The Daily World from Helena, Arkansas (2024)

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The Daily Worldi

Helena, Arkansas

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4 PAGE OUR HELENA WEST HELENA (ARKANSAS) WORLD AND EAST ARKANSAS RECORD IKE'S WORK'S CUT OUT Tornado Warnings Of Supercarrier sen IWBOI MWTtOM Court Rulings lOCts 30 Ci its eature No 1 ex the account PLUS Gdn inal A eb 2 eature No 2 4:01 7:44 A The Strikers 32 I Jefferson Bullitt County jOW anMUE A AIR VUE tt I il it: 10 50 50 Cfs PARAMOUR ALCD Ar re Last Times Tonite Double eature of 'fi on Mt Charles Young Jack Young Porter Young Business Manager Assistant Manager Advertising Manager live officer of the Hornef In action the Japanese in World War II A 1929 graduate of the Naval Academy he is 0 years old Terry Dairy Plans to ire on isi I'lncl: jammed 'L li hi ACTS' ABOUT WOMEN IN I PRISON! 60 pt Oth 'W ctiHH ORD GLOIA GRAHAMEOOIIC CRAWORD Capt Johnston Is Commander Etulv rep cars plunged hl! STARTS TOMORROW! Double eature NUDE PARTIES WEEK END BRIDES See PASSION ON THE LOOSE ell World Sens and "The Great Adventure" Si Starring Greer Garson Robert Rayon Also Comedy Shorts 8EST PICTURE NNMMaMMHWM Marlon Brando Best Actor of Year! And Winner of 6 Other Awards! Spinks Deputy Clerk i Tuesday Wet Double eature I and 2 Hot Shorts ARKANSAS DAILIES INC National Advertising Representatives Memphis New York Chicago Oklahoma City Dallas Also oghorn Leghorn Cartoon Late World News IN OUR MIND A wonderful thought can trans form the false to something fine and true a wonderful thought can transform dark skies to skies of azure blue a wonderful thought con start the morn to a pleasant worthwhile day a wonderful thought can send us forth triumphant bn our way a wonderful thought can leave all cares and worries far behind then why do some of us still per sist in the cheating of our mind? Bridge Blasted In Kentucky Rail Strike STATIC RIMES By Pierce Egan (Copyrighted) ADMISSION 40c Children In cart under 12 free Human Desire ADULTS ONLY eature No 6:26 9: The Naked Shame Story of Women in Prison It rank Raw Truth! Now Showing eature Tinies 7:00 and 9:35 in ar atomic war but also the Air orce in carrying attacks to the enemy ohnson xv on the presiden nation ribbon the legion the bronze star and air an air officer and execu LOUISVILLE Ky A dyna I mite explosion last night slightly damaged a Nashville I Railroad Co bridge a mile south ui me I line officials contending with I a strike by 10 non operating un I ions said they had no full report I of the damage but they believed lit was small I Jefferson County Patrolman I Charles Cook who investigated the explosion bbfore he learned if I was omsiae nis jurisdiction said I one rail on the main line was I buckled and two ties were blown out The bridge concrete was'racked The bridge spans a creek four miles north of Shepherdsville Railroad? dispatchers halted a freight train at Lebanon Junction after reports? of the explosion were ivccivea The blast occurred as the strike of 10 non operating unions against the railroad entered its fourth week A' section of railroad was dy namited near Lebanon riday The violence was the first reported in Kentucky since the strike began i eature No 2 PARTY girl The Helena West Helena World end East Arkansas Record 4 HELENA WORLD PUBLISHING COMPANY 311 Walnut Street Helena Arkansas Entered as Second Class Matter ebruary 13 1949 At the Post Office at Helena Arkansas under the Act of October 9 1917 drive in theatre 1 i Ullin 4 AlliO ARTISTS PwentMioft GLYNIS JOHNS SIMONE SILVA academy awj WINNER WASHINGTON The Navy to day appointed Capt Roy Lee John son the first commander of thesupercarrier orrestal The 6l)000 tpn orrestal first ship of her class is to be Miiinfa sinned later this year The assignment to command her is one of the most coveted in the Navy Johnson a native of Big Bend La is now head of the Air Weap ons System Analysis staff at Navy headquarters He has had that as signment since July 1953 He served as air group commander in the carrier Hornet during World War II in the Pacific and in the Korean War he commanded the carrier Bandoeng Strait The orrestal is the first of five carrie: building or authorized for the Navy to handle the heaviest and types of modern jet aircraft The Navy has repeatedly maintained that task forces built around such earners can not only sun i import nix lear Capt tml unit of merit medal as PLUS eature No 2:10 :5:26 822 eature No 2 KILLERS 3 I SPACER By LEON HATCH LITTLE ROCK fl The kansas Supreme Court today duced a record breaking $100000 judgment obtained in Pulaski Cir cuit Court for the death of a Saline County resident Even after the reduction from $100000 to $80000 the judgment was thfe largest ever affirmed in a death or personal injury case by the Supreme Court The court also reduced a com panion judgment in favor of a man who was injured and left undis ti abed a third judgment Overall effect was to reduce judgments totaling $145000 to $11700 The $100000 award was made by a Pulaski Circuit Court Jury against Southern National Insur anre Co of Little Rock for death of Ruben Knabe 35 Knal light truck ahd an auto mobile driven by Joi: Calaway 18 of Lemon a temporary employe tf the rurance company collided on Oct 13 1953 Knabe yas killed and tc com panions Harold Williams and Norman tE Smith were injured The Supreme Com' educed the award for Williams who suffered an apparently permanent injury to tlie left foot from $20000 to But the court said it' did not consider that a $25000 award made for Smith was excessive The court said Smith suffered a crippling disability as a result of the accident The court noted that Knabe left a widow and three small children The opinion written by Associate Justice George Rose Smith re jecled contentions that Calaw' was not negligent and was not acting in the course ol nis employ ment Technically the high court said that the paarties could accept the reduction or the case would be sent back for a new trial Attorneys for Mrs: Knabe and the two injured men said the re ductions would be accepted Associate Justice Ed Mcaddin would hace affirmed the verdict 1 without reduction and Chief Jus tice Griffin Smith did not partici pate in the decision Otherwise he finding was unanimous: to share the land or a telecasting under certain circ*mstances The circ*mstances did not mater ialize but Sturgis refused to carry out he deal The Pulaski Chancery Court said he was justified but this view was overruled by the Supreme Court The $15615 represents the differ ence in what KARK ventually paid to install a tower at anothe loca tion ove what it would have paid fod installation on the Sturgis site LITTLE ROCK ifl Terry Dairy today advertised for employes as the strike of AL Teamsters entered its sixth day A newspaper ad signed by A McKmght treasurer of the com pany said Xhat the Terry Dairy Products wants driver sales men and plant employees for permanent XJdell Smith president of the striking union said that his men will continue to picket the plant He said the union: is still willing to sit down with the Terry manage ment and discuss the de mand for a 15 cent hourly wage increase red Terry declined com ment on the advertisem*nt He said that it "speaks for The advertisem*nt listed month ly pay for various jobs: wholesale milk routes $31017 ice cream routes $35080: milk department $24632 and ice creaYn depart ment $19614 The ad said that the monthly salary figures were compiled from company records Smith said that the salaries list ed were higher than those paid employes who are now on strike The union previously has said that wages ranged from 69 to 95 cents per hour Smith said that 104 employes are on strike "at the Little Rock plant and about "15 or 16" are law at the smaller Pine Bluff plant Smith said that only supervisory personnel and office workers remain on the job Charles (A Wheeler of Little i Rock federal mediator Said that he planned to talk to representa tives of both union and manage ment sometime todav Hnwwr he said that he did not intend to propose immediate resumption of negotiation Pulaki Cnancellor Rodney Pat na ruled Saturday that the Team ter may keep a two man picket line at the Plant The company had requested an inunction against picketing and violence Parhan said that an Incident lasulting in the arrest' of fom strikers was not connected with the picket Jins but he said the number of pnkets was reduced to preyeiit muss pm kting The rier Im DO fHctl on Dm Pine Bluff plant A non ai rilrinjr worker Cleveland MMdi said Usl week tliat de watt I PALACI West Helena Last Time Tonight Double eature and Cartoon eature No Hin you heard wlut happened when pwwife glamorous fort! farm sririVK i About five million a farmg hava alectrlcal seivc Ten tons of jailing water wj genet ata one kilJoinjii Kiir bt eltuirlcjiy IITTLE ROCK (fl The Weather Bureau nt Little Rock to day issued the tollowing severe weather warning which includes part bt Arkansas: Scattered thunderstorm activity expected to develop late morning 'and early afternoon in vicinity of Des Moines la Springfield Mp and Mineral Wells Tex to Junc tion Tex Intensiting and spreading north northeast with scattered severe thunderstorms in area 50 miles either side of a line from Colum bia Mo tr ayetteville Ark ort Werth Tex to 50 miles east of Del Rio Tex from 10 ntll to 4 pm ew tornadoes expected in area 51 miles eitrer side of a line from LEGAL NOTICE Pursuant to the provisions af Probate Code Sec 152 notice is given that the accounts of the ad ministration of the estates listed i below have been filed on the dates shown by the named personal rep resentatives AU interested persons are called i on to file objections to such ac counts on or before the sixtieth i day following the filing of the res pective accounts failing winch the win be barred forever from cepting Betty Jean Chin Mionr 1955 Bertha Chin Minor Hes lep Gdn AnhuaI A eb 2 1955 Greenberry McCoy Dec Lov er Glass Executrix inal eb 24 1955 Beulah Bautts Din ning Executor inal A Mar ch 16 1955 Richard Lucas John Coates Admnr inal A March 16 1955 Vaclav KesI Oldrich Kesl 1 Admnr inal A March 16 1955 A Hutchison Nora Hutchinson inal A March 16 1955" Amelia Stiedle Mild Scott inal A March 16 1955 I Clyde Lasswell Inc Lasswell Gdn inal A March 26 1955 Misp Gertrude Crocker Inc Mrs I Guy Robinson Gdn 1st A Mai ch 28 1955 I Houston Jarrett Joe Jar rett Admnr inal A March i 1955 landers Butcher rank Allison Admnr final A Ma ch 8 1955 i Dated this 4th day of April 1955 I Warfield Gist Probate Clerk of Phillips County Arkansas HER TWELVE MEN DETROIT (fl Michigan held I biennial spring election today with strong indications of a reeord vote I froin a hot Democratic Republican battle I A turnout of one million voters was predicted This would com 1 pare with the 845000 spring elec I tion record of 1949 Eight state offices were at stake in contests telling whether Govt Mennen Democrats could maintain the vote getting drive of their landslide victorp of last fall I Most of the time the Michigan I spring election has been Ja Repub ican show The Democrats won one since 1933 On this occasion Democrats were out to add to victories of last fall when Gov Williams won his unprecedented fourth term Repub licans today fought to regain pres tige they lost November The CIO Political Action Com mittee backed Democrats all down the line This gave ise to Repub lican statements that a Democratic victory would mean of the state eature No 1 5:43 7:34 TARZAN'S' No Children Tickal Will Be Sold On This Progreml REGULAR ADMISSION LITTLE ROCK Ifl A of Little Rock is entitled to re cover $15615 from wealthy Texan Roy Sturgis for his refusal to carry out the sale of 40 acres west of Ljttle Rock to the television statlon the Arkansas Supreme Court ruled today Arkansas Radio and Equipment 0 which operates KARK also may still exercise an option to Purchase the land for the agreed Pice of $2900 if It wishes the toipf ajd contended trat the com through Vue President Barton bleached the 0 llon Olli ra Ct The contract contained in agreement wfh another com Ppp) it ba permitted bf nten by four striker while nmk Jig Cleliveriea Im Hie company lit was uui our incn ulj meiubrr t)i TemnMer Union wie arrested Ar ax ault and ymlalLm pnii how hue oi) bond TIIE PiniHE THAT BRINGS MAHRIAG Mil VITAL MIOBI IM INTO THE OfEN! I SUBSCRIPTION RATES All subscriptions payable in advance except weekly subscrip tions No carriers are allowed to accept money for subscriptions paid in advance such payments for periods longer than one week shall be made at the business office of the Helena West Helena World: One Month by Carriers 85 One Year by Carriers if paid in advance 980 Six Months by Carriers if paid in advance 490 One Year by Mail Zone 1 Pavabie in advance 3 95 One "Year by Mai Zones 2 and 3 Payable in advance 600 Year by Mail Zones 4 5 6 7 and 8 Payable in advance 850 (Or 75c Per Month) What ree Markets Tell REMEMBER WHEN rom sthe iles of The World) Ten Years Ago 5 April 4 1945 4 Headlines: Armv Takes irst Arthy Within 60 Julies of Elbe 1 After hearly 13 years of dispensing justice on the bench of the Helena Municipal Court Judge Leo Mundt will give post on April 9 to be successful by Doug las Heslep former city 'attornety The Octavos will meet with Mrs Epes in her nome on rerrytreet Wednesday afternoon i Mrs Julian Vogel will be the leader for Pacaha when they hold their regular meeting Thursday morn 5 The American Legion Auxiliary will meet with Mrs fiXioHyde on Miller Street Wednesday afternoon 'Dorris Duke was hostess to party to which several 0j crJriends We invited 7Refreshments were served tjpjpy Everhart Geralctfne Steele Juanita Bradley Bob bid Jean Wooten BeZitty' Jo tfxner rances and Melba PerriejPatsy Norma 'Dudley Emmie Lee Exum Yates Irene Reed Jesse May George jPrentisspene Duke nd Lewis Chasjine high 60 low 39 Twehty ive Years 'Ago rr April 4 1930 Southard and daughters Miss Helenaand Dorothy Southard and Miss Mabie Cash spent Satur day in Memphis Mrs Louis Sutterlin of rankfort Ky will arrive tomorrow to be guest of Mrs Clancy in her home in Wav erly Wqod Mr Joe Hornor Jr will leave April 8 to resume his studies at Baylor Military Academy in Chattanooga Mr Pter Deisch jvill be speaker in Blytheville to the Mississippi County Medical Association He will also speak at a nwetlng'of the Craighead County Medical Association in Jonesboro Mrs Robert Gordon Mrs Landon motored to Memphis today Miss Jirglnla Burke will leave April 8 to resume her studies at Arkansas College at BitesviJJe after spend Ing I he spring vacation with her parents Twiijnwtim high 7ujow 38 i MADinu i IMbrmqo The Daily Times Mail of Belford Indiana recently 1 1 said: under free enterprise tell much more I than what a willing buyer will pay a willing seller and thus establish a price Markets with their prie mechan ism tell what should be sown and The paper could have added that markets also tell what should be manufactured We consumers are the bosses of the we give the orders We do it every when we buy a can of beans or an automobile or a suit of clothes" or some kitchen ware or anything else sold at retail Our preferences and demands are the arbiters the retailer follows in buying his stock in trade And they are fol lowed religiously at the producer end on the farm and in the factory All this of course has its roots in the free competi tive system The merchant must stock what we if he another store will take his tradp aWQV nnri thn sheriff will eventually move in armer and industrialist MlchlflOH UAlflf must produce what we want or they too will lose their lllvIlIQdll flulUjI outlets And at the same time competition works cease lessly to hold prices down keep qualities up and to im I77linf1 It nitfl prove the standards of service all along the line Retail JljxllIlM 111 mg is a perfect example of this process Election Today ThnrA nCO 11 I 5 aavav guC uuu newspapers in Canada with a total circulation of almost 2500000 The January issue of a monthly letter issued by the Royal Bank of Canada was devoted entirely to them and their significance It Said Singly or taken together these weekly newspapers Tiave a great influence on the thought and action of our people Everybody in a sense lives two lives one in a small an4 the other in a great circle He belongs by or choice to various intimate groups like his family his neighborhood and his cluster of friends He is also Awmberjpfithe whole society of Canada and he is living (within an interdependent system of nations The week ly newspaper belongs to his T9 thing is true of the thousands of United States weekly papers and small city dailies They are the running record of the community and of the individuals families enterprises and institutions which forged and maintained it 7 xZ 'J fl s' IB State Supreme LmJ I i' CIN7' 71 I JI 7 II 1 i2 1955 30 st Trx to 3( I Oil 111 lion: 1 Pit COLIMa o( a 'He (jri rumbled id Colima stai lar? to 13 Dwj were kin0(i perJ others we: ma The cars 'adltjj A rlbniD brHfl liiUcs Irom iShil I nJ 1 De I Gonzah i Jl a.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.