The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

28 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1940 New York Stock Exchange Review; Latest Industrial and Financial News Complete New York Closing Quotations The Associated Press Leased Wire Sales (100s) High Low Close Ch'g. 2 Doug Alrer 78 12 du P'ont de 100 2 7 4 3 Dow Duplan Dresser Dunhill Chem Silk Int Mfg 22 10 6 34 133 10 211 63 10 6 1321. 9 Eastern Air 3311 33 3 Eastman Kodak 140 108 138 Eaton Mfg 33 327 33 3 1 Edis Bros Strs 14 14 14 20 El Jus Ind 5 EI Auto Lite Elec Boat 13 22 EI Power EI I' It $0 pi EI Lt $7 pi 303. 6 El Storage Bat 51 .50 Ind John pt ..112 11114 112 long l'ub Serv 633 1 Eng I' pt 730 2 Equit T-16 7-16 Erie 15-16 6 Erie 1 pf 1 4 1 1 20 Erie 2 pf 10 Exchange Buf .20 Fairbanks vi 5 5 5 3 3 Majardo Sug 190. 19 12 19 6 Fed It Re Trac 134 13 13 3 Fed Mogul 11 14 14 5 Fed Mot Truck 33 3 3 L'ed Wat A 3 Ferro Enam Fid Ins 393 39 2 Firestone 16 16 16 1 Firest pt 971 97 97 12 First Nat Str 5.

41 Flintkote 16 16 Food Florence Mauhin st 33 39 33 4 33 32 Foster Wheeler 161 164 Fost Whir pt 112. 110 112 9 Freeport Sul 3678 1.20 Gamewell Co 18 IS 184 2 Gar Wood Ind 34. 5 1 Gaylord Cont 11 11 3 Gen Am Tr 5114 53 51 6 Gen Baking 6 3s 54 Gen Bak .130 130 130 Gen Bronze 3 3 Gen Cable pi St 79 .60 Gen Cig vi 115 115 41 Gen Elec 33 323 10 Gen Foods 311 31 341 6 Gen El A. Gen Mills 89 89 31 Gen Jiotors 49 491 49 10 3 Gen Gen Mot Out Adv 1264 1 A Gen Out Ad A 53 5014 53 Gen ly Signal 15 15 12 Gen Gen Refract Gen St1 Cot Gen Tel 21 6 Gen Thea Eu 111. 10 114 5 Gen Time In 1 Gen 00 Gillette Saf 3 12 Gimbel Bros 6 6 8 Glidden Co 13 133 11 Goodrich xd 13 13 13 1 Goodrichpfad 6 7 Goodyear 17 16 17 Goody 81 84 21 Grah-Pa 13-16 13-16 5 5 514 5 Gr L1.

111 11 Granite Stl. 12 44 4 Grant (WT) 331, 33 33 11 Gt NIO 161 14 16 6 at Vor Rot 2 20 4 G. West Sug. 20 40 43 Greyh Corp 11 1078 11 Greyh pi 111 11 Grunt Ai 17 18 16 Gulf Guantan Sug 0.. 1 2 14 Gu Ohpf 3 11 2 Hack 11 321 32 IA Hall pt (WE)PtE A.

13 33 13 1 37 13 Hanna $5 pt ..105 105 103 lard- Walker A 23 2:1 44 23 Hat Corp A A 6 6 6 Hayes Mg 34 10 Hecker Prod Helme GW xd 05 95 lierc Motor 15 13 16 Here Powder 1 1 1 Hinde Holland Furn 31 1413 31 31 Homest Min 50 49 4 50 Houd-Hers 13 134 13 3 Household Fin 611 Houston Oil 418 1 Howe Sound 33 35 03 Hudson Man 1 5 Hudson Hudson 1614 41 4 161 18 Hupp Motor 9-16 9-16 9-16 I 6 Illinois Central 1 111 Central pi 1.60 3 Indust Indpls Pw Lt 24 231 1 Inger Hand Rayon xd 105 10 106 .20 Inger Rand pf ..137 137 137 4 Inland Steel 3 Inspirat Copper 127. Insuransh ct 1 Interchem Corp 231 Interch Corp pt 5 Interlake Iron 10 14 18 Int Agricultural 23 Int Agr pr pt 38 38 38. Int Bus Mach. Int Harvester 55 5114 5 6 Int Hydro -EIA 1 7 43 Mer Marine 111 1 Int Mining VR Int Nick Can 23 03 23 Int Pow 16 16 16 Tut 691; 69 39 Int Tel Tel 1 3 60 8 Jones 8 pt 1 73 1007- 3 1 Kalam 131 134 .10 Kan I' 4th pfB 120 1241 120 1 Nan Kaufmann Dpt 14 4 14 11 4 1 Kayser 8 8 Kelsey- A 167 167 Kelsey- I WR .10 Kendall Co pt 103 102 102 21 Kennecott 34 Keyatone 133 13 13 Kinney (GR) 11 1 14 Kresge (SS) 25 2 05 16 25 1- 4 Kresge Stra 2 23; 4 Kroger 28 20 Lac GaR 1514 1514 15 5 Lambert Co 124 121 12 3 Leh Port 2312 3314 231, 207 Leh Val Coal 11-16 16 2 Leh Val 3 314 Leh Val 2 Lehman Corp 21 21 Lib-O-F Gla 43 1 43 Lib. McN 3 6 Lig 04 91 94 Lig My 9314 Link Belt xe 381 38 38 14, Lion Oil 1 1 3 Liquid Carbon 17 16 1 21 Lockheed Airc 30 30 10 Loew's In 30 3014 30 134 Loft Inc 19 Lone Star Ca 41 393 Lon Bel I.h A 3 3 Loose- Wil Bis 141 14 14 14 6 xd 180, .10 Lorillard nixd 3 2 Louis A 19 19 19 3 00 Mark Tr 28 27 28 Macy (RI) 2618 26 Mad Sq Gar 11 11 11 61 Magma Cop 30 12 3014 pad Manati Sugar 12 Marine MidI 72.10 Mar SR prof in 1 MArsh Field 14 13 151; Martin Martin Parry (o 31 117 12 Masonite Co 05 24 Math Alk 119 0 May Dept St 50 5 603 May Tag 3 3 McCall Corp 1214 13 14 12 10 McCrory Ntrs 151 5 McCrory St.

nf 111 11-32 111 McGraw MI 35 25 25 2 McIntyre P'o 338 33 33 34 McKeesport 7 Rob 4 .10 Mo Loll St pl Mead Corp 00 9 9 Mea Corp 65 65 65 3.10 Mengel pt 213 25 Tr 201 01 Mesta Machine 37 3714 37 Miami Copper 8 8 7 Mid -Cont Pet 1414 Midld Stl Prod 42 41 .30 MidiStiPr 1pf 124 1221 6 Minn- Molinept 60 TR 591 60 33 4 Mission Corp 101 Mo-Kan-Texas 3 Mo- Kan-Ter pt 1 34 1 1 Mo Pacific pl Monsanto Chem 81 80 80 18 Montgom Ward 37 .10 Morris Eases 201 2914 Motor Products 1178 Mueller Brass 20 19 19 1 Mullins MEg .10 Mule pxd 4713 1 Murphy (G0) 41:1 Murray Corp Nash- -Kelvinator 47 20 Nash 1 131 Nat Biscuit 177 Nat. Biscuit nf 17 170 Nat Bond Shr 1734 178: Nat CAsh Rog 5 Nat Celind 11 11 31 Nat bai Pr 13 13 4 Nat IN nt Str A Vat Distillers 23 Nat En Stpg Sales (1008) High Low Close Ch'g. 27 Nat Gypsum 87 8 10 Nat Lead xd 171 1 Nat 23 00 Nat 7 7 7 1 Natl Steel 65 65 31 65 34 Nat Supply 6 6 .60 Nat pt 40 42 1 NatSu3 pt 41 4114 411 3 Nat Sup $3pf 9 9 2 Nat Tea 4 3 Natomas Co 101 101 1 Neisner Bros 16 16 5 Nehi Corp 9 9 10 Neisner pt 78 78 21 Newmont Min 27 27 Newpor: Indust 8 16 Newpt Ship 35 24 24 Newpt pf 108 108. Centrall 13 13 13 NY pt 27 27 27 PR NY NIT 1-16 1-16 1-16 .30 NY 112 112 113 1 1-16 1-16 1-16 pt -1-16 NY West 60 NY Shipbidg 254 1 Noblitt 34 34 Norfolk 213 212 213 1.10 Norf pt 115 114 115 No Am Avia 18 18 No Am Co xd 16 NoA mt'o 5616 6648 56 11 Northern Pac 6 6 de 1 Norwich Phar 127 123 0 13 Ohio Oil Oliver Eg 1 Omnibus Co 10 10 10 11) Omnibus pt 12 9 Otis Elevator 16 16 Otta Steel 10 Outboard 25 25 4 .10 Outlet Co 63 5 3 53 4 Owens- -Ill GI 46 46 46 .20 5 PAC Pac A Cat Fish 2 8 8 5 8 PAC 2714 1 PAC Mills 12 .10 3 Pac Pac Tin Cons r' 414 120 49 Pac Pan Packard A West Airw Mot 0 16 3 16 3 16 03 Panhand 1 CI xd 37 37 52 Param Pictur 9 7 10 Param Pc 1 pt 98 973; 973 18 Par Pict 3 pi 101 10 014 3 Parke Davis 31 30 30 1 Parmelee Tr 7A 23 P'athe Film 10 10 3 Patino Mines 8 8 8 5 Penney 88 88 3 Penn Dix Ce 40 3 39 3 40 3 23 Penn Peoples Drug 1 l'eo 37 Cu P'ere Mary pl 24 2.50 Pere Marprpt 42 41 41 9 Phelps Dodge 33 33 Phila Read Philco ('orp 1314 131 1 131 Philip Morris 7 771 10 J'hillips Jon 42 42 42 Phillips Pillsbury Pet FI 4014 39 5 39 10 Pirelli 10 Pitt 1034 1 Pitiszurg Co 31 31 31 SP 3 Pitt Forg 15 151 3 Pitt Bit 6 6 l'itt St pt 52 53 62 1.10 Pitt. 8 5 pt 36 36 20 Pitt Stl pl 67 67 67 1 Co 3 Plymouth 17 Poor Co Por TB Postal Tel 5 5 578 I'rasd St! Car.

121; 2 1. 11 Procter (1. 55 14 Proc 118 16 Pub 29 29 2314 50 I' 8 8 1661, 7 I' $5 pi. 110 1101 4 15 Pullman 26 26 26 32 Pure Oil 704 1 Pure Oil 6 96 96 96 5 Pure Oil 5 84 86 86 3 Purity Bak 10 9 23 Radio of Am 5 1 Radio CV pl 62 6 62 25 Radio Keith 3 1 Reming Rand 9 9 Reo Motors ct 1 47 Repub Steel 22 3 22 2.20 Repub Stevpf 1003 5 Rep Sti pt A 941s 941- Revere Br 111 111- Reynold Metal 1214 Reynolds Mot 901 3 32 8. 20 Richfield xd 8 Ritter Dental 5 5 40 Safe Stopf ..1103 11032 00000 Safeway Strs 42 a.

3. 42 12 St Joseph 3614 36 8 Savage Armed 401 3918 391 21 Schenley Distil 101 1 101 8 Schulte Ret 8 3-16 Schulte RT pf 37 8 Scott Pap xd 35 38 3 8 Se.l: Air Line Seab A Line pt Seaboard 14 1 Nears Roeb 15 6 Sharp Dohm 3 3 3 12 1 SerVeI Sharon Shattuck Inc Sti FO Cor 5 131, 10 5 10 131 14 Shell Oil xd 10 1,4 10 13 Simmons Co 01 20 21 10 Slosa-Shof ....110 114) 110 81 Socony-Vacu 16 8 60 Sou Am 1 So I' Rico 18 1 A 1 SE GrevhT, 12 12 Sou Edis 261. 26 South P'arit 1 Southern By 17 Southein Ry pt 21114 Sperry 41 4014 Spicer NEg Spirer Difg pt A 571 1 Spiegel Spiegel pl Inc 5 16 Square Co 35 20 Stand Br 684 6 6 2 Stand El 11 1 8 Std $1 pt 3 1 Std GF $6 prof 121, 11 11 -31 Std GE 13 37 Stand Cal 17 17 5 56 Stand Oil Ind 06 2614 84 Stand NJ Warn 3234 33 Stewart Stokely Bros 1 16 Stone Wehs 0 Studebak Corp Sun Oil 5112 511 511 Sun Oil pt ..1241 1241 Sunshine Mng 814 81, 1 Superior superheater Oil 1 17 1 6 Swift Re Co 21 20 21 I 3 Swift Intl 17 17 1 Symi Gou 6 6 1 1 Telautograph 3 2 Tenn Corp -1 32 Texas Coxd 39 38 Tex Gulf Sul 314 11. 4 Tex Tex Gulf 0. 36 618 6 35 6 10 Tex I.

Trust 4 4 4 That Mfg cv 1. 41 40 41 1 44 The Thermoid Fair 37 371 1 .50 Therm Co 321 18 Third Ave Ry. 4 6 Thomp Prod 3 2 32 1: 3 Thomp Starr 19 Tide A 011 9 9 1 Tim Tide bet WAO Axle pi 96 96 96 39 29 Tim Roll 4 5 34 4 Transamerica Tri Cont Corp 1 Trans Air 17 Truax A 4 Twent 5 5 Twent OFF pt 16 1614 Twin I. Tr 1 1 1 90 Twin CIT pt 23 22 043 1 8 Coach 9 9 9 3 U'nderwd LIl 31 14 31 12 15 Union Bag I' 13 137 40 Un El Mo 114 110 94 United Alr Lines 137 12 9 Un Oil Pacific Cal 13 13 13 10 United Aircraft 4: 1 Un Un United Union Carbide I'rem Biscult xd. 77 101 131 14 135 50 Unit Bis pi ..,.110 110) 110 2 United Carbon 48 48 1 1 41 United Corp United Corp pt 281- United Drug .10 Unit Dye pt 20 20 4 29 3 Unit El Coal 4 boy 4 5 Unit Eng 39 39 39 48 Unit Gas Im 10 10 10 3 1 Unit Gas I pf Unit Mer 101 104- United Papbd 31 3 U'S For Sec 3 2.70 Dist pi 12 11 12 1 2 Gypsumad 69 6 6 6 US Indus Alco 21 21 21 Leather Leather A 14 3 Pipe Fdy 30 301.

301 L'S Play Cd 31 31 L'S Plywood 23 03 4 imp 15-16 1'8 Rubber 24 337 Rub pf. Sm 65 63 65 Steel 68 14 61 6T 74 Steel pf 108 136 8 Tobacco 301 30 30 1 L'nit Stockyda 1 Unit Stor 1 1.30 Univ D'irt 1 pt 99 101 7 Vanad Corp 33 3218 31 STOCK MARKET AT CLOSE HAS LOWER TREND Intermittent Feeble Rallies Bog Down; Average of 60 Stocks Off .2 STOCK AVERAGES Compiled by the Associated Press 30 13 15 60 Ind. Rails Util. Sths. Not change 1 'Thursday 62.7 15.9 31.3 13.8 Previous day 63.1 16.1 34.1 41.0 Month ago 06.3 11.8 36.6 46.6 Near ago 20.8 39.3 51.1 1910 high 71.2 20.5 40.6 52.2 3910 low 54.3 13.0 30.9 37.0 1939 high 77.0 23.8 10.6 03.0 1939 low 58.8 15.7 33.7 41.6 60-STOCK RANGE SINCE 1927 1937-38 1932-30 High 15.3 12.8 Low 33.7 16.9 61.8 NEW YORK.

Dec. 5 (AP) -Inter mittent feeble rallies bogged down in today's stock market and irregularly lower trends prevalled at the close. Declines Small Declines generally were in small fractions and scattered favorites managed to finish with modest advances. Isolated issues were off 1 to 2. The list did fairly well at the but prices slipped before inid.

opening, never made much progress from then The Associated Press average of 60 stocks wAs off .2 of A point at 43.8 after being unchanged in the three preceding sessions. Except for liveliness of a handful of low -priced issues, dealings were light throughout. Transfers totaled 598,600 shares compared with 170 the day before. Two blocks each of Lehigh Valley Coal and Columbia Gas were recorded. The former was unchanged at 112 and the latter dipped 3-16 to 1.2.

a new 1910 bottom. Handicaps cited by brokers included: continued selling tor establish income losses. a little more peace talk in boardrooms despite today's heavy House of Commons vote against A settlement proposed by labor members, and growing fears that 1041 laNCS might blight corporation profits. Wall Street gloom was accentuated by announcement. after the close, that another Stock Exchange seat had been sold for $33.000.

duplicating recent transactions which established new lows for memberships since 1899. Business news continued on the bullish side. Construction awards registered a sharp upturn, automotive sales were reported being maintained at a high level, steel output held to near-capacity figures and Christmas retail spending volumes were ed to exceed 1929. Rails in Slim Groove Rails held to a slim groove. While last week's freight loadings were off contra-seasonally, Federal Loan Administrator Jesse H.

Jones revealed consideration was being given to cutting the interest rate on railway lendIng. U. S. Steel ended unchanged but Bethlehem, Youngstown and Republic were off A shade. In the losing bracket also were General Motors, Chrysler, Consolidated Edison, Sperry, Market Street Railway preferred, Loft, N.

Y. Shipbuilding, Southern Rallway, N. Y. Central, Anaconda, U. S.

Rubber, Eastman Kodak and Allied Chemical. Brisk Expansion Montgomery Ward and Sears Roebuck were un each. Both coInpanies disclosed a brisk expansion in October business over A year ago. Grumman Areraft was ahead A point on 8. pleasing dividend.

American Woolen preferred WAN up 48 the company declared a $1 payment 011 accumulated dividends. Improved were American Smelting, Pennsylvania, A American Bonds Toler hone commodities and du were P'ont. Uneven, Wheat at Chicago was unchanged to off of a cont A. bushel and corn down 3 to was up 20 cents to off 5 cents a bale. Modest Curb advances were posted for American Gas, Bell Aircraft, Humble Oil and Bath Iron Works.

Creole Petroleum skidded, along with Gulf Oil and Phonix Securities. Volume here was around 115,000 shares versus 157,000 Wednesday. Revenue Freight Loadings Off 4963 Cars for Week WASHINGTON, Dec. 5 (AP) -The association of American Railroads reported today 728.525 cars of revenue freight were loaded during the week ending last Saturday. This WAS 7 decrease of 4963 cars compared with preceding week, an increase of 43,029 compared with a year A TO and An increase of 79,991 compared with 1938.

Commodity Markets 15 cents higher. WHOLESALE EGG MARKET The Associated Press Dospite lack of leadership speculative commodities were on solid ground and buyers paid slightly higher prices for several items in the industrial divisions. Chicago wheat closed unchanged to of A cent bushel down. Corn WAN to of A. cent lower.

New York contract markets lighing small price gains included lend. Straits tin, coffee, cottonseed oil, wool tops, rubber and rotton. Silk, hides and domestic sugar showed narrow losses. The Associated Press weighted in lex of 33 wholesale sunt commodities de. (lined to 77.39 per vent of the 1926 average from 77.68 per cent Wednesday.

Hogs at Chicago sold Ave 10 10 cents lower, topping at $6.20. Steers nnd yearlings sold strong to 20 cents higher. The best price was $14.50 paid for yearlings. Lambs were steady to NEW YORK, Dec. 5 (AP) Eggs irregular.

Mixed colors, fancy to extra fancy, 35; extras, 33: gra firsts, seconds, meniums, dirties. No. 1, aver. age checks, Refrigerator, fancy to extra fancy, 2 extras. standards, 24; firsts, 23 1 seconds, 23.22½; mediums, dirties, BAR SHIVER MARKET NEW YORK, Dee.

3 (AP) -Bar ver cents per ounce, unchanged. LONDON, Doc. 5 (P) -Bar silver 22 16-160 per ounce unchanged (equiv. alent 10 11.60 cents). Sales (100g) High Low Close Ch'e.

2 Va -Ca Ch 2 2 1 Va -C Ch pl 25 25 .20 El Pf.111½ 116 .40 2 Va Virginian pl nf 9 3 3 Wahash 5-16 6 Wabash 9-16 9-16 2 Waldorf Sys 9 87 9 3 Walgreen Co 214 21 5 Walker 4 Walwrth Co 5 5 54 Warner Br Pic 3 3 5 Warren Bros 1 Wash Gas Lt 23 23 23 Waukesha Mo 16 Wayne Pump 20 20 3 Wesson 18 18 18 -1 30 Pen El Opt. 109 .10 Pen pi 101 101 101 1 Pen Prt ..119 119 119 1 West Auto 2514 25 25 5 West P'ac pt 5-16 5-16 5-16 West Un Tel 191 19 Westin Air Br' 21 West 104 104 40 We pt 137 137 El Inst Westva Chior 35 35 .30 Westva Ch nf Wheeling Stl 28 28 7 White Motor 14 14 White Sew M. 4 4 23 White Rk 8 8 8 Willys-0 pt 3 3 Wilson x4 Co 4 Co $6pf 631 R3 634 2 Wondward Iron 32 31 31 42. Woolworth 31 31 1 Worth 1 Worth cupryf 60 00 60 TAR Tale Yellow Youngat To ft 193 40 96 161, 397 12 40 -1 14 7-16 14 Young pt 1 Youngst St 7 16 Zenith Radio 16 15 Sales 598,600 shares. Boston Market By The Associated Press Sales High Low Close Ch'E.

100 Alles Fish 2 50 Am Pn Sv pt 1 14 10 Rige-Sant pt 80 Bos Alb 90 89 860 Bos prpf 43, 800 pf A sta 5 of sta 10 Hos Prov 9 9 1121 Boston Ed 32. 31 31 120 Bos Elev 47 47 47 100 Brown -Durrell 85 85c 85c 10 East 23 3 3 50 East pt 35 35 35 59 East prpf 5014 501 263 E. Mass. St 75c 750 75c 60) East Mass 73 73 73 2365 13 East EastMasspfR 5S 11 5 47 11 514 150 Employers' Gr 01 23 big 73 First Nat St 4234 25 Gen Capital 26 4 263 200 Mass Util 25 Mergenthal 25 257- 60 10 New Narraganst En Rac 132 390 122 123 4 78 100 Nor Butte 20 Old Col RR 05c 25c--1c 390 100 Reece Shawmut Rutil As 9 9 97- A 72 l'nit Sh 57 57 5712 50 15 U'nion Torrington Tw Dr 11 29 3 29 8 20 Cotton Weakens In Late Trade NEW YORK. Dec.

5 (AP) -Cotton futures forged ahead for the fourth consecutive session early today with near by positions reaching new high levels for the season. The market weakened at the end. In late trading most gains were lost when trade buying tapered off and renewed hedging and local selling developed. Final prices were 4 points higher to 1 lower. High Tow Close December 10.26 10.17 10.19 January 10.16 10.08 10.10n March 10.31 10.22 10.22-23 May 10.23 10.14 10.17 July 10.02 9.93 9.97 October 9.35 9.35-36 Middling spot 10.39.

n-nominal. NEW YORK, Dec. 5 (AP)-Cotton futures opened unchanged to 2 points higher. December, 10.18: January, 10.08; March, 10.22; May, 10.14; July, 9.93; October, 9.38. Insurance Stocks 1.30 P.

M. QUOTATIONS By The Associated Tress Bid Asked Aetna. Cas Aetna. 1113 53 65 Aetna Life xd 14 094 Am Mauit 18 3, Am Ins Nwk 14 Am Re-10 411, Am Reserve 15 1 16 Am Surety xd 4 14 50 Automobile xd 38 41 Ralt Amer 812 Boston 617 637 Carolina 38 14 293; City of New York 23 Conn Gen I.It 251; C'ontin 34 36 Fid Dep 119 121 Firem's Nwk 9 1014 Franklin Fire 31 14 Gen Reinsur 39 Georg Home 27 Glens Falls (Hobe Ron 9 10 Globe Rut 10 13 Gt Amer Its 27 09 Hanover 26 14 38 Hartford Fire 87 90 Home Fire Sec Home Ins Iomestead 18 20 Knickerbocker 9 Lincoln Fire 2 Maryland Cas 1 2 Mass Bond 60 63 Natl Fire 62 64 Natl Liberty 8 14 New Am CaR 18 New Hampshire 45 New Tork Fire 14 16 Nor East Ins 5 Nor River 01 Phoenix 87 91 T'rov Wash 3411 Rep Ins Tex 26 2814 Revere In 281 Rhode island Ins St Paul Fire 351 Springfield Fire 120 Sun Life 230 0 Travelers 411 421 Li Fid 21 22 10 618 West hester 31 36 Bank Stocks 1.30 M. QUOTATIONS By The Associated Press Rid Askerl Rk nf Am NTS 17 391, Hank of Man 134 171 Bank of 312 330 Bankers Tr 1 40 Rklyn "Tr 7 A 81 Cen Han Rk Tr 100 103 Chase Nat 14 31 Chem Bk Tr Commercial 173 119 Cont Bk Tr 11 15 Corn Ex Bk 48 491.

Empire Tr 4 6 49 First Nat. (Bos) 461; 48 13 First Natl ..1685 1725 Guaranty Tr xd 299 301 Irving Tr 1114 12 Manuf'ct'rs Tr 391. Manuf'rs Tr pt 51 14 Natl City 2816 Trust 1121 Public 30 33 Title 3 RUBBER MARKET NEW YORK, Dec. 5 rubber futures (old) opened inactive. Bids: December, 20.60; March, 20.15; May, 20.20.

Crude rubber futures closed 5. points higher. March, 20.45 bid: May, 20.25. Smoked ribbed spot 21 nominal. 635.186: firmer.

Creamery, higher than 92 score and premium marks, 35 92 score. cash market, 88-01 score, 331-831: $4 87 score, Cheese 22.415; firm. Prices unchanged. BUTTER AND CHEESE NEW YORK, Dec. 5 (AP) -Butter LONDON GOLD MARKET LONDON, Dec.

5 (AP) -Bar sold 168s per ounce, unchanged (equivalent to NARROW RANGE IN GRAIN PITS Wheat Closes Unchanged to Cent Lower CHICAGO, Dec. 5 (AP)-Unwilling. ness of grain traders to venture far on either the buying or the selling side of the wheat market today kept prices in a narrow groove. Pit brokers blamed this hesitance, which was more noticeable today than it has been for some time, on trade uncertainty regarding settlement of outstanding December contracts involving approximately 9,000,000 bushThe deadlocked status of the domestic supply and demand situation, with producers holding back grain alld processors and consumers taking only limited quantities. also discouraged pit activity.

Wheat closed unchanged to cent lower compared with yesterday, corn to down. and oats to lower. Closing (irain Prices WHEAT High LOw Close December May July 82 3 CORN December 61 May 61 July 61 OATS December May 35 353, 35 July 32 32 RYE December 14 May 481 July 19 43 Lard December 4.47 4.45 4,45 January 4.65 4.60 4.60 March 5.92 5.90 5.90 May 6.10 6.07 6.07 July 6.25 6.25 6.25 September 6.47 6.45 6.15 CHIC.AGO, Dec. 5 Lard tierces 4.50, loose 4.80, bellies 0.00. Investing Companies SOON QUOTATIONS By The Associated Press Bid Asked Aeronaut Sec 8.07 2.89 9.32 Affiliated Inc 2.64 Amerex Hold 63 14.12 A IT RuB Shrs 1.91 3.21 Ani for.

Inv 6.14 6.18 AAROC Stand Oil 4.25 5. Axe foughton Fd Inc 10.73 11.64 Bankers Nat Invop 4.12 5.12 Basic Industry 3.15 Blair Co 1.125 1.63 Boston Fund nc 13.91 14.96 British 'E De Inv .13 Broad St Inv 21.34 Bullock Fund 12.19 13.69 Can Inv Fund 2.65 3.16 c'ontral Nat Corp A 00. Central Nat Corp 1. Century Shry 23.33 Chemical Fund 9.36 10.131 Comwith Invest 3.36 3.65 Continental Sh pf 11. 13.

Corporate Trust Corporate Trust A A 11. Tr Accum 2.11 Corp Tr A A mod 2.13 Tr ArC Mod 2.53 Crum Forster 28.45 30.45 Crum Forst 8 pt 119.70 Crum Forst Ins 32. Crum Porst Ins pi 112.30 Cumulative Tr Sh 4.26 Depos Ing Shrs A 0 0 0 Diversified Tr 3.35 Diversified Tr 5. 5.45 Dividend Shrs 10.9 1.20 Eat low Bal Fd 17.68 18.78 Equity Corn $3 pt 19. 20.

Videlity Fund I.C 16.61 17.97 First Boston Corp 16. 17.60 First Mutual Tr Fat 6. 6.63 Fiscal Fund Bk Sh 2.16 2.51 Fiscal Fund Ins 3.16 3.30 Fixed Trust Sh A 8.79 Found Tr Sh A 3.55 4.05 Fund Investors Inc 16.48 16.83 l'und Tr Shrs A 4.41 5.15 Fund Tr Shrs 4,04 Gen Capital Corp 07.07 20.11 Gen Investors Tr 4.17 4.98 Group Sec Agricultural 4.79 5.28 Group Sec Automobile 4.22 4.00 Group Hec Aviation 8.03 8.83 (troun Sec Building 6.13 5.65 Group Sec Chemical 5.61 6.39 Group Sec Foods 4.10 Group Sec Invest Shra 3.114 Group Sec Mchandising 4.88 Group Sec -Mining 5.28 5.81 Group Nec Petroleum 3.8% 4.28 Group rR It Equin 3.65 3.9" Group Sec Tobacco 4.38 4.63 Group Sec Steel 5.31 5.86 Income Found Inc 1.30 1.11 Incorp Investors 13.86 14.90 Independence Tr Sh 0.03 natl Sec Bank 1.07 Insti Sec Insurance 1.23 1.36 Investment Co Am 17.16 18.53 Fd Inc 9.46 9.89 Keystone Custodn 1 keystone Custodn Custodn 13.34 14.64 Lie stone ('ustodn 6.36 6.99 Keystone ('ustodn 11.94 16.37 Kesstone Custodn 10.60 11.71 Keystone 12.05 Keystone Custodn 3 8.83 9.74 Keystone Custodn 3.5 1 3.93 Manhat Bond Fwd 6.72 Maryland Fund 3.14 4.13 Mass Invest Tr 19.50 Mass Invest Fd Int 8.73 9.39 Mutual Invest 9.31 10.18 Nation Wide Sec 3.40 Nation Wide oting 1.07 1.21 Natl Investors 5.35 5.76 New England Fund 11,25 12.13 Stocks Automobile 4.76 5.16 Stocks Aviation 10.63 11,70 Stocks Rk Stocks 8.33 9.18 Stocks Bldg Supply 5.33 5.90 Stocks Chemical 8.65 Stocks Elec Equip 7.18 7.92 Stocks Insurance 9.81 10.84 Stocky Machinery 8.03 8.88 Stocks Oils 6, 41 0.11 Stocks Railroad 1.58 2.40 Stocks rit Equip 5.82 6.43 Storka Strel 6.93 1.61 North Am Bond Tr etfs Nor An Tr Sharee 1953 1.99 Nor Am 'Tri Sh 1935 2,49 Nor Am Tr Sh 1936 Nor Am Tr Sh 1938 2.04 Ply mouth Fund Inc P'utnam Fund 10.65 13.42 Quarterly Income Sh A. Repres Tr Shis $.96 9,11 Repub luv Fund 3.17 3.87 1. Selected Amt Nh Inc 8.13 8.98 Selected Income Sh 3.81 Sovereign Invest 3.66 6.1% Spourer Track Fund 13.61 14.43 NAnd I.

til Inc State Street Invest Super of Am Tr Trustee Stand Inv A Trustee Stand Inv 1) Trustee St. Oil Shrs A 5.17 Trus: ee St Oil Shra 4.11 Trusted Am 8k Trustond Industry Shrg US Elec Pow A US Elec It Pow 1.43 Wellington Fund 13.41 14.73 1. W. WOOLWORTH SALES NEW YORK, Dec. 5.

(A1') -The WV. Woolworth Company reported today its November sales totaled 688,330, an increase of 10.1 per cent over the $26.051.231 of the same month last year. The company's October sales were up 1.9 cent compared with October, 1939. METAL MARKET NEW YORK. Dec.

5 (AP) steady; electrolytic spot. Connecticut Valley, 12; export, f. a. S. New York, 10.50-11.

Tin steady; spot and near-by 50.20; forward 50.05. Lead steady; spot, New York 5.50-55; East St. Louis 5.35. Zinc steady; East St. Louis spot and forward 7.25.

Pig iron, aluminum. antimony, quicksilver, platinum, Chinese wolframite and domestic scheelite unchanged. SEARS ROEBUCK S.I.E.S CHICAGO, Dec. 5 (AP) Sears Roebuck and Company today reported for the month of November sales amounting $73,322.817 comparco with $60.330,400 for November, 1939, an increase of 21.5 per cent. For the 10 months from February throuch November sales totaled 462.181 compared with for the same period A year AZO, an crease of 12.8 per cent.

Refunding Plan Reported Studied NEW YORK, Dec. 5 (AT) Financial circles heard today that the manof Commonwealth Edison Company, the big Chicago utility, was studying plans to refund its outstanding $100,000,000 of per cent bonds, issued in 1038 to replace bonds bearling and 5 per cent. Such A move, Wall Street bond brokers said, would be a logical follow-up to the feat Boston Edison Company, in breaking all precedents recently by selling a sizable issue carrying a per cent coupon and getting a substantial premium over par for them. deemable at any time at 106 and are Commonwealth Edison 31s a are recurrently selling above 107. Earlier in the year they sold above 111.

It was also learned that Republic Steel Corporation also is considering a financing program. Negotiations reported to be in such an early stage that there were as vet no indications of how large the operation might be. Produce Market Offerings of fruits and vegetables held in narrowed range at wholesale mArkets yesterday morning. l'otatoes, onions, and cabbage were 11 ample supply at unchanged quotations. Iceberg lettuce, cauliflower, beans and carrots ruled steady at asking prices, l'ascal celery was in A steady to firmer position slightly higher quotations on fancy quality.

White offerings were diminishing And quality was the relative price factor. Apple markets were beginning to show a stabilized range on quality storage fruit, while common storage offerings 111 gond condition moved well and poorer quality diffirult of disposal. Beans, green, hu. hpr. round 2.00-2.25; few 2.75: WAX, hor.

Icy. 2.75-3.00; med. qual. 2.00-2.50. Beets, nat.

cut, bu. ct. Tex. 1.60-1.85. Brussel aprouts, bskt, Broccoli, shipped in, (1.

2.50-3.00. Cabbage, nat. bu. Danish 50 lb. bag few higher; new.

hpr. CarolinA 1.25-1.10, few 1.75; red, hpr. 1.00-1.25. Carrots, cut, 14 bu. bu.

Cal. ct. 6 doz. 3.60-3.75; 4 doz. Texas, ct.

1.50-1.65. Cauliflower, ct. shipped In, ct. 1.65-1.85. Celery, doz.

med. qual. 1.75; shipped in. Cal. ct.

white 2.00-2.25; pascal, nat. doz. fey. 1.75-2.00; Cal. 1.60- 3 pascal, ct.

2.40-3.00. Cranberries, 25 lb. ct. Howes 3.85-4.00. Cucumbery, bu.

4.00-4.50; Cuban, ct. 5.60. Endive, ct. shipped in 3.15-4.00; med. quAl.

3.23-3.50. Escarole, hpr. 1.65-2.00, Kale, bu, Mushrooms, 3 lh. bakt. few .75: med.

qual. Lettuce, Icebery. ct. Cal. 3.75-4.23.

Onions, 50 lb. bag 10 lb. bags Spanish type 1.50-1.75; white 1.50- 1.70. Parsnips, nat. half bu.

few .65. J'eas, hu. 3.60-3.13. Peppers, shipped in, ct. 2.50-3.00; med.

QUAl. 2.25. P'otatoes, 100 lbs, mountains Chippewas 1.00-1.10, few 1.15; med. qual. Maine 1.15-1.25, few 1.33; Idaho, baking.

ct. 2.50-2.60. Sweet potatoes, kiln dried. 1. 1.75-2.00.

Radishes. ct. Spinaca bu. shipped in. few 1.00.

Squash. winter. lb. fey. large med.

qual. Des Moines, bu. .15. Tomtanes, repacks, 10 lbs. h.

h. lb. lug 1.56-2.45. Tiurnips, purple top, yellow globe, bu. med.

qual. Can. 50 lb. bag waxed Apples: McIntosh, in. up, bu.

cold storage, fey. 1.75-2.00: wrapped box, 1.85- 2.00: No. 1, 2 12 in. up, 1.50-1.60; common storage, bu. fey.

1.50-1.75; No. 1, 1.00-1.25; ord. .16: 2 No. 1. 1.00-1.35: greenings, bu.

No. 1, fev. 1.00-1.10; uncl. cold atorage. 1.10-1.25; kings.

bu. No. 1. Baldwing, No. 1.

bu. storage 1.00-1.43; uncl. Cortland, bu. No. 1, fey.

1.00- 1.23: storage 1.50; Wagener. No. 1, 1.00; delicious, nat. box, storage, 1.50-1.75, few 2.00; Wash. box Northern Spy, No.

1, 1.50-1.75: storage 1.76, few 2.00: common storage 1.00-1.25. Bananas, hundredweight, 4.25-4.75: cut 4.75-5.25. Grapes, emperors, 1.25-1.40; med. quaI. 1.10; Almeria 2.00-2.30.

Grapefruit, ct. 1.85-2.25; choice 1.50-2.00: Bruce. ct. 1.50-2.00: seedless pink, 3.00- 3.30; Foster pink. 2.50-3.00.

Lemons, Cal. box 5.00-5.50; med. quat. 4.50-4.77. Oranges, Cal.

Valencias, few sizeR 5.00: Wash. navels 3.35-3.76: Fla. choice 2.23: Bruce, box 1.75-2.26. l'ears Rose. box 2.23-2.60; Comice 2.75- 3.00: D'Aniou 2.35-2.50.

Tancerines, half ct. 2.00-2.25: choice Eggs, local, doz. large med. puller N. E.

Labeled .39. 1 RAYMOND F. ILES. Market Reporter Massachusetts perariment of Agriculture Dividends Dividend announcements are reportPl hv the 'Wall Street Journal as follows: Pavable Record Amt. date date Allied Pi ducts 1.

tin Allied Products .33 10-27-40 12-14 Allied Product CIA .43 1- Am Agricult ('hem .34 12-27-40 12-16 American Snuff 1- 2-41 American Snuff 1- American Snuf pl 1.60 1 2-41 12-12 Amer. Woolen pt 4.00 12-24-40 12-13 Associated I'rv G2pf 5.00 12-20-40 12-13 Baldwin Rubber .12 14 1-20-41 1-15 Baldwin Rubber 1-20-41 1-16 Campbell Is Colnc 9-40 Chickasha Cotton 12-28-40 12-16 Consol Coppermine: 12-23-40 12- 6 Consol Steel Cp pf 12-23-40 12-10 Davega Stores Cp pl 12-24-40 12-14 Diamond Mot Car 12-21-40 Dresser Mfg Co 1.00 12-14 Fairchild Aviat Cp Fedl Light Re Tr Fedl Light. Tr Flintlote Co 1.00 12-16 Florshelm Shoe (HA Florsheim Shoe CIR 93 12-16 Fundamental Inv Inc .11 12-18-40 12-10 Genl 1.50 12-31-40 Greyhound Corn .20) 12-16 Greyhound Corp .25 Greyhound Cp pi .13 Griesediock-West Br 1.00 6 Guaranty Trust Co 3.00 Homestake Mining .37 12-24-40 Lambert Co 2-41 Lockheed Aircraft 1.60 -13 Lville (Ky) 7pf 1-15-41 31 (K y) Spf 1.30 1-15-41 L.ville (K 5pt Marine Midland ('p .11 1- Melville Shoe CD 12-23-40 16 Midland Oil 1-16-41 Natl Trust (Toronto) Navarro Oil Co .10 Navarro (il .10 Plymouth Cordage 1.00 Cordage 1.03 1-20-41 Iced Holler Hit Co Hood Roller Bit P'orto Rico I'Cipf 3-41 12-11 Shawmut. ANNO Rost) 13-23-40 12-13 Shawmut Rost) .13 1- I 3.00 12-21-1 1.50 32-21-40 Sperry Corn 1.00 Square 1.30 Square 10 Co Opt 2-41 13-31 Starrett I. i'n 1.00 12-30-40 Toledo Edis Tut .38 1 I 2-11 Toledo Edis6pt .50 1- 12-11 Toledo Edis 5 pt .11 2-3 1- 12-11 Twin 1.75 2-41 12-16 I'nion Premier 141 12-16 Union Premier .31 12-13-10 12- 5 Crude Oil Prices Cut By Republic Company HOUSTON, Dec.

5 (AP)-A new development in the oil industry's tumultuous price situation today was the announcement by Republic Oil and Refining Company of cut in crude oil prices averaging 20 cents A barrel in 10 Southwest Texas fields, all in coastal areas. Meanwhile, oil men watched gasoline price situation. Following the Texas company's lead Monday of in creasing gasoline prices, an average of 1 cent a gallon, most major companies announced they were mectling the Texaco increase. The Republic crude price cuts wore effective At. 7 A.

m. today and affect about 28,000 barrels of nil daily or more than 600.000 barrels A month. Some oil officials said they believed Unspent Gulf would Coast. spread to the adjacent 1 EXTRA DIVIDEND AND BONUS VOTED IT (100s) ligh Low Close Ch'g. 3 Abbott Lab 52 53 52 3 Adama Exp 5 6 53 13.

224 221 Addressog 13 5 13 Air Reduction 111, 01 Almala Juneau 5 Allegh Corp 9-16 Allegh pt xw 314 91 Alleg pt 101 103 14 Allegh Lud At 24 234 As 3 Allegh pr pi 211. 21 21 Al Chem 1 168 1674 Kid 101 10 Allied Mills 9 Allied Stra 13 Allls Ch Mfg 33 333- Alpha 174 17 Amal Leather 1 1 mI Ag 16 16 16 Am Airlines 58 4 577 573- Am Rank 8 .10 Am Bk pt 46 4 6 1 Am Brake Sh 37 37 37 5 Ant C'ab 116 1 8 Am ('an 81 4 ST 1, 8 ('ar 28 28 38 5 A in pf 61 621 3 Am Un 201 A ('hicle ...1194 1194 3 Am Am Com! For Pow Alco 511 5 Am-Hawaii 3 pi AS heath Amt Home Pr 51 51 51 Ain Internat 314 3 Am Invest 111 13 13 13 A111 Locomot 13 15 Am Locomotpt 821, 811 Am Idy Am Met Am Metal 19 19 1 Am Pow Lt A Amt MI $6 pl 49 411 41 491 49 Am xd -Ant Roll Still 3.50 Amt I MI pf Amt Safety Haz 6 Am Seating 91 AI Ship 3114 33 3346 AM ed 43 Am Stl Fu Am Stove AIn Sugar let Am Sugar pt 74 13 Am Tel Tel 167 166 Am Tobacco 69 14 69 69 Am Tob 7014 Type Fdrs 5 5 12 Am Wat W'ks 6 76 6 6 11 Am Woolen 9 9 49 Am Wool nt 59 5711 55 Am 6 2.10 Anacon xd 31 46 Anaconda 27 Anch Hock Gl 13 15 15 10 Anch pf 113 113 113 5 A W' Paper 3 Arch- Dan- 32 331 32. 1 Arm Del pf 110 Arm Iill 6 Armst Cork 31 32 2 Artipom Corp 13 A sd Dry Gda 1 Assd 141 nf 78 3 Aged DG 3pt 95 95 3.80 ASSOC Inv pl 95 97 28 Atch 18 3 16 At I Ati Cat Lines 133, 134 A11 Refining 23 3 AtlAS Corp 03 Atlas Corp 49 11 491 10 Aviation Cor 10 Bald L.or ('t 16 163 19 34 Bal: pi 4 Bangor Ar 3 5 Bang 59 09 20 -1 17 Harne Asph 103 1 Barker Bros Parker pf 31 30 30 4 Barnstall oil 9 9 Bayuk Cie Beatrice Crm Belg it 1014 10 Rendix Aviat 32 32 5 Renct Ind Ln. 21 21 21 Ben Ind Lapt 55 5 Reat Co 30 30 30 Beth Steel 86 18 85 Bigelow-Sant 3 Black Deck 9 31 Roeing Airpl 18 17 Bohn Bra 301 30 .20 Bout Ami A .20 Bun Ami 52 53 52 1 Bond Strs 24 13 10 Borden Coxd 191 191, 1 Borg Warner 201 201, 7 Mains 38 9 Bridgpt Brad 11 8 Briggs Mtg 21 24 1 Qu Trang 20 Bk! Man Tr 6 6 6 8 Bkin Un Gas 14 131 14 13 8 Bucyrus Erie 104 Budd Mfg 5 5 5 .30 Budd Budd Difg pf 64 64 Wheel 6 6 Bullard Co xd 301 30 Bulova Wat ad 33 33 17 Burr Add Ma 1.40 Bus TrBipfet 13 13 Bush Terminal 2 21 Butler Br pi 191 19 19 Byers ('o 1 Byron Jack 111, 11 3 Cal Packing 191 8 14 18 Calla! 4-Ld 11 t'alum Hog C'amh Wyant 111 14 Can 13 131 131 2: CANAd 3 3 4 Cannon Mills 38 38 38 3 Caro 1. 6914 691 Carpenter StI 31 3038 tien 3 Case 11 3 Caterpil Colanese Corn Tractor 14 4914 4 .10 Celanese pr pi 1203, Celotex Corp 11 Cent.

Aguirre 174 Cent Foundry .10 Cent Ill Lt pi 1131 5 Cent Violeta Sug 33 53 11 Cerro de P'Ag 3114 301 30 Certain td I'rod 473 2.60 Cert td 440 pi 361. 36 21 1 3 Cher Chain Ches 5: Belt Oh pf. 43 43 97 1 3 Chi Grt 3 1 Chi Or 8 8 Chi Pneu Tool. 37 37 37 7 pt Childs Co 16 Chrysler Corp. 76 City 94 04 40 City 45 45 15 Climax Moyb 34 Cruelt Peabod 3413 34 344 .10 Cluett Pea ni 115 145 115 Cora Cola 100 101 101 Colgate 13 12 Collins A 27 1 1 Col Ir 19 19 Colum Colum 20 30 21) FAR 173 Colum 4 Jewel Tea 41 4r 8 Comi Credit 3214 31 32 Column Pict 1 Colum F'ic pt 21 21 01 d'om! ('r pt 101 103 103 105 'om Nou 13-16 "'omi Solv xd 14 Coni Inv Tr 411 41 3 ('om Soft pt 67 57 38 11 Ed 2876 28 13 6 Consol Alre 21 24 19 ('onsol Cigar 13 13 .80 ('on Cig pr nf 93 9 2 93 14 ('ons C'opperm 106 l'ons Edison 0.

21 ('ons Edis pf 103 103 103 3 Con Film Im1 0-16 9-14 9-16 Con pi 8 ('ont Laund 2 3 4 Consol 011 5 Cons RR pl 2 Consoln t'oal 4 1. -4 Consum L' pf 107 107 107 Cons Coal pf 18 18 6 Cont Bak A 8 3 Pak Cont CAn 36 3. Cont ('an nt 111 111 111 Cont Dima fF 71h Cont Ins 30 3 33 11 Cont Motors 334 312 314- 13 Cont OIl Del 201. 19 ('opoprweld St 101, 10 131; Copweld St pt 54 8, 6t 5634 20 Corn Exch 4814 43 Corn Prod 4114 -1 Corn Prod pf 179 179 170 Coty Inc 4 7 6 Coty Internat 10 Crane Co 00 193 1.50 Crane cupf. 106 1051 Cream Crown of 17 26 17 26 26 .50 Crown Cpiww 4314 4314 431 5 pfxw 43 43 43 Crown Zeller 161.

151 15 3 Crucible Crucible 8tl Steel pt 89 41 34 88 41 41 14 Cuban Am Cudahy Pack 28 Cuneo Curtis PIeRS Publish Curtis prpf 3314 3'31 76 9 Curtiss Curtiss W'r Wright A 38 0 49 08 Dave Stores 3 3 3 1. Davison ('h 6 6 Deere to 20 4 20 1 Deere Co pt 13 Del Hal 113; 1114 11 Del LAC 4: Detroit Halis 14 Nov Ray 1 11 131 2 Diam Statel 20 29 14 5 Diat CorN 1 8 1 1 Dir ww 8 1 81 8 1 14 11 Dome Mines 16 16 By JERSEY CITY, N. Dec. 5 (AF) Directors of Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company, today voted an extra div. idend of 50 cents a common share In addition to the regular quarterly payment of cents, payable Dec.

23 to holders of record Dec. 12. This brings payments for the year to $1 a share, the same as in 1939. At the same time, the directors voted Christmas bonus of one week's pay, to each of the company's employes of one or more years' service, excepting those to whom other bonus plane! apply. Bargains Still Offered In Stock Exchange Seats fourth New York Stock Exchange NEW YORK, Dec.

6 A -The membership to change hands for 000 within the past two weeks announced today. The price representy the lowest figure since 1893 when it dropped to $29.600. The 1940 high wag $59,000 last January. Livestock Market CHICAGO, Dec. 5 (AF) -Hogs Fold 5 to 10 cents lower today as buyers were unable to absorb continued liberal receipts.

Steers and searlines sold strong to 25 cents higher And lambs steady to 15 cents up, Salable supplies of hogs Were re duced slightly to 19,000 and packers only 10,000 billed directly compared with 15,000 yesterday, but de. mand has not heen heavy enough in. the dressed market to absorb the heavy which have been coming to market since near the beginning of November. Steers and yearlings were in limited supply and these mostly short feds. I'rime offerings were absent and the best price was $11.50 paid for yearlings, (U.

S. Dept. Agr.) -Salable hogs total opened steady. to 10 lower than Wednesday's erage; later trade mostly 5-10 off; top bulk good and choice 310 lb. averages 6.05-15; Inost 180-210 lbs.

5.90-6.10: good 350-500 Jh, ing sows 5.35-60: few lighter kind up to 5.75; shippers took 1000; holdover 2000. Salable cattle 4000; calves 800; limited supply fed steers yearlings mostly short feds active and strong, with weight; common a and mediura instances 15-25 higher on good grades offerings slow at 9.00; no prime steers offered; best 11.50 paid for yearlings; several loads 13.00-75: bulk 9.50-13.50: fed heifers about steady; common and medium grades dull; best fed heifers 12.00; bulk 10.60 down to 8.60: cows very draggy at week's 60-75 downturn; very few woighty cutters A above 5.25; outside 5.50; M0 reliable outlet for common and medium fat. cOW recently selling at 6.26 and 6.50 but now having to go at 6.00 and below; bulls and vealers steady; weighty sausage bulls to 7.25; vealers 11.00 down: stock cattle only moderately active, steady. Salable sheen 5000: total 5500: fat lambs steady to 15 higher; other classes steady; top 9.60 on deck good to choice 90 Ih. fed lambs 10 city butchers: bulk good to choice natives and fed westerns 9.35-50 fed Texas lambs 0.25: common natives down to 7.00; summer shorn lambs 8.65-9.00; fat natives un to 1.50; three loads comeback feeding lambs 9.25.

Sugar Market Sugar Market NEW YORK. Dec. 5 (AP) Domestic sugar futures remained in a groove today. closing unchanged 1 point lower. Sales totaled 3300 tons.

World futures were unchanged to 1 higher on sales of 900 tons. Spot raws advanced 2 points on purchase of 1121 tons of Cubas in store At 2.87 by National Sugar ReAning Corp. refined was unchanged locally at 4.33 cents, Foreign Exchange NEW YORK, Dec. 5 (Al') The Canadian dollar rose in relation to the United States dollar in "free" foreign exchange trading today, gaining cent at United States cents. Some other major currencies also showed slight gains, the Argentine peso rising .03 of A cont And Hong Kong and Shanghai dollars lifting .14 and .11 of a cent.

respectivolv. Closing rates follow (Great Britain' in dollars, others in cents): Canada Official Canadian Control Board rates for lT. S. dollars: buying 10 per cent premium, selling 11 per cent premium, equivalent to discounts on Canadian dollars in York of buying 9.91 per cent. selling 9.09 per cent.

Canadian dollar in New York open market 12 per cent discount or 87.06¼ U.S, cents. Europe Great Britain, official (Bankers Forrign Exchange Committee) rates, buy. ing $1.02. selling open market, cAbles Germany 40.01n. (benevolent) 18.75: Finland 2.05n.

Greece Hungary 19.85n. Italy 5.06, Portugal 4.01, Rumania Sweden 23.80, Switzerland 23.21, Yugoslavia 2.35n. Latin America Argentina, official 29.77, free 23.60; Brazil, official 6.05, free 5.05; Mexico 20.76n. VAr East Japan 23.18, Hong Kong 23.18, Shanghai 6.11. (Rates in spot cables unless other.

wise indicated.) n- nominal. ODD- LOT TRANSACTIONS WASHINGTON, Dec. 5 (AP) -The Securities Commission reported today those transactions by customers with odd lot dealers or specialists on the New York Stock Exchange for Dec. 1: 2910 purchases involving 18,552 shares; 2063 sales involving 10,003 shares, including 17 short sales involving 42 shares. TIMKEN ROLLER BEARING CANTON.

Dec. 5 (AP) The Timken Roller Bearing Company nounced today that. A $3,000,000 expansion program, designed primarily to mect increased defense require. ments, is underway in four Ohio plants, located here, in nearby Gambrinus, Columbus and Mt. Vernon.

CLEARING HOUSE STATEMENT Clearings and balances at the Springfield Clearing House 5, compared with the corresponding day last year were: 1940 1933 Clearings $596.714 $549,021 Balances 117,516 92,705 U. S. TREASURY BALANCE WASHINGTON, Dec. 5 (AP) -The United States Treasury net balance as of Dec. 3 was $1.783.166.661.61.

AUTOCAR TRUCKS The current quarterly dividend nl seventy -five rents 1750) A on the 31.00 Cumulative And Participating Praferred Stork of The Autorar Company has been declared. payable January 1, 1941. to atockholdera of record lab pacember 18, 1040. will he mailed. JOHN C.

TANEY, Treasurer I 81 31.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.