a large pond, and the entrance to Chun-Nan’s Gaia Temple on a cliff face. A large egg sits in the middle of the glade, in a small pile of ash. ZONSHEN leads the group.

For our newcomers, let me introduce the egg that shall soon hatch into our wonderful Phoenix! It lays in the ash of its previous life, to soon be reborn, scattering those ashes to the wind. It should be any moment now…

The villagers begin mumbling to themselves, and a child’s voice is heard calling out from the crowd.

It’s hatching! I just saw it move!

Excitedly, the villagers quiet down. The egg begins wobbling, side to side. Cracks begin to form as it jostles further, almost jumping into the air. As the cracks coat the entire egg, a blinding light pours out of the holes they have created. Eggshell goes flying everywhere, as a horrible roar echoes across the glade. KNUCKLES places his hand over his eyes, trying to make out what is going on.

Get down!

SHADOW dives into ROUGE, pushing her to the floor. OMEGA remains perfectly still. Recovering, they look towards the egg, and see a huge red dragon, smoke pouring from her mouth. The villagers begin to panic, as ZONSHEN herds them away.

Everyone! Back towards the village! I can’t believe this… why now?

As villagers run the way they came, ROUGE grabs LIN’s attention.

What’s happening? Where’s the Phoenix?

The Phoenix is gone… there was an element to the legend of the Phoenix… one year, an awful dragon took its place, and destroyed the village, to punish them for using the mountain’s resources. But we have been nothing but kind to our land! Is this my fault? I should have just done what my father asked of me…

LIN gasps.

Father! I must make sure he makes it out of here okay!

You do that. We’ll handle this.

LIN nods, and runs towards WANG, in the direction of the village. Now, only SHADOW, ROUGE, OMEGA, and KNUCKLES remain in the glade, facing the dragon.

Omega. What is this thing?

My initial scans detect no similar lifeforms in all of recorded history. The creature also emanates a strong, yet unidentifiable energy source.

This thing may not be from our world…

So, this may have been the sol emerald’s doing. I suggest we make finding it our number one priority.

I will fight the dragon. Unlike an Eggman Robot, it will offer me a competent challenge.

And I’ll stick with Omega. You two, search for that Emerald.

Are you sure, Red?

Angry or not, this creature is still the guardian of this place. Maybe I can talk some sense into her.

Got it. Shad, you ready?

This’ll be a piece of cake. Omega, don’t bust Knuckles up too badly.

KNUCKLES chuckles, flexing his right arm.

Hah! Don’t you worry about me.

Engaging Ally Launch Procedure.

Ally Wha-?

Before KNUCKLES can finish his sentence, OMEGA grabs him, spinning around and flinging him at the dragon.

That’s my guy.

SHADOW and ROUGE run forward, towards the back of the glade.

INT. Mesocarp Caverns
TAILS leads the way, light shining from his Miles Electric. SONIC, BLAZE, and AMY trail closely behind, AMY with one hand on the left wall, and BLAZE with one hand on the right.

The signal’s getting stronger- the chaos emerald shouldn’t be too much further!

The passage opens up, into a large, rectangular chamber. Three small circles sit in the middle of the room, embedded within the floor, and an open passageway lies on the long left and right sides of the room, and the short, further away back end of the room. A stone tablet stands before the circles. As the four enter, glittering lights swirl around the room, as if fireflies are providing the source of light. TAILS leads the way to the stone tablet, the other three following. SONIC trips, falling over.

Sonic, you good?

Yeah, Ames, I’m okay.

As SONIC stands, he looks down at what he tripped over.

What the…

Bending down, SONIC picks up a small glass orb, a golden dragon wrapping around it. TAILS reaches the stone tablet, and begins to read.

This chamber embodies the ground- one of the core elements. To unlock the three treasures held within, the other three core elements must be presented. Huh…

Core elements? Like… the element of surprise? What, do I just gotta scare someone? What kind of a puzzle is that?

The four elemental cores of the world. Ground, air, water, and… fire.

The three open passageways each lead to a small alcove, containing nothing but an empty sconce.

Air, huh? Sounds easy enough.

SONIC runs over to the alcove on the left, and does a handstand, facing towards the sconce. He then begins running in the air, his legs fading into a blue and red blur. Wind whips up around him, throwing dirt into the air. The dirt swirls into the sconce, still flying around, in an insulated circle. SONIC stands up again, the dirt still being sustained by the mini-tornado.

It looks like it accepted that! This should be easy!

‘Course, Blaze has the fire one covered… Ames, you got any ideas about water?

It looks pretty dry down here, but… We are above the ocean, right?

Just about! The sconce on the right should be far enough out into the coast for some water to drip down from above.

AMY heads to the alcove on the right. Slowly, BLAZE steps over to the alcove on the far wall.

I can do this. I’ve been doing this all my life. I’m not going to let some rogue, angry creature stop me.

BLAZE stares down into her hands. Fire. Just conjure up some fire.

EXT. Chun-nan - Mountaintop - Night
KNUCKLES is soaring through the air, waving his arms and legs- being launched from OMEGA. He grabs onto the side of the dragon, and pulls himself up onto her back.

Hey, there. You don’t have to do this. It’s okay. I’m a guardian too- I guard the Master Emerald.

Before KNUCKLES can continue speaking, the Dragon shoots off, writhing around wildly, fire spewing from her mouth. KNUCKLES barely hangs on with one hand. Her tail collides with one of the mountains, and a large hunk of rock begins to fall straight towards OMEGA.

Engaging rock destruction protocols.

OMEGA’s claws retreat into his arms, being replaced by a pair of gatling guns. They begin shooting, blasting apart the rock as debris goes flying everywhere.

Finally. The satisfaction of annihilating an opponent. Dragon, you are next.

OMEGA aims towards the dragon, and opens fire once again. SHADOW and ROUGE run across the glade, passing through a patch of bamboo.

Where are we going?

There’s a Gaia Temple just through here… if there’s an emerald anywhere, that’s where it’ll be.

SHADOW grunts in acknowledgement. Suddenly, he spins 90 degrees with his rocket boots.

Chaos spear!

SHADOW sends out a chaos spear as a large piece of rock flies towards the pair, the rock shattering just in time.

Thanks for the rescue.

Don’t mention it.

KNUCKLES manages to grasp back onto the dragon, but realises it is headed straight for the village. He tightens his grip, and leans far to the right. The dragon roars, as her flight path is pulled to the right, circling back around.

When my Emerald is being hurt, I get angry and defensive. But sometimes I get the wrong guys. These people are kind. They don’t wanna hurt you. So I won’t let you hurt them!

INT. Mesocarp Caverns
BLAZE closes her eyes.

I am the princess of this world. I must do my best to protect it and its people. And I cannot do that by hiding from hardships. Sol, if you wish to attack me, then I shall be willing to defend myself!

BLAZE ignites a fire in her hand. Almost immediately, it explodes outwards, SOL 0 forming from it. BLAZE backs away, but does not avert her gaze.

You were meant to protect us! And yet you hurt us. Why?

SOL 0 roars, a sharp roar, a small fireball shooting from its mouth. BLAZE catches it in her hand, and it dissipates. BLAZE continues to back away as AMY pulls out her hammer, studying the wall and ceiling above her. SOL 0 shoots another fireball, and BLAZE catches it again. She thrusts her arm, firing it back at SOL 0, only for it to absorb it and grow slightly larger. SONIC notices the scuffle, and runs over. He curls into a spindash, dashing into the air and ramming into the ceiling above SOL 0. Jumping away from the ceiling, SONIC lands as rock crumbles from the ceiling, landing on top of SOL 0.

Phew! That was not pretty.

SONIC turns away from the rubble, patting his hands together. As he does this, the rocks explode outwards, SOL 0 letting out another screech. A chunk of rock flies straight into SONIC, sending him flying across the room.


BLAZE glances over to the others- SONIC, lying on the floor, AMY still stood in her alcove, and TAILS, in the centre of the room, watching on in horror. She looks back to SOL 0, her eyes shaking.

I have power over fire. I receive this power from you. But it does not mean I cannot use it to control you!

BLAZE launches herself forward, holding her palms out. She collides with SOL 0, struggling as they both push against each other. As SOL 0 writhes, BLAZE is being pushed backwards, closer to the centre of the room. We cut to AMY, who notices water, slowly dripping from a spot in the ceiling.


BLAZE is still being pushed backwards, struggling to keep her hands up, attempting to absorb SOL 0 as she did the fireball. Yet she does not falter. AMY primes her hammer, and swings it, smashing a chunk of the ceiling in her alcove. Rock falls, opening space for a stream of water to gush down, splashing against the floor. Some of the water splashes into her sconce. BLAZE is now to the right-centre of the room, and letting out another scream, this time in pain, SOL 0 begins to let off steam- water is splashing against it. This allows BLAZE to gather herself, and push forward against SOL 0 again. SOL 0’s form begins to dissipate into whirling streams of fire, rushing around BLAZE, as they coalesce into one stream, flying into her palms. BLAZE collapses onto her knees, panting for breath.

Blaze, are you okay!?

SONIC, TAILS, and AMY rush over to BLAZE.

Amy… thank you… He nearly had me.

BLAZE looks up- her sconce is lit with flame. A noise echoes from the centre of the room, and the circles begin to rise, creating three pedestals. The blue and white chaos emeralds are embedded within the left and right pedestals, yet the middle one is empty.

chaos emeralds! Score!

EXT. Chun-nan - Mountaintop - Night
ROUGE and SHADOW run along the edge of the glade, behind bamboo trees. ROUGE stops in front of a large bush. She peels the leaves apart, revealing an entrance in the rocks.

In here!

ROUGE enters the passageway, and SHADOW follows. They make their way up a staircase, finding their way into the Gaia Temple.

So, this must be the Gaia Temple.

SHADOW slows down, inspecting every element of the room carefully.

Shad, normally I’d be all up for a detailed inspection of this place, but, I can’t believe I’m saying this, we need to hurry. The emerald should be in the back room.


We cut back to KNUCKLES, who is still clinging to the top of the dragon. She is now flying towards the glade, but is writhing in pain from OMEGA’s gunshots.

Omega! Stop!

Negative. This creature poses a threat to the world. And, the only thing I have decimated today is a rock.

I’m trying to get her to calm down! And you shooting her is not helping!

Fine. Only if I can call ‘dibs’ on the next enemy we encounter.

Sure! Whatever! Just stop shooting!

OMEGA’s gatling guns retreat into his arms, his claws returning. The dragon’s movements calm down, allowing her to begin spewing flames again. KNUCKLES peers down from on top of her, noticing the pond at the bottom of the glade.

I’m taking you in for a landing!

KNUCKLES grabs tighter onto the fur lining the dragon’s back, and pushes down, causing her to angle herself downwards, toward the pond. We cut back to SHADOW and ROUGE, who have found their way into the back room of the Gaia Temple, where a pedestal sits, empty. ROUGE pulls out her stolen Miles Electric.

Strange. The readings are strongest in this room. It should be right here…

INT. Mesocarp Caverns
SONIC, TAILS, AMY, and BLAZE are standing in the middle of the pedestals, having taken the two chaos emeralds.

The signal’s still pointing towards this third podium… but where’s the emerald?

SONIC walks up to it, and crouches down, facing the empty slot identical to the ones the other emeralds were in.


SONIC pulls out the orb he tripped over when entering the room. Cautiously, he slides it into the slot. It shimmers in a purple light, disappearing- the yellow chaos emerald in its place.

Got it!

What was that thing, Sonic?

I’m not sure… I tripped over it on the way in. I recognise it, but… I can’t remember where from.

Realisation dawns on SONIC’s face.


EXT. Chun-nan - Mountaintop - Night
KNUCKLES is still guiding the dragon towards the pond- She roars, fire escaping her mouth and coating her body. KNUCKLES screams in pain, but also in effort, as he clings on tighter. We cut to SHADOW and ROUGE in the Gaia Temple. In front of SHADOW, a purple light shimmers. A clear glass orb materialises in the air, a golden dragon surrounding it. SHADOW reaches out, catching it as it falls.

What in the world…

Oh, my. That’s Chun-nan’s ancient treasure. Legends say that it protects them from disasters. That thing could go for millions…

Protect them from disasters… just like the Phoenix…

SHADOW walks up to the pedestal, and places the orb on top. A red wave of energy bursts from it. We cut back to KNUCKLES and the dragon as they slam into the pond, water flying everywhere. When the water clears, KNUCKLES resurfaces, gasping for air. The red wave of energy pulses past, and a moment later, another head pops out from the water- the head of the Phoenix.

EXT. Chun-nan - Mountaintop - Night
SHADOW, ROUGE, OMEGA, and KNUCKLES stand in the centre of the glade, the Gaia Phoenix sat behind them. ZONSHEN is with them.

You found our missing treasure? Thank you so much… To be truthful, I didn’t even know it had disappeared… However can I repay you?

That’s quite alright. We’ve been dealing with some strange happenings ourselves- It really was no trouble.

The Gaia Phoenix begins to cough, as a small object flies from its mouth - the purple sol emerald. SHADOW picks the emerald up, wiping the Phoenix saliva from it.

As for thanks… may we take this gem? It seems suitable, in return for your precious treasure.

Why of course! This must be our Phoenix’s way of thanking you, too.

INT. Mesocarp Caverns
SONIC, TAILS, AMY, and BLAZE now hold the three chaos emeralds.

Wow, three in one. I’d love to see Knux’s face right now.

With Blaze’s sol emerald, that’s four already! We’re over halfway! Now, the next signal should be just…

Before TAILS can finish, the ground begins shaking. The group begin to stumble.

Maybe tell us when we get back to the surface?


EXT. Watermelon Bay - Evening
TAILS flies out of the watermelon rock, carrying SONIC, who is carrying AMY, who is carrying BLAZE, who is green in the face. They settle on solid land to the sound of cannonfire.

What is going on!?

A pirate attack? Oh, this’ll be fun.

They look out to sea, to see a ship a ways down the beach, firing on EGGMAN NEGA.

But I thought the seas were peaceful… no matter! I shall put a stop to this.

BLAZE runs down the beach.

Hey, wait up!

SONIC and AMY run after her. TAILS stares at the boat for another moment.

Hey, is that…?

Reaching EGGMAN NEGA, BLAZE turns towards the ship.

Finally, you’re back! Tell your lackey to let up! I’m not target practice, you know!


A figure steps up to the edge of the ship, pointing their finger down at EGGMAN NEGA with purpose. They let out a battle cry.

Eggman Nega! You’ve terrorised the seas for the last time! Surrender, or be defeated by the fearsome Coconut Crew!

Noticing BLAZE, MARINE forgets her fearsome posture, standing normally, and waves at her.

Oi, Blaze! It’s me! Crikey, it’s been a while. How are ya, mate?

Chapter 4: Air Parting


Marine joins Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Blaze in the Sol Dimension, claiming she knows the location of a Chaos Emerald- the lost Atlantis Kingdom. Meanwhile, Team Dark & Knuckles track down three Sol Emeralds in the Chaos Dimension, which have been stolen by none other than the Babylon Rogues!

Chapter Text

EXT. Watermelon Bay - Evening
BLAZE, SONIC, AMY, and TAILS stand on the beach of Watermelon Bay, facing towards the Ocean Tornado, with MARINE standing at the edge, waving down at them. EGGMAN NEGA stands next to his beach chair, cowering down.

Strewth, how long’s it been then, eh Blaze? And is that- crikey, Sonic and Tails!

Hey, Marine! Long time no see!

What brings you to Watermelon Bay?

Aw, you wouldn’t believe it, mate. Me and the Coconut Crew were sailin’ the seas, lookin’ for treasure, when we got wind that some old codger had taken up residence on this beach! Now normally we wouldn’t bat an eye at that type-a thing, just some old bloke takin’ a vacation, innit? But from the description of the guy, it sounded just like Eggman Nega! So we hunker down, sail for two straight weeks and here we are, and guess who’s here, clear as day? So we’re blastin’ him with cannons!

A cannonball fires from the Ocean Tornado, landing next to EGGMAN NEGA. Sand flies everywhere.

You better surrender, you old coot! Or next time the tiki bar’s gettin’ it!

Marine, stop! You don’t need to fire on him. Eggman Nega’s retired.

He what!? I didn’t even know that was possible. You sure this ain’t some kinda trick? These egg-blokes are always up to some scheme.

Yeah, we thought the same at first. But he’s done with evil. Trust me.

Crackin’! Then we don’t have to waste any more time on this old fart.

MARINE glances back towards the deck of the ship.

Oi, Daikun! Set course for our next destination!

MARINE looks back towards the shore.

Hey, why don’t you guys come aboard? We could always use some more hands on deck.

MARINE notices AMY’s hammer.

Phwoar, and that hammer’s rockin’! I gotta get me hands on one o’ those.

Marine, we would love to, but we are on a mission. We are locating chaos and sol emeralds. The mythical Sol has emerged, and is threatening our world.

And you didn’t invite me!? I’d be hurt if I wasn’t also on a crackin’ adventure. We’re in search of treasure ourselves!

Ooh! Maybe your treasure is one of the emeralds! Where are you headed?

Aw, Tails, mate, you’re not gonna believe this. We’re headed for the lost Kingdom of Atlantis!

…Of course you are.



EXT. Central City - Day
SHADOW, ROUGE, OMEGA, and KNUCKLES walk down the streets of Central City.

Okay. Why are we still not at the Mystic Ruins?

Come on, Red. Think about it. There’s a Chaos Emerald in Tails’ workshop, yes, but that’s a Chaos Emerald that isn’t going to go anywhere. Why rush towards one we know is safe? The others could be anywhere- more importantly, could also be taken by anyone. Besides…

ROUGE pulls out her Miles Electric, Emerald Tracker active.

There are three strong Sol Energy signatures in the city, right next to each other. Why get one emerald when we can get three?

KNUCKLES grunts.

Where are these emeralds, anyway?

Sol Energy signals indicate they are located at the headquarters of the United Federation Banking Corporation.

Ooh, a good, old-fashioned gem heist! It’s my lucky day.

The Sol Energy Signals are now moving at approximately 3 miles per hour. 8 miles per hour. 19 miles per hour.

Huh? What does Tails have to do with this?

An explosion echoes in the distance, and civilians begin to panic, screaming and running in all directions.

40 miles per hour. 53 miles per hour.

Sounds like someone beat us to it.

A large object speeds by the group, seemingly floating just above the road.

Sol Energy Signal in view. Engaging search and destroy protocols.

The jet boosters on OMEGA’s back activates as he launches forwards, pursuing the energy signature. SHADOW turns to ROUGE and KNUCKLES.

After it!

SHADOW begins running in the direction of the signal, soon catching up to OMEGA, the two keeping pace with each other. KNUCKLES and ROUGE begin trailing them, but are further behind.

EXT. Ocean Tornado - Day
SONIC, TAILS, AMY, and BLAZE are now aboard the deck of the Ocean Tornado with MARINE, as various koalas work to sail the boat, which is cruising through the waves.

So… Atlantis Kingdom, huh? That place is real?

Y’know, mate, I didn’t believe it at first meself. But the crew and I were out sailin’ for treasure, and we started trackin’ something crazy! At first we thought it was a sol emerald, but it was different. I dunno how, I ain’t into all that techy mumbo jumbo, but Setter told me it was givin’ off opposite signals to what a sol emerald would! …Whatever that means.

The group exchange glances. TAILS steps forwards.

Wait… You were able to track inverse sol emerald wavelengths? When I designed this vessel’s interface, it was only able to track energy signatures when it had a template to go off!

Well, it’s pretty easy to track a sol emerald when ya…

MARINE reaches into her pocket, pulling out the turquoise sol emerald.

Got one!

Wow! Where’d you find it?

Aw, y’know. Expert treasure-huntin’. Found it the other day when we were sailin’! I’m the greatest buccaneer on the high seas!

Hm… Now that I think about it, there was a Sol Energy Source coming from Windmill Village…

Right, yeah, well… uh… that’s cause…

It doesn’t matter how she found it. The important thing is she did. Now, Marine, I must request the emerald back from you. We need it to subdue Sol.

Of course! I may be a treasure hunter, but I do it in the name-a’ good!

MARINE throws the sol emerald in the air, towards BLAZE, who dives to catch it, it landing in her palms moments before hitting the ground. A Koala cries out from belowdecks.

Oi, Marine! Atlantis Kingdom, dead ahead!

MARINE begins barking orders at the Koalas on the ship.

Coconut Crew! Lower the anchor! Raise the sails!

Wow. She’s really come into her own.

Yes. Her crew have shown her the proper ways of the sea. She is an admirable ally.

Y’know, I don’t see this Kingdom anywhere. Are we sure we’re in the right place?

As the legend goes, the ancient Atlantians were the first inhabitants of the planet. Their kingdom was vast, and prosperous. Unfortunately for them, it did not last. What remained of Atlantis Kingdom sunk, to the bottom of the ocean.

Ooh, exciting! Now this is a real pirate adventure.

Y-yeah. You got that right. Bottom of the ocean, huh…?

EXT. Central City - Day
SHADOW and OMEGA lead the chase for the chaos emeralds, KNUCKLES and ROUGE far behind them. They jump over and swerve around pedestrians, as cars skid in all directions trying to avoid the flying object in the road.

Bullets may slow it down. Engaging weaponry.

Don’t do that. We have no idea what we’re up against. They could have explosives hooked up to… whatever this is.

Understood. With annoyance. The object is travelling too fast even for my enhanced optic mechanisms.

SHADOW narrows his eyes. He has an idea. He reaches behind him, pulling out the green chaos emerald.

Chaos control!

For a brief moment, time slows. SHADOW jumps onto a lamppost, swinging off of it to land on top of a car. He hops across the roofs of cars until the object is in view- a large, grey bank vault, being hauled by three creatures, holding it on the left, right, and back sides. On the left, JET THE HAWK. On the right, WAVE THE SWALLOW. And at the back, STORM THE ALBATROSS, all riding their Extreme Gears.

Ugh. These guys?

STORM begins to turn his head, although it is slowed dramatically. As he does this, SHADOW launches himself toward him. STORM manages to glance at SHADOW, eyes beginning to widen and mouth beginning to open as SHADOW makes contact, grappling STORM. Time returns to normal as SHADOW and STORM, entangled, hit the ground, rolling over each other. The bank vault slows dramatically, the back trailing on the ground, scraping against the tarmac.

Hey, Storm, what gives? Pick up the pace!

JET turns around, noticing the scuffle behind him. He waves his arms in shock instinctively, dropping the vault. WAVE sighs, placing her fingers to her forehead and shaking her head. The vault is now entirely on the ground.

H-hey, get offa me!

The rolling cloud of SHADOW and STORM slows as SHADOW pins STORM to the ground.

Give me the emeralds. Now.

You didn’t even say-

STORM shoves SHADOW backwards, his sheer strength propelling SHADOW into the front of a nearby car.


EXT. Ocean Tornado - Day
SONIC, TAILS, AMY, BLAZE, and MARINE stand on the deck of the Ocean Tornado, staring down into the depths of the sea.

Are you SURE it’s down there?

A-Positive, mate! The screen’s goin’ bonkers!

She’s right, Sonic. My tracker indicates Chaos Energy here, too. Just… really deep down.

So this is it, then. We’re going down there. Okay. Sure. That’s fine.

You know, you can just stay up here if you want. We can handle ourselves just fine without you!

Oh, don’t try that, Rose. You know I’m coming. I just. Gotta take a minute.

AMY giggles. He did exactly what she wanted him to. BLAZE stares intently into the water.

I understand Sonic’s reservations about exploring down there. My fire powers will be completely useless. …Again. At least the seas are…

BLAZE notices a few bubbles appearing at the ocean’s surface.


As she says this, a figure launches out of the water, landing on the deck of the ocean tornado. SONIC jumps backwards in shock, as the others turn to face the figure- an ANGLERFISH, light dangling from her forehead.

Intruders! Name yourselves!

The ANGLERFISH brings up her fists, a pair of large metallic gauntlets giving her huge knuckles as a weapon.
Two more objects launch themselves from the ocean, landing behind the ANGLERFISH- a SQUID, and a WRASSE. The SQUID stands on the right, his normal height still greatly exceeding the ANGLERFISH, as the WRASSE stands to the left- her giant figure dwarfing them both.

Surrender! And hand over your loot!

Or die.

AMY shoots a glance at BLAZE.

You know these guys?

No idea.

AMY primes her hammer for a swing, and BLAZE creates flame balls in the palms of her hands.

You shall submit yourselves to Blaze the Cat, Princess of the Sol Empire! Or you shall face the consequences.

Hah! As if. You may think you own this world, “Princess”, but we’ve been here longer than you could ever imagine! Atlantis Mutineers, attack!

NAUTICA charges towards BLAZE, who narrows her eyes as the two balls of flame in her hands expand, becoming a giant wall of fire. NAUTICA’s gauntlet passes straight through, grabbing BLAZE’s upper body, the gauntlet large enough to wrap itself entirely around BLAZE.

You think we wouldn’t be ready for you? The legend of Sol is as old as we are. We may not have fire underwater, but we’re sure as hell prepared for it.

PORT dashes towards AMY, who swings her hammer as he approaches. PORT whips out a rapier, ducking it under the handle of AMY’s hammer and swiping upwards, the hammer flying into the air.

I will say, that hammer is certainly stylish. But irrelevant. Let’s see you defend yourself now, hm?

STARBOARD, still stood in her original position, pounds her fist into her palm. She looks over TAILS, MARINE, and SONIC, analysing her options. Before she can decide, SONIC jumps into action, spin-dashing towards her. STARBOARD reaches down to grab him, but he uncurls from his ball, sliding under her legs.

You three are pretty tough, huh? But as much as I love a fight, this is pretty impersonal! I just can’t get into it if I don’t know you. Let’s start with names! I’m Sonic the Hedgehog.

SONIC runs in circles around STARBOARD, spinning her over and over, as he builds up speed. As he does, however, STARBOARD lunges forward, grabbing SONIC by the neck and lifting him into the air.


No introductions. You will not live long enough for your name to carry meaning to me.

MARINE has run over to NAUTICA, and is pounding her fists against NAUTICA’s back, to no avail.

Oi! Let her go, you foul beastie! Let! Go! Now!

TAILS begins to run over to AMY, flying into the air to catch the hammer as it falls. Locking eyes with her, he throws it, but as she primes to catch it, PORT, not even looking, raises a hand, catching it perfectly on the handle.

Thanks, foxy. Ooh, this IS nice. Good weight, solid construction. I’ll enjoy making hedgehog mincemeat with this.

NAUTICA, holding BLAZE with one hand, moves her other backwards, charging up a punch. PORT raises his sword and AMY’s hammer, primed to finish her. And STARBOARD raises SONIC even further into the air, preparing to slam him into the ground.

EXT. Central City - Day
OMEGA has caught up to the scene, the BABYLON ROGUES stopping at a corner road, the coast just off the sidewalk. STORM is picking himself up while SHADOW falls from the front of the car to the ground.

Threats visible. Identify yourselves.

Woah, who’s this garbage can?

Looks like one of Eggman’s older models. We’re talking E-series old.

I am E-123 Omega. A deserter of the Eggman Empire. The strongest robot in all of known history. Release the sol emeralds or I shall be your undoing.

Tough talk for an outdated piece of scrap. We earned those emeralds fair and square!

You want me to trash ‘im, boss?

Why bother? By the sounds of it, we’ve got somethin’ pretty valuable in this vault! Let’s grab it and split!

The BABYLON ROGUES, now all off their Extreme Gear, run around to the other side of the vault. ROUGE and KNUCKLES finally catch up to the group. STORM notices them, firing up.

You! Red echidna! Get outta here! This is our treasure!

Are you serious? The Babylon Rogues? Don’t you guys have better things to do? Or do you just want me to beat you again?

Pfft. I don’t see the hedgehog anywhere, so I’m not worried. Besides, we’re not sticking around for long!

Got it!

The door to the vault slides open.

See? Now, what do we have here…

The BABYLON ROGUES bend down, peering into the vault, all completely obscured from view. Moments later, they reappear, holding the blue, green, and white sol emeralds. Except… it’s not them. In JET’s place, NAUTICA THE ANGLERFISH. In WAVE’s place, PORT THE SQUID. And in STORM’s place, STARBOARD THE WRASSE.

Now this is treasure! …Wait.

New threats detected. Identify yourselves.

EXT. Ocean Tornado - Day
BLAZE, eyes closed, grimacing, awaits her fate. But nothing happens. Suddenly, she finds herself falling, and with a slam, hitting the floor. She opens her eyes, looking ahead. Where NAUTICA was standing is now JET THE HAWK, equally shocked.

What the hey kinda treasure was that!?

Now holding AMY’s hammer is WAVE THE SWALLOW. Looking around in confusion, she realises she is holding it.

Jet…? What just happened? Where are we?

STORM is also standing on the deck of the ship , holding SONIC in the air by his neck. Noticing this, his eyes widen, and he stumbles backwards, dropping SONIC in the process.

Er, boss…? We’re not in Central City anymore…

I know that, you idiot!

JET now notices SONIC too, storming over to him.

You! What did you do?

Jet? What are you guys doing here? Where did those fish go?

Fish? What are you talking about? Explain yourself, now! Where are we, and who are THOSE people?

JET, infuriated, gestures towards BLAZE and MARINE.

I am Blaze the Cat, Princess of the Sol Empire. If you are from Sonic’s world, then you have found yourself in another dimension. Do not cross me, or you shall suffer another world of hurt.

And I’m Marine! Fiercest pirate of the seven seas!

So, weirdos. Got it.

Tails, does your Miles Electric have any idea what’s going on?

AMY realises that WAVE still has her hammer, and snatches it back. TAILS pulls out his Miles Electric, and taps frantically.

N-no! The readings are all the same… Wait, the chaos energy is moving!

At this moment, the Ocean Tornado begins violently shaking, everyone stumbling across the deck. A torrent of water flies towards them as a huge island rises out of the ocean. It keeps ascending, floating higher into the air. When the turbulence calms down, everyone turns towards it.

…Is that…?

Babylon Garden!

EXT. Central City- Day
The ATLANTIS MUTINEERS stand, confused, in the road. OMEGA, KNUCKLES, and ROUGE stand cautiously on the sidewalk as SHADOW finally picks himself up from the ground. STARBOARD analyses the area, seeking out their next move.

You Babylon Rogues think you can keep me down? You’re just lousy thieves- what.

We should leave.

Good thinking, Starboard.

Behind us. Ocean.

Got it.

NAUTICA and STARBOARD begin to slowly back away.

Heh. Really? We can take these guys! Come on, let’s do it!

Port, don’t get co*cky. We just magically found three sol emeralds. Don’t push our luck.

Ugh… fine! You always listen to Starboard. Why can’t I make the plans, Nautica?

Because your plans would get us killed.

Pursuing annoying threats.

OMEGA steps forward, walking at a normal pace towards the ATLANTIS MUTINEERS.

Okay, run for it!

They turn tail and run for the ocean.

Enemies speeding up. Recalculating pursuit.

OMEGA speeds up in response, jet boosters activating.

They think they can get away, huh? Not on my watch!

KNUCKLES also gives chase.

Red, they’re headed for the water. What are you gonna do when you run out of air? We might wanna let Omega handle this one.

No way.

KNUCKLES pulls out his Air Necklace, fixing it to his face.

Fished this up in the Aquatic Mine under Central City. Now I can stay under there as long as I want. Those weirdos aren’t getting away.

So you did beat me to the Aquatic Mine! Well I won’t let you beat me to wherever they’re heading. Let’s catch these fools.

ROUGE follows after KNUCKLES. SHADOW prepares to join them, but looks around him. G.U.N is starting to respond to the accidents and injured civilians on the street. Instead of pursuing the ATLANTIS MUTINEERS, he pulls out his Chaos Emerald.

Chaos Control!

SHADOW blinks out of existence.

EXT. Ocean Tornado - Day
JET paces across the deck of the Ocean Tornado, waving his hands erratically.

Stupid universe, stupid transporting me somewhere else, away from the stupid emeralds…

Wait, you guys have emeralds?

Not anymore! We were just about to grab ‘em when we ended up here! Now that annoying black hedgehog probably has his mitts all over ‘em.

Well that’s the first good news I’ve heard since you showed up.

Oh can it. You know what?

JET stares up at Babylon Garden, pieces of rubble slowly falling down from its rocky bottom.

Rogues! We’re going home!

WAVE smirks.

Got it.

The BABYLON ROGUES pull out their Extreme Gear, and hover in the air.

See ya later, losers!

JET cackles as the trio fly upwards.

Finally! Now this is what I’m talking about. A nice, fair, race.

But Sonic, we don’t have our Extreme Gears!

Even better. Let’s do it!

SONIC runs forward, leaping off the deck of the Ocean Tornado. He lands on a falling piece of rubble, and begins jumping between more descending rocks.
AMY and TAILS look at each other with determination, and they too launch themselves from the deck. TAILS begins ascending upwards with his tails, while AMY uses her hammer to swing to and from the rocks, spinning it around her to control herself better in a glide.

First the chasm… now this…

BLAZE sighs deeply before finally joining the others. MARINE is left on the deck.

Right-o! I’ll just, uh… stay down here, patrol for enemies! They won’t be able to get away with me watchin’! Yeah.

EXT. Atlantis Kingdom - Day
OMEGA, ROUGE, and KNUCKLES swim downwards, chasing the ATLANTIS MUTINEERS. They come up on a large underwater ruin- Atlantis Kingdom. The centre of the ruin holds a large castle-like fortress, with an arch marking the entrance. There are also two side paths- one on the left, and one on the right, surrounding the castle in a circle, with an opening only at the very front. The ATLANTIS MUTINEERS swim into the main arch, and soon, a large rock wall begins to descend from the top of the arch, shutting it. KNUCKLES motions to ROUGE, then motions to the right passage, doing the same to himself for the left passage. ROUGE nods, and they begin to swim towards the side passages. OMEGA waits a moment, looking between both of them, before continuing forwards. He stops at the closed entrance to the castle, and holds his arm up. His claws retract into an arm cannon, and he blasts the rock wall away, proceeding straight through.

INT. G.U.N HQ - Day
The G.U.N COMMANDER is directing a squadron of soldiers within the G.U.N Base, as more soldiers rush around to different rooms.

Alright men, we’ve trained for this. Traffic accidents we can handle, Babylon Rogues we’ve got covered. Strange underwater ruins appearing just off the coast? That’s a new one. So we need all of our marine forces prepped. Got it? No delay!

Sir, yes, sir!

The SOLDIERS salute, and march off to different locations. The COMMANDER heads into a strategy room. When the coast is clear, SHADOW peeks from behind a corner, walking out into the corridor.

The perfect distraction… and I didn’t even need to do anything.

SHADOW navigates to the locked room he had been trying to get into. He tries the door, but of course, still locked. Narrowing his eyes in thought, SHADOW raises his hand up to the door and knocks. Nothing. The distant chatter of G.U.N agents grows louder, and SHADOW once again ducks behind a corner.

EXT. Babylon Garden - Day
SONIC continues his ascent to Babylon Garden, jumping between rocks as the others ascend below him. Above him, STORM is at the back of the BABYLON ROGUES, who have nearly reached the Garden.

Hey, Storm!


Even among your own crew you’re last, huh? Bet it’s gonna feel pretty bad to be beaten by us too!

STORM is angered by this, swerving around and gliding towards a piece of rubble. He smashes it with his fist, grabbing a hunk of rock from the centre.

Oh yeah? Well you won’t even make it up there! Take this!

STORM throws the rock towards SONIC, who dives out of the way just in time, sticking his tongue out as he leaps towards a different piece of rubble. The rock continues to fall, flying past TAILS.

Sonic, don’t gloat! You’re gonna get us killed!


The rock falls towards AMY, who smashes it with her hammer mid-jump. The remains of the rock fly into BLAZE, who raises her arm to cover herself.

This ascent is bad enough as it is. Please do not make it worse.

We cut to JET and WAVE, who have reached the Babylon Garden. They glide to a halt, disembarking from their Extreme Gears.

So, why have you descended upon us this time, Garden?

Hopefully to give us some treasure!

The fox did mention Chaos Energy…

You mean there could be a chaos emerald up here? Jackpot!

STORM joins the other two, disembarking from his Extreme Gear, out of breath.

And what took you so long?

Sorry, boss. I was just throwin’ rocks at ‘em.

Heh. Nice. Wait, did you hit them?


You idiot. Let’s get moving. Treasure can’t steal itself!

INT. Atlantis Kingdom
ROUGE swims along the halls of Atlantis Kingdom. Seemingly undisturbed for a long time, algae grows along the beige bricks. Suddenly, her eyes grow wide as she realises that she is running out of breath. She frantically swims around, searching for an air bubble. Nothing.

We cut to KNUCKLES, who is trailing his hand across the wall of the chamber he is swimming through. Brushing away some algae, he sees the beginnings of a mural. Stopping, KNUCKLES wipes away more algae, trying to reveal the whole thing. We cut to OMEGA, who has arrived in a main circular chamber, a vast throne room. The ATLANTIS MUTINEERS are floating next to a grand throne, elevated on a higher platform, two curved stairwells leading up to it.

Finally. You have nowhere to run. I can destroy you easily, with very little effort.

Oh, lookie here. The robot thinks he can beat us. And in our natural habitat.

Sharp claws… when we dismember him, I can turn those into great swords.

You will not get the chance.

OMEGA’s claws recede, gatling gun taking its place. He begins firing, but the bullets lose all momentum in the water, merely floating along at a casual pace.

Say, for such a mouthy robot, you’re all talk. Nice try, though.

We cut back to ROUGE, who is desperately searching for a breath. She begins pounding against the walls, and eventually, a brick falls away. She claws at the bricks surrounding it, pulling them away too. Creating an alcove big enough for her to fit through, she swims through it, discovering a small room obscured from the rest of the temple. No time to explore, she looks up, and sees a break in the water- a small pocket of air. She kicks her legs, propelling herself upwards.
We cut to KNUCKLES, who has uncovered most of the mural. He pulls the last piece of algae from the wall, and swims back, studying the carvings. A large, bird-like creature with a snake tail embodies the majority of the mural, dead in the centre. Seven rectangular gems surround the creature. Below it are a crowd of animal-like creatures, resembling fish. Fire burns around them, their hands up, either in praise, or in terror.
We cut back to ROUGE, her head emerging from the water as she takes a hearty gulp of air. She treads water for a moment, calming herself. After she has caught her breath, she looks around, noticing a small panel on the wall that is jutting out slightly.

A secret compartment with a secret switch… mama likey…

ROUGE pushes in the switch and slowly but surely, the water begins to drain out of the room.
We cut to KNUCKLES, and see that the same thing is happening. We then cut to the throne room, and see the same. Panning out, we see that a large blue dome, a forcefield of some sort, is surrounding the kingdom, as all the water in the radius drains.

The universe has decided that I shall be the winner of this conflict. Prepare to die.

The ATLANTIS MUTINEERS now stand in the centre of the throne room.

Ladies, arm yourselves!

Port, I give the orders. Arm yourselves!

EXT. Babylon Garden - Day
SONIC, TAILS, AMY, and BLAZE have all made their way up to Babylon Garden.

Jet? Oh, Jet? Come here, birdy birdy birdy!

Sonic, what are you doing?

Goading him. I want a race!

Now is not the time for racing. There is a chaos emerald up here, and they are looking for it. We must find it first.

So, a race! Got it. Last one inside’s a rotten Eggman!

SONIC dashes towards the main temple of Babylon Garden, as the others follow.

INT. Babylon Garden
JET, WAVE, and STORM make their way through the Babylon Garden, passing by hallways and rooms, seemingly on a determined path.

Uh, boss… where are we goin’?

To get the chaos emerald, lunkhead.

Which would be… where?

Think about it. These chaos emeralds go beyond even my advanced scientific understanding. They are, for all intents and purposes, magic. So if a magic artefact were to insert itself somewhere in Babylon Garden, it would go…

STORM scratches his head, confused.

The treasure room! You really are a lunkhead.

The BABYLON ROGUES continue down the hallway, eventually coming across a grand door. Pushing it open, they enter the treasure room, a dark space existing mostly outside of space-time. Inside is merely an open treasure chest. The three approach it.

A-ha… just where we left it!

JET reaches into the chest, pulling out Babylon Garden’s greatest treasure, the magic carpet. He tosses it to the side.

Don’t need this piece of junk. Now, chaos emerald, where are you…

Before JET can reach into the chest again, the door slams open.

Got ya!

JET yelps.

Boss! They found us!

SONIC, TAILS, AMY, and BLAZE rush into the room.

Hand over the chaos emerald! Now!

Oh! You mean…

JET turns around, reaching into the chest again. He pulls out the purple chaos emerald.


SONIC, TAILS, AMY, and BLAZE take battle stances as JET walks casually towards them.

You know, Wave has been doing some research on the chaos emeralds. If they’re gonna keep showing up, we wanna know what they’re for, right?

Exactly. And we discovered that they can do some pretty powerful stuff… if you know how to use them right.

What are you talking about…?

Oh, you know. Just a little thing I like to call…

JET raises the chaos emerald in the air.

Chaos Control!

The room begins trembling.

Does this always happen when chaos emeralds are involved?

More often than you’d think, yeah. Jet, what did you do?

What do you mean? I used chaos control! What happens now?

Oh no.

SHADOW ducks from a corner, hiding against a wall. Glancing to make sure nobody is around, he rolls across a hallway, entering a room. He is in the COMMANDER’s office. He walks up to the COMMANDER’s computer, and tries to navigate to his live security feed. A pop-up appears, asking for a password. SHADOW grunts in annoyance, before closing the program. He opens the COMMANDER’s file explorer, finding a folder of security camera archive footage. Perfect. He pulls out a USB stick, and plugs it into the computer. He begins the transfer.

INT. Atlantis Kingdom - Throne Room
OMEGA’s hand has now retracted back into claws, as he marches towards STARBOARD. He raises his arm, and swings a heavy punch at her. She catches it, and the two hold for a moment, both resisting the other. OMEGA comes out stronger, STARBOARD stumbling backwards. OMEGA stretches both of his arms out to the side, and swings his torso around, creating a whirlwind of metal. He storms towards STARBOARD, colliding with her at speed, knocking her over, dropping the white sol emerald in the process.

So you think you can take us all on, eh? Well how ‘bout this!

PORT lunges towards OMEGA with his rapier. Still spinning, OMEGA catches the sword’s blade, snapping to a halt. He yanks the sword forward, and it flies out of PORT’s hands. He grabs the hilt, other hand on the tip, and bends it, snapping it clean in two.

I am the ultimate battle robot. I shall conquer all.

OMEGA drops the two pieces of the sword, and holds his enclosed fist up to PORT’s face. PORT stands his ground. As OMEGA pulls back, PORT is shoved out of the way, NAUTICA taking his place.

Nobody messes with my crew without gettin’ through me first!

Fine. I shall speed up your destruction.

OMEGA places his hand on NAUTICA’s head, and pulls his other arm back. A jet booster emerges from the back of his shoulder plate, and initiates. OMEGA’s arm rockets forward, fist colliding directly with NAUTICA. She flies backwards, slamming into a wall near the ceiling. The blue sol emerald drops, clinking against the floor. OMEGA’s head turns, focusing on PORT, who is now sat on the floor in fear. OMEGA’s eyes glow a deep red.

U-uh, here! Just- take this, okay?

PORT fumbles to produce the green sol emerald, and throws it towards OMEGA. He raises his arm to catch it perfectly. We cut to the ceiling, where ROUGE is hanging, watching the conflict below.

Well that saves me some work.

ROUGE drops down from the ceiling, and gathers the two remaining sol emeralds.

Good job. That was seriously impressive.

I have been denied ultimate violence for too long.

There you are!

ROUGE and OMEGA turn around to see KNUCKLES standing in an entryway.

You guys have to see this.

NAUTICA falls from the wall, revealing a large mark at her impact. Cracks begin to spread, and small chunks of rock begin falling. Soon, the ceiling itself begins to cave in.

Or not. We need to get outta here.

EXT. Babylon Garden - Evening
SONIC, TAILS, AMY, BLAZE, and the BABYLON ROGUES rush out of Babylon Garden, and emerge on the outskirts of the floating island. They see the entire island shaking as it begins to crack and split apart.

THIS is what chaos control does?

Not usually! It must just really hate you.

Well whatever. We got the emerald. We’re outta here!

The BABYLON ROGUES jump onto their Extreme Gears.

See ya, losers!

They begin to fly away.


At the speed they’re going, I’d have to come down before I even got close.

Shoot. What do we do…?

BLAZE steps forwards, gulping heavily.

I… grabbed this.

BLAZE presents the magic carpet, setting it down on the ground. Closing her eyes, she takes a deep breath, and sits down on it. It begins to raise into the air.

Blaze… are you sure?

We haven’t got much choice. Get yourselves down safely. I’ll find you.

Got it. …Good luck out there.


The magic carpet shoots away, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

EXT. The Sky - Evening
BLAZE sits on the magic carpet, her hands clutching the front end as tight as she possibly can, trembling. She begins to approach the BABYLON ROGUES, flying casually. JET repeatedly tosses the chaos emerald in the air, catching it.

Can you believe it was that easy? Catch those guys without their Gears and they really are useless!

Heh! You tell ‘em, boss!

Storm, he’s telling us.


H-hey, Rogues! Give up that emerald!

JET curves around, seeing BLAZE.

Oh, so the princess has come to reclaim her treasure, huh? But by the looks of it you’re terrified to even be up here. I’d like to see you try and take it!

The BABYLON ROGUES start cackling. We focus in on JET laughing, until a ball of flame flies past his face.

I might be… a little scared… of heights. But I have a duty. To protect this world. All worlds. So in times of need, I do what is right. I put my fears aside. To take down crooks… like… you!

Another fireball flies at JET, but this time at his Extreme Gear. He leaps into the air, yelping, but misses the landing. He grabs onto the Extreme Gear as he falls, one hand holding on, the other holding the emerald.

Hey, pull me up, you two!

WAVE and STORM begin to move towards JET, but BLAZE holds her arms up, a fireball in each hand.

Move one inch closer. I dare you.

JET tries to pull himself up, but with only one hand, he can’t make it. He nearly falls again, only barely catching himself.

Jet, I don’t want you to fall. I really don’t. So I’ll give you a chance. Pass me the emerald, and I’ll let you go in peace.


Fine. But I heard sweat is bad for your grip.

BLAZE manoeuvres the magic carpet closer to JET’s Extreme Gear, and holds a fireball near his hand. One finger slips. Then another.

Fine, fine! Just take it! Weirdo.

JET throws the chaos emerald in the air, in a last ditch effort to prevent BLAZE from getting it, but she moves the magic carpet over, grabbing it in time. JET climbs back up onto his Extreme Gear.

Take this as a warning. I protect this land. I protect the seas. I even protect the skies. Do not mess with my domain. Or you shall be burned.

Y-yes scary lady! Sorry!

Yeesh! Let’s get outta here!

You said it. Vamoose, gang!

The BABYLON ROGUES fly away on their Extreme Gear. BLAZE breathes a sigh of relief.

EXT. Babylon Garden - Evening
SONIC, TAILS, and AMY, jump between large chunks of Babylon Garden as they make their way down to the Ocean Tornado. Around them, pieces of the island begin to shimmer with a purple light, and disappear.

Hey, that light…

Babylon Garden must be returning to our world!

So that’s why.


When Jet used chaos control. He must’ve started transporting himself, and Babylon Garden, back to our world!

But Blaze was able to use sol orbit in our world just fine.

Eh, it’s just a theory. We should probably worry about… y’know, the ground disappearing?

The platform they are on begins to shimmer, so SONIC grabs TAILS and AMY, and jumps down. They land on another large piece of rock, which now seems to be the only one left. It too begins to shimmer.

Ready for a fall?

At that moment, a metallic noise is heard, then a thunk at the bottom of the rocky platform. They look down and see a harpoon lodged into the rock. Suddenly, the harpoon begins to retract, and the rock flies forward. SONIC, TAILS, and AMY crouch down, grabbing onto the rock. The sky is a blur around them. And as suddenly as it started, the movement stops. SONIC, TAILS, and AMY are flung forward, and land on the deck of the Ocean Tornado.
After a moment, they sit up, rubbing their heads. They look towards where they came from, only to see the harpoon on the deck of the ship, a shimmering purple light around it, and MARINE, stood next to them.

Cor blimey! I didn’t think that’d work! I thought you were all buggered! I mean… uh… Captain Marine, saves the day once again! You’re welcome. Oi, where’s Blaze?

Right… here.

Behind MARINE, BLAZE descends onto the deck of the Ocean Tornado. She disembarks from the magic carpet, chaos emerald in hand.

Hey, nice job, Blaze!

And you got a chaos emerald too? This is why you're MY princess.

Thank you. But I might need… a moment. The sky still does not agree with me.

BLAZE walks to the edge of the ship. She bends over, facing the ocean. Her head out of sight, she makes a retching noise.

INT. G.U.N HQ - Commander’s Office
SHADOW stands at the COMMANDER’s desk, watching the file transfer. 95%. 96%. He hears footsteps outside. Hopefully just somebody walking past.

( Muffled ) And it just disappeared? Without a trace? I want agents down there pronto. Trace any energy signals.

97%. 98%. 99%. SHADOW hovers his hand over the USB Stick. Ready to remove it as soon as it hits… 100%. He grabs the stick, yanking it out of the computer, which he closes the lid of.

Chaos Control!

He blinks out of existence as the door opens.

EXT. Central City - Evening
KNUCKLES, ROUGE, and OMEGA emerge from the ocean, their heads bobbing atop the water. They swim towards the coast, gaining their breath.

So what was it you wanted to show us, Red?

A mural. It depicted some sort of creature… with the sol emeralds.

So those guys. Do you think they were…

From Blaze’s dimension. Yeah.

I guess that’s probably why they appeared with the sol emeralds. Hm. Magically teleporting to treasure. Why can’t I do that?

They step out onto the coast, walking towards the road.

Too bad I annihilated them before they could claim the emeralds for themselves. I am joking. It is not bad at all.

Wow, you’re in a good mood.

My mood improves by a multiplier of 2.63 when I obliterate my enemies.

Where did Shadow go, anyway?

Probably on some super secret brooding business. He’s been acting weird lately. I’m sure he’s fine.

At that moment, a spluttering sound is heard. They turn around to see JET, WAVE, and STORM popping up from the water.

Why does this keep happening!?

Boss… we teleported again…

We know, Storm.

Wait. I did it! I did chaos control! If only Sonic could see me now.

JET splutters again, coughing up water.

Chapter 5: Ground Shifting


In the Sol Dimension, Marine brings Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Blaze back to Blaze's Imperial Palace to gather the final Sol Emerald. Meanwhile, in the Chaos Dimension, Knuckles finally gets his wish as he and Team Dark head to Tails' Workshop in the Mystic Ruins to gather the final Chaos Emerald.

Chapter Text

INT. G.U.N HQ - Eggman’s Cell
EGGMAN lies in his cell’s small, thin bed, legs crossed. In silence, he has only his thoughts to carry him through the endless hours. Until the door slides open. Immediately alerted, EGGMAN sits up as the COMMANDER walks in.

Ah, hello! Finally ready to listen to reason and let me out?

In your dreams. I’d like you to explain a few things.

I see. One of your scientists come up with something too complex for you to understand?

Watch your tone, prisoner. I’d like you to explain how you summon an underwater kingdom, surrounded by an impenetrable forcefield, and make it disappear, all from within this cell.

I did what?

You heard me. You’re causing quite a stir, you know.

Well I’m glad something’s been keeping you preoccupied, “Commander”. But I’m afraid to say it’s not me. I’ve been too busy sat in this cell, reconsidering my life choices.

Is that so?

Yes. More escape shuttles in my mechs. That’s what I should’ve added. Is that all?

Oh, no. We’re just getting started. Boys?

A pair of G.U.N SOLDIERS carry in a Motobug.

Bringing me a toy?

Bringing you a threat. We’ve recovered an army of these, and many other robots, from your facilities. And if you don’t tell us your new power source, we’ll dismantle them all. Starting with this little fella.

EGGMAN leans back on his bed.

Oh. Sure. Go ahead. I can just make more when I’m out of this pit of despair.

I’m not bluffing, Doctor.

The COMMANDER pulls out a small pistol and shoots the Motobug. A small flicky flies out of it.

My new power source is still in its testing phase, if you must know. I highly doubt you’ll be able to find a model containing it.

The COMMANDER’s face grows slightly tomato-coloured as his eyebrows furrow.

Well my men won’t stop until they’ve dismantled every old base of yours. And that’s a promise.

Mmm. Good. Doing my spring cleaning for me. I ought to be paying you. Now could you leave me be? I’m trying to brood.

Without another word, the COMMANDER exits the cell, the door sliding closed behind him.



EXT. Ocean Tornado - Day
The Ocean Tornado sits, still, in the sea, as the COCONUT CREW move about, docking it on the coast of BLAZE’s Imperial Palace. SONIC, TAILS, AMY, BLAZE, and MARINE stand on the deck.

Thanks for the ride, Marine!

My pleasure! What’s a good pirate for if she ain’t willin’ to help save the world! ‘Sides, we were goin’ round these parts anyway. Didja know there’s supposedly an ancient undersea dinosaur roamin’ the seafloor? We’re gonna find that beastie and all the treasure it guards! Bonza!

Well… good luck with that.

Are you sure you don’t want to join us? We’re going up against quite a threat. We could use all the help available.

Aw, thanks for the offer, mate. But we’re alright. A pirate’s work never ends!

Aren’t pirates all liars and thieves?

Yeah, I guess, but… we’re the good ones! Reclaimin’ the name! We beat up all the other ones anyway. So the job was open!

MARINE chuckles to herself before considering something for a moment.

Oi, by my count, you’re still one emerald short!

Yeah, that’s my bad. Turns out it was in the palace the whole time! When I mapped out all the signals, I forgot to account for the one Blaze had on her, so I disregarded it. But we were coming back here anyway, so no time was wasted!

I think that’s the first mistake I’ve seen you make since… well, since we’ve met!

Aw, don’t exaggerate, Sonic! Now people will expect me to be perfect all the time.

TAILS giggles, going along with SONIC’s joke.

Come on you two. No time to waste! Blaze is already halfway to shore!

BLAZE, climbing down the ladder to the dock, stops, looking back up at the others.

Sorry. I… was just in a world of my own. It’s been nice seeing you again, Marine!

You too, mate! Have a good’un!

MARINE waves to BLAZE, before pulling AMY aside.

Oi. Watch her. We’ve been alone together long enough that even I can tell when something’s on her mind.

O-oh! Okay… What do you think is-

Before AMY can finish her thought, she realises that MARINE has run off to tend to part of the ship. AMY looks down at BLAZE, now on the shore, staring off into the distance. Then she notices a few dark clouds rolling in.

EXT. Mystic Ruins - Day
KNUCKLES leads SHADOW, ROUGE, and OMEGA through the Mystic Ruins, towards TAILS’ workshop.

Not long now, just up this hill.

Wow. I can’t believe he was able to build it so close to the train station.

This place is a national heritage site. Just outside of a bunch of old ruins. Nobody’s allowed to build here. But he got special permission. I think it’s ‘cause he helped stop Eggman so many times.

That’s fair. Hey, Shadow, you with us?

SHADOW is trailing behind the rest of the group, fiddling with a small item in his hand.

Will we have access to Tails’ computer system?

Yeah. He sent me the login so we could release the emerald from his storage. …Why?

No reason. I need to look something up.

Shadow the Hedgehog is being cryptic again.

Nothing new there. Listen, Shad, what’s on your mind? We can’t do anything about it if you don’t tell us.

It doesn’t concern you. Let’s just get the emerald and get out of here.

ROUGE speeds up slightly to be side by side with KNUCKLES.

Ugh… he really does annoy me sometimes, you know.

That’s how I feel every time Sonic does anything.

KNUCKLES opens the door to TAILS’ lab. Everything is quiet except for a low beep coming from a panel in the wall. ROUGE walks over to TAILS’ computer setup, and begins to log in.

Alright, it shouldn’t be too hard to get that emerald. Just… ah! Here we go.

ROUGE clicks onto a program file and a panel in the wall slides open, revealing the red chaos emerald, embedded into a slot, surrounded by all sorts of diagnostic information and graphs. SHADOW removes the chaos emerald from its slot.

Great. So that’s six emeralds. Where to now?

Hm. It seems to be on the move. But it’s heading this way! My bets are, if we wait long enough, the emerald will come right to us.

Great. Now let me see the computer.

SHADOW marches over to the computer, pushing ROUGE out of the way.

Hey, watch it, mister. A little “excuse me” would go a long way.

SHADOW responds without looking up from the screen.

Excuse me.

Hmph. If you’re going to be like that, I’m waiting outside.

ROUGE storms out, KNUCKLES following. He exits the building to find ROUGE sat on the top step at the peak of the hill.

Okay, what was that about?

I have no idea.

He’s not usually this grumpy, right?

No. But ever since…

Ever since what?

Just before all this started, G.U.N brought in some sort of… person, or, thing, or… well we don’t know what. They sealed it in a room in the base. But everyone is allowed access except the three of us. Obviously, I’m not too pleased about it, but Shadow has taken it even worse.

Huh. So he’s annoyed he isn’t allowed to know what’s going on?

I think it’s more than that. We spoke to the Commander about it, and Shadow almost got physical. Honestly, it was pretty scary.


KNUCKLES stares forward, not responding fully.

Not you too. Come on Red, I’m opening up here.

No, I mean… look.

ROUGE looks in the direction that KNUCKLES is staring. She sees a group of G.U.N SOLDIERS, heading into the Mystic Jungle.

Oh, you have gotta be kidding me. What could they want in there?

I dunno… there’s not much in there. Some old ruins. An old Eggman Base.

KNUCKLES’ eyes widen.

Oh no.


KNUCKLES stands up, pulling ROUGE to her feet.

We need to get Shadow.

We cut to SHADOW, who has plugged the USB stick into TAILS’ computer and is beginning to load up the surveillance footage. Just as he is about to open the file, KNUCKLES and ROUGE re-enter the building.

Shadow, you and Knuckles need to go to the Mystic Jungle. Now.

I’m busy. Take Omega.

No. You and me. We think G.U.N are raiding an old Eggman base.

SHADOW looks up from the screen.


Yeah, we saw them head into the Mystic Jungle, and there’s not much down there other than-

ROUGE can’t even finish her sentence as SHADOW pushes past her.

Come on, Knuckles. We don’t want to miss them.

He looks back at ROUGE.

…Excuse me.

INT. Imperial Palace - Day
TAILS leads SONIC, BLAZE, and AMY through the Palace, winding through its vast halls.

Not much further now! And it should be just through this… oh.

TAILS looks up at the wall he has walked into. There is no door.

Ah. The kitchen is through there. But there is only one door. It’s… on the other side of the palace.

Of course it is.

TAILS turns around, walking through more corridors. BLAZE and AMY linger at the back of the group.

So, how are you holding up?

I’m… fine?

Good! Still a bit shaken from your experience on the magic carpet? I bet you’ve hit your altitude limit for the week, huh.

I suppose.

It must be pretty stressful, these world-ending events always going on. Especially when half of your emeralds are in another dimension.

It’s not the easiest thing in the world, but with you all helping, it’s a lot more manageable. …Are you alright?

Yep! It’s been so great getting to see your dimension. It’s so beautiful!

Good. I’m glad.

BLAZE sighs.

Okay, that sigh is definitely not the sigh of someone who’s alright.

Hm. Sonic never notices that sigh.

Sonic doesn’t notice much when it comes to emotion.

BLAZE smirks.

You are right. But… Yes, I must admit, I am a bit worried. We’re on track to subdue Sol, yes, but we still have no idea where the acid rain came from. That predated Sol’s attack on the kingdom by a while.

So you’re worried that even with Sol gone, your kingdom will still be in danger?


Well I know we won’t just stop at defeating Sol. As long as you’re in danger, we’re here to help out.

Thank you. That means a lot.

TAILS pushes open a door, revealing a room filled to the brim with pots, pans, and other cooking equipment. Countertops are stacked with ingredients as a sheep with black wool rushes around, attending many cooking stations at once.

This is the kitchen!

The sheep yelps.

Ah! Oh, you startled me! Sorry! Are you on a tour of the Palace?

BLAZE walks into the room.

Hello there. May I introduce Clove, the talented chef of the Palace. Clove, this is Sonic the Hedgehog, Tails the Fox, and Amy Rose.

CLOVE yelps again.

Oh! Uh… wow. I’ve heard so much about you all! It’s an honour to meet you. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe it! Have you come for a feast? I can make a feast! I just have to finish Blaze’s welcome home cake, and the Stella’s get-well-soon muffins, and Gardon’s lunch steak… but I can have a feast ready by 8PM, latest!

Hey, you’re okay, relax. We don’t want a feast. Jeez, that sounds like a lot on your plate. Don’t you have any help?

Well, yes, usually I have a few Stella here to help me, but… since a few nights ago, they’ve all been too scared to come out of their room.

CLOVE yelps again as an oven timer dings.

Sorry! I’ve got to get back to this. Lots to cook!

Actually, Clove, we kinda need to take a look around the kitchen. Is that okay?

If Princess Blaze says it’s okay, then it’s okay! I assume she does, since she’s here. But if she doesn’t then that’s okay! Well, it’s not okay- for you to look around, I mean. But it’s okay if she says no! I-

Clove, it’s alright. We’re actually looking for a sol emerald. It seems to have found its way into the kitchen.

Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!

You took it?

NO! Gosh no, I would never. But I must have picked it up by accident, or something. I haven’t seen it around, but that’s definitely something I would do. I’m sorry, my Princess! Oh!

CLOVE stops, turning to BLAZE. They bow.

I’m sorry, my Princess. I always forget the bow. And I’m sorry for that too!

You really don’t need to worry about it, Clove. We’ll be in and out. I promise.

Thank you so much, Princess! Your word means a lot to me. And I’ll stick true to my word- er, job contract- and get back to cooking! I won’t let you down!

Thank you, Clove. You’re doing a great job.

BLAZE, TAILS, SONIC, and AMY filter into the kitchen, SONIC, TAILS, and AMY exchanging concerned and bemused glances in reaction to CLOVE, and begin looking around, making sure not to get in CLOVE’s way.

EXT. Mystic Jungle - Day
KNUCKLES and SHADOW stalk through the trees of the Mystic Jungle, tracing the movement of the G.U.N SOLDIERS.

So you think G.U.N’s up to something, huh?

We wouldn’t be following them if I didn’t.

But I mean… you specifically. Rouge told me about how annoyed you’ve been getting about them.

Of course she did. That’s nobody’s business but my own.

That’s fair. I hate people butting into my private life.

Great. So you know how I feel.

Yeah! I guess I do.

Then stop.


The G.U.N SOLDIERS reach the entrance to EGGMAN’s abandoned base, and begin pounding at the door with a battering ram.

Why are they going after old Eggman bases…?

Maybe there’s something in there they want.

G.U.N is always on the hunt for old Eggman tech. But not like this. Why now?

The G.U.N SOLDIERS break down the door, and file in carefully.

Only one way to find out.

KNUCKLES climbs out of the bush he is hunched in, and motions for SHADOW to follow him to the entrance of the EGGMAN base.

INT. Tails’ Workshop - Day
ROUGE sits at TAILS’ desk, spinning herself in his chair. OMEGA stands, still, in the centre of the room.

I still can’t believe Tails trusted me enough to give me his computer logins. Ah well. One fox’s mistake is another bat’s treasure.

ROUGE begins to dig around in TAILS’ files, finally finding a folder titled “Potential Chaos Emerald Locations”

Ooh, this is promising.

She clicks into the folder, only to be met with an error message:
“The user logged into this computer is on a Guest Pass only. Only access to predesignated and approved files is allowed.”

Ooh, that sneaky, rotten…

ROUGE turns to OMEGA.

You’ve been awfully quiet. What’s on your mind?

G.U.N and Eggman in one place. And yet you send Knuckles instead of me. Why?


It is the recipe for the most brutal annihilation of all time. And yet you keep me here.

Oh. Well… Shadow needed some alone time with Knuckles. You know how he’s been acting.

So keep them here. We can decimate Eggman just as well as they can.

Don’t I know it. But I get a feeling Shadow isn’t going to be very helpful to us until he gets this out of his system. So let him take his rage out on the Doctor. Besides, I saw what you did to those fish people yesterday. You’ve had your fill of destruction.

I never fill up on destruction.

INT. Imperial Palace - Kitchen - Day
While SONIC, TAILS, AMY, and BLAZE look around the kitchen, CLOVE fumbles with a pot on the stove. They repeatedly try to turn the burner on, without success.

Oh, this one’s always on the blink! Come on! I have to get this on now, or it’ll cool down too much and if it cools down too much it’ll thicken and the chunks will blend into the thickness and-

Here. Allow me.

BLAZE ignites a small flame in the palm of her hand, and holds it next to the burner. It ignites. BLAZE extinguishes her flame.

Thank you ever so much, Princess Blaze! How may I ever repay you?

Please. Just call me Blaze.

I found it!

TAILS, head in a cupboard, rushes to show the others his discovery- banging his head on the top of the cupboard.


TAILS successfully manoeuvres his way out of the cupboard, presenting the yellow sol emerald.

Hey, nice job, bro! So we’re all done then, huh?

Yup! Seven emeralds.

The flame seems to grow a bit, licking the side of the pot.

So what now?

I suppose we head to the main hall, and make our way back to your world. Reconvene with the others.

Perfect! I can’t wait to rub this in Knuckles’ face.

The team heads out of the kitchen, but as TAILS passes the pot, the fire seems to jump out at him, sending the pot flying. TAILS is slammed backwards into a counter as the unmistakable form of SOL 0 tackles him.

Bad guy alert! Hey Clove, where are your fire extinguishers?

Fire extinguishers! Oh! We don’t have any! They’re too dangerous to the Stella. They’re made of fire, so a fire extinguisher could hurt them, or put them out, or… something! And Prince- Blaze also has fire powers so they might be dangerous to her too I’m sorry I made an assumption I don’t know!

Clove! Clove, calm down. I’ve dealt with Sol before. Just back away, everyone.

BLAZE approaches SOL 0, but as she does, they rear upwards, letting out a piercing screech. A bright glow envelopes them, and when it subsides, they are somewhat larger, and have a singular arm, capped off with three fiery claws, the sol emerald embedded in their shoulder. They have become SOL 1.

What… what has happened?

Oh, great, your guy can do it too.

Sol absorbed the emerald!

Is there any way of getting it out?

Not unless you have a killer robot determined for annihilation, apparently!

INT. Final Egg
KNUCKLES and SHADOW skulk along the corridors, trailing the G.U.N SOLDIERS at a distance. The SOLDIERS break down the door to each room, inspect it for danger, and move on to the next.

They’re not even searching for files. What are they doing in there?

This has to be related to what they have hidden in headquarters. I’ve half a mind to contact the Doctor right now, let him deal with them.

Well that might be a little difficult.

What? Why?

INT. Tails’ Lab - Day
ROUGE types away at TAILS’ computer, repeatedly being denied access to every file she tries to open.

Hm… That fox boy is no fun. How will I amuse myself?

Let’s go to the jungle and destroy Eggman.

You have to stop suggesting that.

I will not.

Ooh… I may as well take a peek at what Shadow was looking at.

Warning: Shadow may become more grumpy if he discovers you have done this.

That’s always a risk. But call me a cat, because my curiosity knows no bounds.

ROUGE pulls up the USB stick folder, finding a large video file. Opening it, she sees direct security feed into a cell in G.U.N HQ.

Hm. This is dated a few days ago.

The cell is opened, and a figure is shoved in, the door closing behind him. DOCTOR EGGMAN.


Figure identified as Doctor Ivo Robotnik. Former master, turned arch-enemy.

INT. Final Egg
SHADOW has KNUCKLES pinned against a wall.

They arrested Eggman and you didn’t think to tell me?

Hey! Get off!

You didn’t think that would be at all relevant to a mysterious room in G.U.N Headquarters that they won’t let us in?

I thought you knew!

Evidently not!

Quiet! We’re meant to be sneaking here, remember.

Screw that.

SHADOW disappears in a blip. We cut to the G.U.N SOLDIERS, trailing along a corridor. SHADOW appears in a blip above the first soldier. He chops his hand downwards, slamming the SOLDIER on the head. He crumples.

Tell me what you’re doing here. Now.

INT. Imperial Palace - Day
SONIC, TAILS, AMY, and BLAZE run along the corridors of the Imperial Palace, SOL 1 in hot pursuit.

Head for the exit! If we can get ‘em onto the beach, we can use the water to put ‘em out!

The group head for the main exit of the palace, but as they reach it, a large wall of flames encases the door, blocking it off.

Guess not.

Turning around, they are face to face with SOL 1, who dives towards BLAZE, swiping its claws at her. BLAZE attempts to hold SOL 1 back as she did the last time, but after a moment, SOL 1 jerks backwards, the turquoise sol emerald in its hand. It is once again encased in light, the light soon subsiding to reveal the sol emerald in its other shoulder, the creature now bearing two arms. SOL 2.

Okay, that’s its two to our one. That’s not good!

New plan. Head for the throne room.

They run past SOL 2 as it dives forwards again, and start sprinting down the halls.

Why? What’s in there?

It’s the largest room in the palace. We’re going to open a portal back to your world.

But Sol has some of the emeralds!

Then we’re just going to have to bring them with us.

SOL 2 reappears behind them, and lunges forward, slashing at AMY. They grab the white chaos emerald, but drop it on the ground.

It didn’t react to the emerald! But we can’t just leave it!

On it!

SONIC runs from the floor onto the wall of the hallway, and up onto the ceiling. He sprints backwards, jumping down behind SOL 2, and grabbing the chaos emerald. He then runs back onto the wall, and to the ceiling, charging up a spin dash to overtake SOL 2 once again, dropping down in front of the others.

Blaze, get in front! You’ve got our last sol emerald, so it’s you they’re after!

BLAZE speeds up, fire kicking out from the bottom of her heels as she overtakes SONIC.

No fire extinguishers… what was I thinking?

INT. Final Egg
SHADOW stands in front of a troupe of G.U.N SOLDIERS, the soldier in the lead unconscious. KNUCKLES still hangs back, watching from behind.

Answer me. Now.

A SOLDIER at the front of the group speaks up.

Agent Shadow! Uh… what are you doing here?

I could ask you the same question. First, you hide from me the arrest of Doctor Robotnik. Then, you raid his bases? What exactly are you looking for?

That’s classified information.

Of course it is. You don’t even know what you’re messing with, and yet you still classify it. What about the people?

What people?

The people of this planet! The people you protect. You didn’t think it relevant to inform them that the biggest threat to this world had finally been arrested?

Agent Shadow, that’s not our decision to make. Speak to the Commander.

Oh, I will. But I want answers from you. Why are you here?

SHADOW glares at the G.U.N SOLDIERS. If looks could kill, they would all be dead.

It’s on the Commander’s orders! Just cleaning out the bases. Rounding up any remaining badniks. Nothing out of the ordinary.

And you only wait until now? G.U.N could’ve had him any moment they chose, and yet you waited. It doesn’t make sense. And what’s more…

SHADOW closes his eyes, and grimaces. He senses something. Bending down, he reaches into the unconscious SOLDIER’s jacket, and pulls out the turquoise chaos emerald.

What the hell are you doing with this?

The SOLDIERS begin to murmur between themselves.

We, uh- we were not aware that we were in possession of a chaos emerald, Agent Shadow.

Sure. Save it for the judge. Except, wait. You won’t get the chance.

SHADOW holds the chaos emerald in the air.


Shadow, no!

KNUCKLES runs forward, tackling SHADOW to the ground.

Get off me, echidna. You do not want to mess with me right now.

But I have to. Trust me, I’m not thrilled with what’s going on, but you can’t hurt these people.

Give me one good reason.

Because they’re just following orders!

You think that matters? The soldiers that raided the ARK were ‘following orders’, and they killed a child in cold blood!

KNUCKLES freezes. SHADOW shoves him to the floor, standing up. He stares back down at KNUCKLES.

You make me sick.

SHADOW looks back at the G.U.N SOLDIERS.

All of you.

SHADOW closes his eyes, lifting the chaos emerald up again. KNUCKLES looks on in horror.

Chaos… Control!

In a turquoise light, SHADOW blinks out of existence.

INT. Tails’ Lab - Day
ROUGE sits at TAILS’ computer, watching the surveillance footage of EGGMAN in his cell. OMEGA stands behind her. In a turquoise light, SHADOW blinks into existence. He slowly walks up to the computer, seeing that ROUGE has pulled up the file. Finally. He knows what’s in the room.

He’s going to escape.

ROUGE jumps. She hadn’t realised he was there.

I… what?

Eggman. He’s going to escape. And he’s going to destroy them all. I don’t know if they just want information, or if he’s working with them… but either way, they have no idea what they’re in for.

ROUGE turns around, surprised at SHADOW’s calm and measured tone. She spins in her chair to see him stood there, shaking slightly. She lays a hand on his arm.

Shadow… it’s alright.

She isn’t talking about EGGMAN.


ROUGE looks at SHADOW, patiently.

He always tried to protect Maria and I. He wanted us to live as happily as we could. So he never told us… anything. Even if my memory hadn’t been wiped, I wouldn’t have known about the Black Arms. I didn’t even know… I didn’t even know that G.U.N had a hand in creating me. Maybe if I had… I would have been better prepared.

So that’s why… when the Commander wouldn’t tell us what was in that room…

G.U.N is putting the whole world in danger. But they won’t tell the only people that could actually do something about it.

ROUGE sits there, silently. She opens her mouth, but no words come out. Eventually, OMEGA turns his head to face SHADOW.

If I had known my intended purpose was to be locked in a room for my entire life, I would have annihilated Eggman there and then. But I did not. Instead, I endured the pain I could not prevent. And now I am still annihilating him. With allies that make it easier.

SHADOW looks at OMEGA. His gaze softens. For a moment, he lingers. Then, he straightens up again, pulling out the turquoise chaos emerald.

G.U.N had this.

Those little…

That’s seven. Now, we wait for the others.

INT. Imperial Palace - Throne Room - Day
BLAZE, SONIC, TAILS, and AMY burst into the throne room- a large, ovaloid room with a simple throne sat at the far end. AMY closes the door behind her, barring it with her hammer. They make their way into the centre of the room. BLAZE pulls out the red sol emerald, and SONIC the yellow chaos emerald.

Okay, you ready?

It’s now or never.

BLAZE and SONIC stand opposite each other, emeralds in hand. They raise them, arms crossing over each other, speaking in unison.

Chaos Control!

Sol Orbit!


Did I… do it wrong?

It looked the same as last time!

TAILS sneezes.

Bless you, little budd-

SONIC looks over at TAILS. A purple speck of light drifts near him. He glances around. They begin to appear everywhere.

Well that’s… different.

The ground begins to shake.

Not again…

Quick, everyone! To the balcony!

BLAZE leads SONIC, TAILS, and AMY to a stairway behind the throne, taking them out onto her balcony, staring at the back of the palace, and into the ocean. As they rush up the steps, more purple light dances around them. They reach the top, but instead of a beautiful sea view awaiting them, all they see is the sky.

What in the world…

We slowly pan outwards. The Imperial Palace is completely intact, but is no longer surrounded by a sandy coast. Instead, thick jungle trees touch the palace walls. We see an icy mountain, stretching higher than the Palace itself, and a casino, neon lights glowing. Finally, we pan out to reveal that the Imperial Palace has mounted itself on Angel Island. Which itself starts rumbling.

What’s going on!?

TAILS pulls out his Miles Electric.

We’re… back in our dimension! And we’re on Angel Island!


Oh no… we’re descending! Angel Island can’t take the weight of the Palace!

EXT. Mystic Ruins - Day
SHADOW, ROUGE, and OMEGA stand on the hill outside of TAILS’ lab. KNUCKLES makes his way up the stairs, an annoyed look on his face.

Shadow the Hedgehog! What is wrong with you?

Knuckles. Finally.

Oh, don’t you ‘finally’ me. You left me in an Eggman Base, surrounded by G.U.N Agents!

You can fend for yourself.

You have got to be kidding me. You’re worse than Sonic.

KNUCKLES begins to storm over to SHADOW, when a strange rumbling sound is heard in the distance. It grows ever closer, and louder.

Red. Behind you.

Oh, no. I’m not falling for that one.

Angel Island descending at a rate of 48 miles per hour.

Angel- what!?

KNUCKLES whips around to see just that- Angel Island, falling straight for the Mystic Ruins. He looks quick enough to see only the tip of the Palace on the Island as it descends.

Hmph. Took them long enough.

With a crash, Angel Island lands in the water surrounding the Mystic Jungle, in the exact same spot it landed upon CHAOS’ first assault on the world.

I will deal with you later, hedgehog. Let’s do this.

INT. G.U.N HQ - Eggman’s Cell
EGGMAN sits upwards on his bed, as the COMMANDER shows him footage on a small device.

Oh, that old thing? That stopped working months ago.

Fine. Then how about this?

The COMMANDER swipes to the next piece of footage, of a large, armoured Egg Pawn.

The Egg Pawns? Bah. They’re old news. You need to up your game.

Very well. We actually cleared out another one of your bases just today. And we found something I think you’ll find very interesting.

The COMMANDER snaps his fingers and a G.U.N SOLDIER wheels in a dolly, a sheet covering some sort of device.

Ooh, a grand reveal! Go ahead. What did you find?

I may be getting ahead of myself, but I’d call this our ace in the hole.

The COMMANDER pulls the sheet from the device, revealing it is not a device at all, but instead, two robots. ORBOT and CUBOT. They each give EGGMAN a polite wave. EGGMAN’s face drops.

Oh dear Chaos.

Chapter 6: Water Falling


This is it. The final confrontation. With all seven Chaos Emeralds, and all seven Sol Emeralds, Sonic and Blaze get ready to power up to defeat Chaos and Sol once and for all. And Shadow finally confronts the Commander of G.U.N., finding the answers he's been seeking for.

Chapter Text

EXT. Angel Island - Master Emerald Shrine - Day
KNUCKLES leads SHADOW, ROUGE, and OMEGA towards the shrine of the Master Emerald as storm clouds roll in. Across the bridge to the shrine sits BLAZE THE CAT’s Imperial Palace, rocks from Red Mountain, which it has appeared in the middle of, crumbling down its walls.

You three go into the palace. Find Sonic and the others. I need to speak to the Emerald.

Got it. Come on, you two.

ROUGE turns away from the Emerald, SHADOW and OMEGA following suit. They approach the door of the Palace.

High levels of Chaos and Sol Energy detected inside the Palace.

Good. That means they got all the emeralds.

Level of Sol Energy anomalous.

Anomalous? How do you mean?

Sol Energy levels match Chaos Energy levels recorded when Chaos appeared in the Aquatic Mine.

Oh no.

The doors to the Palace burst open, SONIC, TAILS, AMY, and BLAZE running into the grass, AMY and BLAZE turning to push the doors closed behind them. They all look distressed and completely winded- except SONIC, who only looks distressed.

How long will the door hold it?

If it could break through the throne room door even with Amy’s hammer sealing it out, then this one won’t hold long either.

TAILS is tapping away at his Miles Electric.

Woah… the Chaos and Sol Energy on Angel Island is extreme!

Hm… we might be the cause of that. It’s nice to see you all safe, darlings.

SONIC, TAILS, AMY, and BLAZE all jump. They were too engrossed in their panic to notice TEAM DARK, stood right in front of them.

Rouge! Shadow, Omega! So we really are back home…

Where’s Knuckles? Did he get scared?

Sonic. Now is no time for jokes. I’m assuming that Sol is pursuing you?

Yeah. And they’ve already got two of the sol emeralds. Did you guys have another run-in with Chaos?

Negative. I have yet to obtain my revenge.

But he did deal with some sea-faring foes. Fish pirates… they appeared, stole our sol emeralds, and disappeared as soon as we got them back. I’m assuming you had something to do with that?

Uh… kinda? Were you also fighting the Babylon Rogues, by any chance?

How did you know that?

They popped up. So did Babylon Garden… actually, funny story! Jet got a chaos emerald, and he tried to use-

He what.

Guys! Now is probably not the best time to be trading stories.

Right. Sol on our tail. Forgot about that.

Not just that… the Chaos Energy coming from this area is crazy! Almost like…

TAILS trails off, looking at something in front of him, behind TEAM DARK. A large shadow forms above SHADOW, ROUGE, and OMEGA, and soon they all turn around to see CHAOS 0, towering over them. Everyone’s eyes widen. SONIC grins.

Ooh, double trouble! I’ve had worse. Let’s do this!



EGGMAN sits on the bed in his cell, head in his hands. ORBOT and CUBOT stand on the floor.

And then they grabbed us by the chassis, threw us in a van, and that’s how halloween was born!

They also subjected us to an EMP that disconnected us from the EggNet! That was the first thing I tried when I came back online…

Well, at least one of you did something somewhat smart. Did they disable your weapons?

Boss, I don’t have weapons! You said I’m a ‘Danger to everyone around me’- and not in a good, evil way!

And by extension, I should also not be allowed weaponry on my person.

Of course I did. Make stupid robots, find stupid problems. Just- look. If anyone tries to get any information from you, stay quiet! That’s an order.

Got it, boss!

Cubot? Do you understand?

CUBOT stares at EGGMAN, silently.

Cubot! Answer me!

Boss, you told me not to give away any information!

EGGMAN sighs. The door to the cell slides open, and the COMMANDER steps in.

Ah, Doctor. Getting reacquainted with your loyal robots, I see.

Oh, yes! My trust in them is concrete.

Good. We make sure all our weaponry is powerful enough to break right through concrete.

Well that seems largely inefficient.

So, Orbot, Cubot, your creator here-

You mean our daddy?

…If that’s what he has you call him.

I do not.

Either way, you both know how much he loves gloating about his plans.

Very much so! He was just gloating about how we weren’t going to share anything with you.

Is that so? Priming you for interrogation, eh?

Oh, yes. The boss doesn’t typically get arrested, so this is a new scenario for all of us!

Which is good for me. So why don’t you tell your boss here that if he just tells us his little secret, we’ll let him out nice and quick.

And miss spending quality time with us? It’s finally my chance to pitch my invention ideas! Why would I throw that away? He ain’t spillin’ nothin’!

And I’m happy to get a break.

But surely you operate to serve your boss’s best interests, which would be to get out of here as soon as possible?

You may think that, but he also deserves a nice rest.

And to hear about my revolutionary new way to style your moustache!

The COMMANDER is becoming visibly agitated.

Well… just think on your choice. I’ll be back.

EGGMAN sneers at the COMMANDER.

Too much for you already?

Hey, I’m not the one who’s gotta share a room with ‘em.

The COMMANDER leaves and the door slides shut. EGGMAN places his head in his hands once again.

EXT. Angel Island - Master Emerald Shrine - Day
KNUCKLES walks up to the Master Emerald, placing his hands on top of it, closing his eyes.

Master Emerald… I am doing all I can to protect you. We found all the emeralds, and soon, we’re gonna stop Chaos. But… we still don’t know why he’s here. Why he’s angry. If… If we can’t stop him…

KNUCKLES opens his eyes. He looks out into the ocean, rain beginning to fall.

Protect this world as best you can. It does not deserve to fall.

The Master Emerald seems to glow a little brighter as raindrops collide with its surface.
We cut to TEAM DARK and SONIC, TAILS, AMY, and BLAZE, outside the Imperial Palace, facing CHAOS 0, who is now stood on the island.

Fire causes water to evaporate, right? Blaze, do your thing!

Got it.

BLAZE opens her palm, a fireball kindling to life. She throws it at CHAOS 0, only for the water to sizzle a little, with no other effects. CHAOS 0 extends his arm, slamming BLAZE backwards.


BLAZE crashes into the wall of the Imperial Palace, collapsing to the ground. Rubble falls with her.

Oh, you are gonna pay for that, you oversized puddle!

CHAOS 0 jumps backwards, splashing into the ocean lapping against the side of Angel Island. A moment later, The water shoots upwards, forming into the form of a giant CHAOS 0.

Attention: Chaos has integrated himself into the ocean around us.

It’s fine. I’ve handled this thing before, I can do it again.

Shadow, wait!

TAILS’ cry falls on deaf ears. SHADOW has already taken off, dashing towards CHAOS 0. He jumps into the air, and raises his arm, holding it towards his body.

Chaos Spear!

SHADOW spreads his arm, a Chaos Spear shooting out from his body, hitting CHAOS 0 in the chest. CHAOS 0 recoils backwards in pain.

Too easy.

As SHADOW floats in the air, CHAOS 0 swats his arm forwards, slamming straight into SHADOW. SHADOW, caught in CHAOS 0’S grip, struggles, as he is dragged by the water currents into CHAOS 0’s enclosed fist.

Not again…

Again? This happened before?

Yup. Then Chaos took the… yeah.

As ROUGE speaks, CHAOS 0’s arm begins to start pumping water up towards his head, the green, red, and turquoise chaos emeralds being pumped up from SHADOW.

Crap. Okay, I’ll save Shadow, you guys stay here and prepare for an attack of the fiery variety.
( Aside ) Heh, fiery variety.


Right. Sorry. Stay cool.

SONIC winks, throwing up a peace sign to the others, before running towards CHAOS 0 and jumping into the air. AMY turns back towards the door to the Imperial Palace.

Sol could be here any minute… get ready, everyone.

As if on cue, the doors to the Imperial Palace burst open, SOL 2 slithering out onto Angel Island. Letting out a mighty screech, it turns its attention towards BLAZE, who is collapsed on the floor next to it. Swiping its claws towards her, SOL 2 rips the red sol emerald from BLAZE’s possession, and begins to glow in a bright light, transforming into SOL 3. A moment later, the glow subsides. SOL 3 turns towards AMY, TAILS, ROUGE, and OMEGA, larger than before, its tail now split in two at the end, the sol emerald embedded at the base.

Uh oh. We can’t let it get any more sol emeralds!

Thankfully, they’re with Knuckles. For once, I’m glad he has more gems than I.

We cut to SONIC, who has jumped into the air, coming face to face with CHAOS 0.

You know, on any other day, I’d think it was pretty funny that I have to save Shadow’s butt.

Curling into a ball, SONIC dashes towards CHAOS 0, hitting their solid brain. They recoil backwards as SONIC unfurls, crossing his arms as he flies backwards.

But, you’ve caught me at a bad time.

CHAOS 0 swipes at SONIC, but he uses their arm as a platform to launch from, gaining even more height.

Look, dude. I know you’re not a bad guy. Something’s wrong. And I just wanna fix it! But I don’t know what’s hurting. Can you help me out, just a little?

SONIC is suddenly cast in a shadow, and looks upwards, confused. He sees the arm of CHAOS 0 descending at breakneck pace.

Taking that as a no.

SONIC is slammed downwards, landing in the ocean with a crash. As he sinks downwards, we cut back to AMY, who is holding her Piko Piko Hammer, and begins to run towards SOL 3.

This is for attacking Blaze!

SOL 3 begins to slither forwards, leaping into the air, arms outstretched. AMY reaches their position, swinging her hammer, only to run straight past SOL 3, missing them entirely. Confused, AMY glances backwards to see SOL 3 dashing straight towards ROUGE, pinning her to the ground.

What are you doing!? Let go of her!

Wordlessly, OMEGA marches over to SOL 3, plunging his hand into their body, reaching for a sol emerald. A moment later, he removes his hand, it glowing a bright red.

Warning: Lifeform temperature too high to safely interact with. My revenge is delayed once again. Day ruined.

Tails, what can we do?

I- I don’t know! Chaos has a weak spot in their head, but I can’t see anything similar on Sol!

I understand being drawn to the most beautiful woman you can see, but this is a bit much.

ROUGE reaches to push SOL 3 off of her, but recoils in pain as she touches their body.

Ouch! Now that’s just cheating. A little help, anyone?

SOL 3 raises its claws, about to swipe at ROUGE, but a shockwave sends them flying backwards. ROUGE scrambles to her feet, and looks for the source of her saviour. She turns behind her to see KNUCKLES, fist on the ground.

You’re welcome.

ROUGE facepalms.

Oh no.

What, you can’t even be grateful that I saved your life?

Knuckles, move!

KNUCKLES turns towards AMY.

Oh, Amy! You made it back safe. Looks like you still need help taking down the bad guys, though. Guess I have to do everything around-

Before KNUCKLES can finish his sentence, he is tackled to the ground by SOL 3, who wastes no time in grabbing KNUCKLES with both of its arms, ripping the sol emeralds from his possession.

That’s… all seven.

SOL 3 begins to glow, a far more intense glow than the others, as a blinding light envelopes all around it. Fire begins to swirl around the creature as a deafening scream echoes across the island. By the time the light subsides, a giant made of fire floats in the air, the towering form of COMPLETE SOL floating above the world it has found itself in. The creature raises its four arms into the air, a barrage of fireballs raining onto the ground below.

EXT. Central City - Day
Low rumbles begin to disturb the residents of Central City as a small earthquake starts. The shaking grows more frequent and intense, as balls of fire begin to collide with buildings, sending rubble and embers crashing down onto the streets below. Buildings catch fire as terrified citizens begin to run in every direction, screaming in terror.

INT. G.U.N HQ - Commander’s Office
The G.U.N COMMANDER sits at his computer as an agent bursts into the room.

Sir! Something is happening!

Be more specific. I’ve got a lot on my plate.

Fires! Fires everywhere! It’s-

Calm down, Agent. The city has firefighters, don’t they? I can’t deploy soldiers to shoot at fire. Come to me with a serious problem next time.

B-but I-

But nothing. I have important work to do. If you’re that riled up, go get a bucket and put it out yourself.

As the AGENT leaves, the COMMANDER shakes his head. He turns back to his computer, security footage of EGGMAN’s cell on display. We focus on the footage, ORBOT and CUBOT chattering as EGGMAN tries to tune them out.

Of course, my spherical nature makes me the ideal candidate for downhill races, although I don’t see the possibility of engaging in those for a long while.

And my cubical nature makes me the perfect candidate for… bein’ the best table you ever had!

That’s the spirit!

I would prefer an apocalypse- no, two- over this.

I’m pretty sure the plural of apocalypse is ‘Apocaleese’.

EXT. Angel Island - Day
We see SONIC, under the water, being dragged by currents towards the surface. He floats through the body of CHAOS 0, before popping his head above the water, gasping for air as he becomes trapped in the same fist as SHADOW.

Hmph. You would get caught.

Says you.

SONIC jerks in pain as water continues to pump from CHAOS 0’s fist to their body, the blue, white, yellow, and purple chaos emeralds, slowly drifting away from SONIC.

Great. Now it has all the emeralds.

Hey, if you hadn’t charged at ‘em without thinking, I wouldn’t-a had to- you know what, nevermind. Bigger things to worry about right now.

With an immense roar, CHAOS releases SONIC and SHADOW, dropping them to the ground. As rain begins to fall, CHAOS’ form shifts as a blinding white light surrounds them. When the light subsides, the rain has turned into a full-on storm, the form of PERFECT CHAOS descending upon Angel Island.

INT. Central City - Apartment Building
A family of wolves cower in the corner of their apartment as flames engulf their home. The child of the family leans into their parent, shaking with fear. However, the flames soon start to die down.

Mommy… are we going to be okay?

The flames seem to disappear completely as steam clouds escape from the open window behind them, leaving their apartment charred, but mostly intact.

I- I think so, honey…

We pan to the outside of the apartment, as other flames around the city die down, only for manhole covers to burst open, water flooding the streets. What was a sweet relief from terror, has amplified even further into… well, Chaos.

EXT. New West Side Island - Vanilla’s House - Day
CREAM THE RABBIT holds two Chao, shielding them from the storm as she flies them to the roof of her house. Setting them down next to a group of other Chao, she sits down herself, her large ears wrapping the Chao up in comfort. Following her shortly after is VANILLA, carrying their robot, GEMERL.

That’s all of them!

Thank you, Cream. I’m very proud of you.

The storm around them rages as the leaves of the trees around them begin to rip free, and water begins to lap against the walls of their house.

I just hope Mr. Sonic and Miss Blaze can set this all right…

INT. Chaotix Detective Agency - Day
The Chaotix Detective Agency is in disrepair, completely flooded- everything they own floating around in the water that has consumed their office. CHARMY BEE flies above the water, ESPIO THE CHAMELEON hanging from the wall. VECTOR THE CROCODILE, however, lays relaxed in what has become his new bath.

Vector, now is really not the time for this.

Yeah! We gotta get outta here! I can’t swim, you know!

Aw, come on! It’s not every day your house turns into a private pool.

It’s also not every day that said ‘private pool’ destroys everything you own.

Fine, I guess you’re right. But once this is over, we’re totally getting a pool!

You know we can’t afford that.

A croc can dream, Espio. A croc can dream.

EXT. Angel Island - Day
SONIC and SHADOW climb onto the shore of Angel Island, soaking wet, as AMY, TAILS, ROUGE, OMEGA, and KNUCKLES rush to help them. BLAZE, still unconscious against the wall of the Imperial Palace, slowly blinks awake.

Unh… what happened…?

As she comes to her senses, she sees the unmistakable form of COMPLETE SOL, as well as the giant water creature she can only assume is PERFECT CHAOS.

What… oh, no…

BLAZE pulls herself to her feet and joins the others.

What happened!?

They got the emeralds. All of them.

And knowing what happens next, they’re about to go on a destructive rampage.

PERFECT CHAOS extends one of its tendrils, a huge blast of water shooting into the distance. It lands directly on target, slamming into COMPLETE SOL.

What the…

Are they… fighting each other?

COMPLETE SOL roars, launching themself towards PERFECT CHAOS, their claws ripping at the water making up PERFECT CHAOS’ body.

They are! This might give us a fighting chance!

Or cause even more destruction. We have to turn super. Now.

Right. The emeralds should be around here somewhere…

SONIC examines the ground near PERFECT CHAOS, and sees a pile of the seven chaos emeralds, their colour drained.

Got ‘em! Blaze, grab the sol emeralds!

SONIC runs over the chaos emeralds, picking them up as BLAZE looks around her, soon seeing the seven sol emeralds sharing a similar fate. She grabs them.

Note: Chaos and Sol Energy from the emeralds anomalously low.

That’s okay. Chaos and Sol have absorbed the negative energy of the emeralds. But the positive energy’s just fine. Blaze, you ready for this?

How do I…

Same as normal. Just think happy thoughts.

SONIC and BLAZE stand side by side, releasing the emeralds as they begin to float around them.


SHADOW walks up to them, standing next to SONIC.

Ooh, you’re turning too?

I have something I need to do.

Well that’s not ominous at all. Don’t take over the world.

Hmph. Like you could stop me.

Oh, you wanna have a super fight?


Sorry. Let’s do this.

SONIC, SHADOW, and BLAZE close their eyes, and spread their arms and legs as they float upwards, the emeralds emanating energy around them. A blink of light, all colours of the rainbow, and suddenly a warm, peaceful energy soothes AMY, TAILS, ROUGE, OMEGA, and KNUCKLES. SONIC, SHADOW, and BLAZE float down to the ground once again, SUPER and BURNING.

Man, I forgot how good this feels!

Don’t get carried away. We have a mission.

Right. I take Chaos, you take Sol?

Sounds like a plan.

Shad… good luck.

I don’t need luck. But thank you.

Now don’t forget! There may be three of you, but you can’t over-exert yourself! Once these forms die down, you’ll be out for the count.

Of course. I’ll retreat when necessary to recharge.

ROUGE walks up to SUPER SHADOW, making sure the others can’t hear.

Shadow… don’t be too harsh on him.

He’s going to get what’s coming to him. They both are.

SUPER SONIC and BURNING BLAZE walk towards the shoreline of Angel Island, ready to take off. AMY runs up to them.

Sonic! Please be safe.

SUPER SONIC turns his head to look back at AMY, a co*cky grin on his face.

I’ll be fine. After all, it’s just a little water.

SONIC and BLAZE take off into the air, AMY rolling her eyes, a grin spreading on her face. KNUCKLES walks over to SUPER SHADOW.

Hey! Why aren’t you up there with them?

I’m going to pay a visit to someone who’s in deep trouble.

SHADOW snaps his fingers, and blinks out of existence.

And he just leaves us to twiddle our thumbs. Great.

TAILS pulls out his Miles Electric and starts tapping at the screen.

I’m calling the Tornado-1 to our location! We’ll head into the sky and give our support!

EXT. Stormy Skies - Day
SUPER SONIC and BURNING BLAZE ascend into the sky, flying next to each other at breakneck speed.

So, is this your first time fighting a god?

Mhm. Is this your first time fighting two?

Technically! Once there was one guy who split into two, but they fused back together! Although I don’t actually know if that even happened.

What do you mean?

I’m… not sure. Anyway, remember to stay steady! These things don’t go down as easy as Eggman bots!

Right. And we must remember… these creatures are hurting.


Splitting off from each other, SUPER SONIC flies towards PERFECT CHAOS, manoeuvring under and over his tentacles as they careen towards him.

You know, I really don’t wanna do this! I thought we were good! You just gotta help me understand what’s wrong.

We cut to BURNING BLAZE, who is rolling out of the way of fireballs being shot by COMPLETE SOL.

I choose to believe that there is good in you. But to help bring that out, I just need to know what’s wrong!

COMPLETE SOL speeds forwards, flying towards PERFECT CHAOS, fireballs shooting out of their mouth towards them.

Of course…

We flash back to before SOL was summoned in the Sol Dimension- The acid rain. The STELLA being hurt. We flash back to the present. BLAZE holds out her hand. The rain falling onto her glove is redirected, due to her Sol Energy. But she knows.

That rain… it wasn’t acidic. It was Chaotic.

BURNING BLAZE joins COMPLETE SOL, flying towards PERFECT CHAOS. SUPER SONIC notices, floating up to BURNING BLAZE.

Hey! What happened to you taking on the fire guy?

I know why Sol is angry. It’s because of your Chaos Energy. All of those trips to my dimension… the use of the chaos emeralds… they corrupted my world. You did this.

Hey, what!? I didn’t know! You’ve been to our dimension plenty of times, and nothing has happened here!

Then you are the lucky one. But I know how to calm Sol down. We must destroy Chaos.

Blaze! You know we can’t do that! You said it yourself, these guys are both hurting!

If you’re going to get in my way, then I shall have no choice but to dispose of you too.

Blaze, what the hell!?

SUPER SONIC looks into BURNING BLAZE’s eyes. All he sees is fire.

Oh no.

COMPLETE SOL crashes into PERFECT CHAOS, but PERFECT CHAOS pushes back, tendrils spouting from the ocean wrapping around COMPLETE SOL, attempting to drag them down.

Your energy is angering Chaos. If I get them to calm down, your dimension might be safe. But I can’t do that if you and Sol are hurting them!

SUPER SONIC’s demeanour changes. No longer on the defensive, he charges at BURNING BLAZE, as the two crash into each other head on, pushing for dominance, just as PERFECT CHAOS and COMPLETE SOL do the same. We see that SUPER SONIC’s eyes are dark, grey, and blue, like a raging storm. He grabs BURNING BLAZE, and kicks her in the chest, sending her flying backwards.
Rebounding from his attack, BURNING BLAZE levitates in the air, making sure she is upright, and raises her arms in the sky. A large fireball forms, bigger than her. She sends it towards SUPER SONIC who reaches out his palms to catch it. He struggles, pushing back, but it sends him careening backwards.

EXT. Angel Island - Day
TAILS, AMY, KNUCKLES, ROUGE, and OMEGA stare into the sky, watching the ongoing conflict.

What are they doing up there!? Why are they fighting each other?!

Come on, Sonic. Now’s not the time for this.

I don’t think that’s what’s going on here. Sonic would never be that aggressive. Never with Blaze.

Then what’s happening?

I don’t know. We’ve gotta get up there and help them! The Tornado-1 should be here any minute…

Attention: Foreign object detected. Approaching rapidly.

TAILS looks in the direction OMEGA is staring. The familiar red of the Tornado-1 has appeared on the horizon, and is coming in hot.

Phew… Please be okay up there, Sonic…

INT. G.U.N HQ - Courtyard
G.U.N AGENTS rush around frantically as rain and fire descends upon them. In the middle of the open courtyard, SUPER SHADOW blinks into existence, a small crater forming at his impact point. Wordlessly, he storms towards the main base interior. Many AGENTS glance at him as they run past, some even shouting towards him for help, but he does not acknowledge them. He has a mission.

He comes up against a door, slamming it open, nearly ripping it off its hinge. He marches wordlessly until he reaches his destination- EGGMAN’s cell.
Raising his arm, palm outstretched, a blast of concentrated Chaos Energy shoots out of his hand, collapsing the entire wall in front of him. As the brick crumbles in front of him, he can see EGGMAN, ORBOT, and CUBOT in the cell. He storms forwards, grabbing EGGMAN by the collar. EGGMAN shakes, sweating profusely.

O-oh! Shadow! How nice of a surprise! To what do I owe this… pleasure…?

Shut up. Why are you here?

Excuse me?

What are you doing with G.U.N? Why do they want you?

W-well, I suppose it was just-

Answer. My. Question.

EGGMAN squeaks out his answer.

Th-they wanted me to make weapons for them! To show them my technology! But I refused! Honest!

SUPER SHADOW hears a voice calling from behind him.

Let my prisoner down, Agent Shadow.

SUPER SHADOW turns around. The G.U.N COMMANDER is standing, tall, behind him. SUPER SHADOW throws EGGMAN to the ground, and he scurries off in a panic.

This is what you were hiding from me?

It wasn’t in your domain to know.

Really? The most evil man in the world? And you want his technology? How could that go any way but wrong?

Well, if it did, we would deal with it.

No. You knew I’d take you down. I wouldn’t stand for this. The last time you imprisoned a Robotnik, I almost destroyed the world. You think I won’t destroy you for imprisoning another?

The COMMANDER stands firm.

Will you?

SUPER SHADOW meets his eyes. They stare at each other. SUPER SHADOW looks away.

You’re not worth it.

I’m sorry you feel that way, Agent Shadow. And… be glad you’re still an Agent.

Do this again and you won’t be so lucky.

SUPER SHADOW turns and begins to walk away, but turns back as an explosion blasts another wall of the base down. A familiar cackle jolts him to action.

Ohohohohoh! Thank you for freeing me, Shadow. Now I have an opportunity to take down G.U.N! And from right inside their base!

EGGMAN sits in the co*ckpit of a large mech suit, covered in spikes, saws, and heavy artillery. It is made of many segments, presumably more giant badniks. The mech flexes one of its arms, saw blades rotating faster as it does.

EXT. Stormy Skies - Day
PERFECT CHAOS and COMPLETE SOL wage war against each other. Raging tides crash against undousable fire as SUPER SONIC and BURNING BLAZE fight, the spirits of fire and water guiding them.

BURNING BLAZE launches herself towards SUPER SONIC, slashing at him with her gloved claws. He spins as he is sent a short distance backwards, crouching over in the air. BURNING BLAZE slowly floats over to him, arms raised ready to finish the job.
Just as a large fireball begins to grow in her palms, SUPER SONIC turns his face to BURNING BLAZE, snarling, all kindness wiped from his eyes. He slams his fist into her chest, and as she is sent backwards, speeds behind her in the blink of an eye, kicking her forwards. He continues doing this, blurred golden afterimages showing his assault of attacks against BURNING BLAZE, ending in a downwards slam, sending her hurtling towards the ocean.
Before she can crash, however, her body slams against the top wing of the Tornado-1.


TAILS, sat in the pilot’s seat, leans his head over to make sure BLAZE is okay. KNUCKLES, who is also stood on the top wing, glances over at her. AMY, in the back seat, reaches out her hand instinctually, but is too far away to touch her.

Blaze, what’s going on up here? Why are you and Sonic fighting?

Almost unnaturally, BURNING BLAZE’s muscles seem to move on their own, contorting until she is stood up once again. Not missing a beat, KNUCKLES lunges for her, shoving her off the side of the Tornado-1.

Knuckles! What’s wrong with you?

That’s not Blaze.

A bead of sweat trickles across TAILS’ face. He wipes it away, confused, before looking ahead of him. BURNING BLAZE is floating directly in front of the Tornado-1, encased in a whirlwind of fire. Her figure seems taller, less… present. Her outfit, still scarlet, seems almost imposed onto her body, looking like it’s composed entirely of flames. Their hair spirals into wisps of fire and smoke, and raging embers fill their eyes. They speak with BLAZE’s voice.

You halted my fall. So I shall spare you, Chaos spawn. But this dimension will collapse. It must. And that creature… the harbinger of Chaos… he shall die.

BURNING BLAZE levitates towards SUPER SONIC, PERFECT CHAOS, and COMPLETE SOL, leaving TAILS, KNUCKLES, and AMY a little further down.


I- I don’t know.

What do we-

I don’t know!

Bring us higher.

Knuckles, are you sure? We’ll be killed!

If we do nothing, this dimension and everyone in it will be killed.

TAILS closes his eyes. Clenching his eyelids shut. Hoping.

Pulling up.

TAILS pulls down on the yoke of the Tornado-1. It begins to ascend once again.

INT. G.U.N HQ - Corridor
SUPER SHADOW stands against EGGMAN’s mech, G.U.N SOLDIERS panicking around both of them, trying to figure out which side of the conflict to take.

Do you like it? It’s the last thing I was working on before those nitwits arrested me. So glad I finally get a chance to test it out!

SUPER SHADOW wordlessly walks over to the mech, and releases a furious punch, enough force to crumble the tallest skyscraper. EGGMAN skids backward a little, the mech stumbling, but still upright.

But… how?

It’s all in the fuel, my dear hedgehog. You’d be surprised what a change in oil can do for you!

The mech rises to only one leg, and begins spinning, jumping, and performing advanced ballet manoeuvres, the saws on its feets carving deep holes into the floor and walls. Debris rains on the G.U.N SOLDIERS, SUPER SHADOW holding his arms up to deflect it away from him. As EGGMAN finishes his ballet, the arms of the mech fold open, revealing a set of three power cores inside each arm.

So, you’ve overclocked it with power cores.

Oh heavens, no! I’m over those. I’ve found a much more efficient source of power. These are for shooting you with!

All six power cores launch towards SUPER SHADOW, as he holds his arms in front of his face to defend from the attack. A myriad of explosions bounce around him, sending him stumbling into a pile of debris. Collapsing on the ground, the Super drains right out of him.

That’s better. I always say, black is the new yellow.

EXT. Stormy Skies
BURNING BLAZE rises, arms crossed, across from SUPER SONIC. They raise their arm, and wave their hand, as if dismissing SUPER SONIC. As they do, a tidal wave of fire rushes towards SUPER SONIC.

SUPER SONIC hovers, stationary, not reacting. As the fire collides with them, a loud hiss of steam echoes from around them, the flames evaporating. SUPER SONIC’s quills stand on end, rippling like the tide, a slight turquoise hue to them, as lightning flickers around them. Their eyes are now completely cloudy, apart from deep blue lightning flickers that occasionally cross their sclera. They speak with SONIC’s voice.

At last… I am Perfect.

And I am Complete.

You attack this world. Incinerate it. Eviscerate.

My world. You poisoned it. With your Chaos.


The sheer torment in SONIC’s voice sends a tidal wave towards BURNING BLAZE. The water boils before it can reach them.

The poison comes from you. Your influence on my world. Every time your mortal vessels enter it, the pain…

SUPER SONIC does not cry, yet tears pour from their eyes.

Your pain. I will end it. Submit. Lay down. Die. Then, the pain shall be over.

But I have to protect them!

PERFECT CHAOS roars. A pure, guttural roar. SUPER SONIC’s body convulses, curving into the foetal position as water begins to rise once again.

INT. G.U.N Base - Hallway Remains
The co*ckpit of EGGMAN’s mech slides open as he inspects the ruins of the G.U.N base around him.

Ooh, yes, this could certainly be an indoor pool- no, a water park! The perfect fixture for my new Eggmanland.

Water begins to seep into the base, rubble drifting through the halls.

I’m going to choose to take this as a positive sign.

ORBOT and CUBOT drift past him as the water continues to rise, know up to the mech’s knees.

Great affirmative thinking, boss!

Yeah! My thinking’s all floopy!

Eh… what?

Cubot is a pre-waterproof model of yours, boss.

Oh. Right.

CUBOT’s voice distorts, static emitting from his speakers.

I’m Bluebot!

You sure are, pal.

ORBOT and CUBOT drift away. Sparks start shooting from EGGMAN’s mech, as red warning lights fill the co*ckpit.

Wait… Cubot may not be waterproof, but this thing sure is! I only made it three weeks ago!

Parts of the mech begin falling apart as EGGMAN scrambles out of the co*ckpit, landing on the pile of rubble that SHADOW is collapsed on.

And I definitely didn’t cause this flooding… I know the water levels had been rising, but I didn’t realise global warming had increased this dramatically…

SHADOW raises his head, grumbling.

It’s… Chaos, you idiot.

Phooey. I knew he wouldn’t like this.

Suddenly, SHADOW jumps onto EGGMAN, tackling him to the ground.

You did this?

Hey, get off!

Tell me what’s powering your machine. Now.

Jeepers, everyone wants to know! Well you can mind your own business, because it’s private!

The small chirp of a Chao draws SHADOW’s attention away from EGGMAN, and towards his collapsed mech. As the device has been drifting apart, a small opening has formed in the centre of the robot, a Chao crawling out.

You’ve been using the Chao for energy?

They hold far more Chaos Energy than measly flickies, and their life force makes for a powerful increase in response time!

Imbecile. You think Chaos wouldn’t notice? That he wouldn’t wage war on the planet because you wanted to conquer the world a little faster?

EGGMAN raises his finger, about to deliver a witty yet cynical response, but he notices that SHADOW has already disappeared, dashing over to the robot. He scoops the Chao up in his arms, and blips out of existence.

EXT. Stormy Skies
SUPER SONIC and BURNING BLAZE struggle, their hands pushing against each other, fighting for dominance. Their teeth gritted, both of them growl, bearing eerie, elongated fangs. BURNING BLAZE clenches their claws, digging into SUPER SONIC’s hands.

You cannot fight forever. So why bother? Do you hold yourself in such high esteem?

I am nothing! I do not do this for me. I do this for them.

Of course. You protect the creatures of this world as they destroy mine.

They do no such thing! Stop your lies! And stop that infernal voice!

A pity… the god is hearing voices. Pleas for help from your devotees?

I am no god. But this voice must cease!

EXT. Angel Island - Day
Wind and rain lash against the trees of Angel Island as SHADOW stands at its coast, a Chao in his arms, ROUGE and OMEGA behind him.

Are you sure he can hear you?

I know he can. Chaos! Calm your anger. I have found the source of your pain. Sol did nothing!

We cut back to SUPER SONIC and BURNING BLAZE in the skies. SUPER SONIC’s head snaps downwards, eyes becoming clear, but only for a moment. Storms welling up in their head once again, they disappear in the blink of an eye, appearing on the precipice of Angel Island, floating above the seas in front of SHADOW.


Lifeform identified as Chaos.

You… You have tried to destroy me. Why do you call my name?

The Chao… you are their protector. Your anger stems from their pain. And you’re right. They were in pain. But not anymore. And not from Sol.

SHADOW holds the Chao up, presenting them to SUPER SONIC. Tentatively, SUPER SONIC reaches out their hand, as the Chao tilts their head in confusion. SUPER SONIC lays their hand on the Chao’s head, their posture relaxing, an element of SONIC returning to his own body. He breathes a sigh of relief. As all breath is ripped from his body. He collapses to the ground, revealing BURNING BLAZE, hovering behind him, their claws outstretched, having delivered a devastating blow.

Lifeform identified as Sol.

Finally. Now that the vessel is destroyed, I can focus on the source. This island… I feel a great power coming from it. I wonder… if it were to be destroyed… Chaos, as they call themselves… would they survive?

You shall do no such thing.

Oh? And who are you to stop me? My dimension is dying at the hands of this creature and their world. I shall raze the ground you stand on to save it.

On cue, the ground breaks apart, tendrils of fire lurching at SHADOW, ROUGE, and OMEGA. They try to dodge out of the way, but are too slow, being thrust to the ground. BURNING BLAZE smirks.


BURNING BLAZE floats towards the Island, only to stop in their tracks at a voice behind them.

Hey, Sol!

BURNING BLAZE whips around, to see the Tornado-1 flying straight towards them. They hold their arms to the side and a giant wall of fire flickers to life in front of them. The Tornado-1 swerves away just in time.

Tails… that thing took down Super Sonic. Even with the three of us, there’s no way we can fight it.

AMY stands up in her seat, reaching her hands out as she begins crawling towards the front of the plane.

Amy! What are you doing!?

Knuckles is right. We can’t fight them.

AMY grabs onto the top wing of the plane, standing tall.

But we’re not going to. Tails, do you have a hook, or a pulley, or something we can use to grab objects?

S-sure, why?

Bring us around to the Master Emerald altar.


You better have a good plan, Amy…

Trust me.

We cut back to BURNING BLAZE, hovering above Angel Island. They raise their hands as tendrils of fire spread across the island, engulfing its zones in flame.

Where are you… controller of Chaos…

Looking for this?

SOL turns around, the Tornado-1 once again flying towards them. The Master Emerald is trailing behind it, a large metal claw dragging it behind the plane.

You fool. You bring the vessel of your destruction straight to me. Do you not wish to live?

What I wish is for you to listen to me.

I have no time for this.

BURNING BLAZE reaches out for the Master Emerald, a giant fiery hand materialising in front of them, grabbing for the Tornado-1.

Tails, lead them away! You know where to go.

Got it!

TAILS swerves, piloting the Tornado-1 away from Angel Island as BURNING BLAZE gives chase. AMY, still stood on the top wing, turns to the back of the plane, facing BURNING BLAZE.

There. Now you have no choice.

You think you can dissuade me from this, mortal? Your words mean nothing to me.

Well I’m going to try anyway! I… I had never been to your dimension until recently. I journeyed there with Sonic and Tails, but also Blaze. She let us in! We were trying to find the emeralds, to help you. To save your world.

And yet all you did was bring it more pain. Your existence causes me nothing but hurt.

AMY raises her hand to her chest. She stares into BURNING BLAZE, looking for SOL within.

What I’m trying to say is… your world, its beauty… it stunned me! Your oceans, your skies, your beaches. I had never seen anything like it.

Your point? Do you mean to rub the death of that beautiful world in my face?

At least, I thought I had never seen such beauty. But I realise… that beauty is here, too, in my own world! And the people in both of these worlds revel in that. They live only for peace, not for destruction. …Tails, are we close?

Coming up on it now!

What is the point of this chase? You know I shall catch you in the end.

AMY takes one last look out across the ocean. She takes in the evening sky, dark clouds rolling across the horizon. If this didn’t work, she would like her last view of the world to be a good one.

The point is to show you this.

The Tornado-1 dips, flying low above an island- New West Side. AMY points down to VANILLA’s house, CREAM, VANILLA, GEMERL, and the Chao still huddled on the roof.

These people… they’ve never been to your world. They probably never will! They just live their lives, appreciating the beauty of nature. They do nothing to aid in the destruction of your world! So why attack them?

Even so, all of you creatures serve a vengeful beast. The one that truly causes my world to suffer.

But that’s not true! Chaos isn’t a deity. He’s a citizen of this world, just like the rest of us.

AMY spreads her arms, gesturing to the water all around them. Chaos.

He’s only angry because his people are hurting! But look- the Chao… these guys are putting themselves in danger to protect them. There’s only one man I know who would willingly hurt Chao. And we spend most of our time stopping him!

One of the Chao on VANILLA’s roof stands up, waddling over to the edge of the ground. A joyful smile on their face, they jump into the ocean below, and begin paddling around. The water slowly begins to recede as a single ray of sunlight breaks through the dark clouds above.

And by the looks of it… Chaos’ anger is calming. That is what we do. By protecting our own world, we protect yours too. I know Blaze is somewhere in there, and she would agree with everything I’m saying. She’s seen it in person!

AMY extends her hand. An open invitation.

Please, just look inside yourself. You know what I’m saying is true.

BURNING BLAZE hovers, still, unmoving. They begin to float forward. Clawed hand extending, they press it into AMY’s, their fingers interlocking. As the fingers close together, BURNING BLAZE’s claws recede.
We stare into BURNING BLAZE’s eyes. Fire licks around her pupils as they fade back into existence, BLAZE and SOL communicating. A small orange tear wells up in their eye as the gem on BLAZE’s head glows bright. The tear drops as more tears well, soon a steady stream of orange pouring from BLAZE’s eyes. Their clothes return to normal as the smoke and flames coiling from her hair recedes, all focusing around her eyes. Finally, the last of the flames from her eyes well into her tear ducts, and a brilliant, burning tear drops into the ocean below, as the water rushes down to a normal level. AMY’s fingers loosen, retracting her hand as BLAZE descends, landing on VANILLA’s roof. Her head lowered, CREAM reaches over to her.

Miss Blaze…?

BLAZE raises her head. Tears pour from her eyes. Regular tears.

I’m so sorry…

CREAM tackles BLAZE in a hug, a grin spreading across her face.

Miss Blaze, you’re okay! And you did it! You saved us!

BLAZE opens her mouth, but no words come out. She lays her arms around CREAM.

EXT. Angel Island - Day
More sunlight breaks through the storm as the fires on Angel Island dim. SHADOW, ROUGE, and OMEGA crawl to their feet, seeing the damage around them.

My goodness…

It’s alright.

Alright? Look at this place.

It can be fixed. But Chaos, and Sol… they’re calm now.

SHADOW looks out into the horizon- the towering figures of PERFECT CHAOS and COMPLETE SOL are gone.

Attention: Unconscious lifeform detected. Vitals unnaturally low. Seek immediate medical attention.


ROUGE rushes forward, to where SUPER SONIC is laying on the ground, quills still rippling like the ocean. SHADOW kneels down next to her.

Sonic… Chaos… it’s alright. Sol is calm. You can let go.

What kind of advice is that!? Don’t tell him to let go!


SHADOW holds his hand up, letting ROUGE know to be patient. SUPER SONIC’s quills ripple one last time, rippling outwards from their chest. As the ripple spreads, the aquatic tinge of his spines fades, water pooling underneath him. SONIC’s eyes flutter open as his body returns to a familiar blue shade.

Unh… what happened? That pain… I’ve never felt anything like it before.

SONIC stands up, dripping wet. He shakes himself off, spraying water everywhere.

Team Dark… you guys saved me. Saved all of us.

SHADOW and ROUGE stand back up.

Don’t mention it.

Chaos is proud of you.

SONIC pats SHADOW on the back. SHADOW looks away. ROUGE snickers.

EXT. Clear Skies
TAILS flies the Tornado-1 back towards Angel Island, KNUCKLES and AMY stood on the top wing, with BLAZE in the passenger seat.

Amy, I cannot thank you enough. Although I could not speak, I heard everything you said. Sol was deeply affected by your words.

I was speaking from the heart. Seriously, your world is amazing. But so is ours. I mean, look at this view!

We see the sun, beaming through dark clouds, the calm ocean covering the horizon.

And that smell…



Petrichor! The smell created when rain falls on dry soil.

Whatever it is, it’s the best smell in the world.

We’re coming in on Angel Island now.

Good. Let’s get my Emerald back safe.

Speaking of which… where are the emeralds?

My scanner shows that all seven sol emeralds have returned to your palace!

Lucky. We have to find ours all over again.

Do you not keep them safe somewhere?

Nah. They like to roam free. They’ll show up if we need ‘em.

BLAZE chuckles.


It’s just… even the emeralds of this world live free. No rules, no obligations. You all just live for joy.

The Tornado-1 begins to descend.

Yeah… it’s the best.

INT. Imperial Palace- Entrance Hall
SONIC, TAILS, and AMY stand in the doorway of the Imperial Palace, as BLAZE walks down the hall.

Are you sure you’ll get back safe?

I have all of the sol emeralds! They’ll help me.

But don’t leave for too long, now. I want to get a chance to see your dimension without the threat of an apocalypse soon!

Of course. I feel that Sol would be delighted to have you.

Safe travels!

You too. I hope you everything in your world will return to normal soon.

Yeah! We can get Silver to help out with Angel Island- it’ll be his biggest gardening project yet!

BLAZE opens the door ahead of her as SONIC, TAILS, and AMY close the entrance door, heading back out into Angel Island. As they walk towards SHADOW, ROUGE, OMEGA, and KNUCKLES, the Imperial Palace shimmers purple behind them.

Hey. Is she okay for the journey back?

I think so.

Well, the emeralds will take care of her.

Emeralds I will get my hands on some day.

For a moment, fire appears to burn in KNUCKLES’ eyes as he glares at ROUGE.


What I want to know is where Chaos went.

Chaos Energy at all-time low. No Chaos lifeform detected in immediate area.

When they left my body, I think… they went back home. They had no more reason to be down here.

This is a shame. I still wish to obtain my revenge.

Maybe one day, Omega. But for now… I think we all deserve a break.

You are correct. I shall take a break from destroying Chaos to destroy Eggman.

I feel ya there. I could go for beatin’ some eggs right now. But I think I’ll take a tour of the planet. See the sights. Who’s in?

Definitely me!

I’m down!

Ah, what the heck.

Great, everyone!

I didn’t say-


SONIC walks into Angel Island’s forests as the others follow. SHADOW trails behind, and trips on a small object. Bending down to pick it up, he finds the green chaos emerald. Tucking it away, he follows the others.

EXT. Mystic Ruins- Tails’ Workshop - Day
We fade into the Mystic Ruins, firefighters and construction workers supporting the train station platform. We pan over to Tails’ Workshop, as we head inside. Resting on his table is the red chaos emerald. Back where it started.

Sonic Together - Chaos and Soul - SongbirdsMelody - Sonic the Hedgehog (2024)


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.